Himoura Family/Thain

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Weapon: Arken, and his Guardian, a mace given to him by Deianarah McDowell.
Titles: King of C'thonia, Heir to the Crown of Nighthelm, Warlord of the Order of the Elders, Marshal of the Hammer of Thor.

Thain coat of arms.png

Thain Himoura and his twin, Horus, were raised in an ancient and mostly abandoned temple devoted to the Elders high in the mountains of Razrpot. There they were raised to be warriors, devoted to the Elders, servants to the Mistress of Battle, Hildr. The training was brutal, and harrowing. The values of Loyalty, Duty and Honor were instilled into Thain, and when he came of age, he was chosen to travel with his father, Senoske, while Horus was sent to combat the rising tide of Daimon worshippers in Beluterra, a great honor.
Thain traveled with his father through the dying days of Nighthelm, through the dark dank corruption of Soliferum and Senoske's false prosecution and betrayal. From there Senoske traveled to the Principality of Zonasa, and spoke of dark times to come for the Order. His words inspired faith, but his warning went unheeded. Senoske soon left, hearing his old love, Celina, was living in Greater Aenillia. It was here that Soliferum marched North, and sacked Arcaea, and the cries for war came. Aenillia vowed to stay neutral, and Senoske contacted Jenred Bedwyr, King of Arcaea, and struck a deal to reform his Kingdom. Senoske and Thain left for Arcaea, and Senoske pledged his service to Queen Edara Kindon-Bedwyr, Duchess of Talex. It was in Talex that Soliferum struck, and the great Warlord Senoske Himoura fell in glorious battle.
Thain was left to pickup where his Father left off. Being chosen by his father it was his right to seek the crown of Nighthelm, and to restore his Kingdom. Thain continued his father's service, and in the course of his duty, he recruited his father's friends, and newcomers alike to his cause, while marching to war against Soliferum. One fateful battle the Elders saw fit to mark him, and took his eye from him. It was shortly after this that Thain met Deianarah McDowell. He was enthralled with her from the beginning, and enlisted her to his cause. Time went on and he and Deianarah grew closer, and eventually became lovers.
It was not long before Thain realized his destiny, and the city of Azros was taken, forming a new Kingdom, of which he was elected King. He prayed to the Elders to bless this new realm and to bestow upon it the name of Nighthelm. But he was refused. The Elders stated that the new realm was unworthy of the name until its old territories were all taken. Thain picked the name of C'thonia instead, a word in the old tongues referring to great victory coming from great shame.
Thain now fights to expand his Kingdom, and to reclaim the sacred lands of Nighthelm. Recently, he was blessed with the title of Bishop in the Order of the Elders, and the Seer Paxton himself realigned the Stronghold of Haul to join with C'thonia and stand against the vile forces of Soliferum, who so boldly embrace the heretical teachings of the Trinity, and of the man who dares proclaim himself a god, Tony Soprano, who has lead Soliferum to raze the holiest sites of the Order of the Elders, and desecrate and destroy shrines. The Order of the Elders declared a crusade against Soliferum, and with the declaration of the crusade came promotion for Thain. Thain was elevated to his father's old rank, Warlord, becoming the youngest person to be elevated to such a rank.