East Island News/East Island Chronicle/Chapter7

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Peace Ends – Overview of what occured

October 26, 2007 just over a year after the grand treaty.

Beziers has revolted against Ibladesh and declared loyalty to Perdan.

Over the next couple of days Ibladesh and Perdan entered a vast argument over the region. Perdan claiming it was their and Ibladesh trying to get the region back in any way possible including using their church. This caused an angry reaction from Itorunt.

Just four days later October 30, 2007 Itorunt under King Lucian decided it had enough of the federation allying itself with Perdan and Caligus

Itorunt has broken their federation with Yssaria and Ibladesh.

Perdan has declared war on Ibladesh.

Message from King Lucian to the rulers

Itorunt cannot support the recent activities of Ibladesh in any way. Professing peace is one thing, sending messages implicity requesting aid is another. Preaching and the spirituality of the peasantry is one thing, inciting them to usurp their masters is another. We understand that the Church of Ibladesh wishes to protect its congregation, but by no stretch of the imagination can this include the demonization of any realm.

As most of you know, this is but one of a number of conflicts Ibladesh and Itorunt have had for some time. In the spirit of seeing our friendship endure, Itorunt was willing to wipe the slate clean. However, we cannot stand idly by any longer after this. If the priests of Ibladesh are content to preach sedition in foreign realms, what prevents them from doing so in mine against me, while hiding behind the mask of friendliness? While I doubt this, my confidence is shaken.

As such, I must remove Itorunt from the Southern Federation. It has been a long time coming, and perhaps its renewed existence was a fool's dream. I would hope for peace in our south, but I am not optimistic to that outcome.

Lucian Vincent King of Itorunt

Chaos in Caligus

November 2, 2007 – Louis De La Fere Count of Mulhouse and vice-marshal of the Caligus Blue Dragons. Orders Caligus troops to invade the region of Ubent currently at peace with everyone and Caligus.

King Dobromir immediately overrides the order and reprimands Louis. Louis however disobeys the King’s command insisting that the army is his and the King has no right to tell him what to do.

King Dobromir gave a last warning to the noble. Then, Nobility Questioned, Title Stripped King Doombringer of Caligus has questioned the nobility of one of his lords. Sir Louis, Count of Mulhouse, was stripped of all titles and derided as a commoner.

In King Dobromir’s mind a rebel noble within Caligus who shows no respect for the King or the realm Caligus itself hindering its political actions by trying to push his own personal agenda forward is not a noble at all.

Louis in return began a massive protest in the King (in which he protest 3-4 times personally). Some other nobles joined in in disagreement however it wasn’t enough to overthrow the King.

Dobromir hosted a referendum to confirm his position as ruler of Caligus. By a very small margin one vote he was voted to stay in office by one vote.

This angered Louis and with nothing left to lose he challenged King Dobromir for a duel to the death to try and regain his honor. The duel was accepted by King Dobromir.

The two combatants met on the field. King Dobromir showed his superiority on the field even though he was deep into books and his sword skill grew rusty. Louis however was not killed but was seriously wounded Dobromir came out unscratched.

Louis de la fere continued to protest as which at that point Judge Cartor had enough and banned Louis from Caligus.

Sometime passes.

De la fere family send an assassin to try and kill King Dobromir

After a few months (Yssaria had just died) the De la fere family sends Cato their trained assassin who began his life as just a commoner to try and duel the King to death. This time however Dobromir would have no part of it and refused to duel the lowly assassin. The King wasn’t dumb enough to duel someone who’s sole purpose was to end the life of another being when he was a person who had obligations and things to manage he was forced to let his sword hand grow rusty.

Judge Cartor for some reason didn’t act on the trouble being caused. Cato kept sending challenge after challenged to try and kill the King. After a while Diego D’Andrade decided to step forward and defend the King since the judge failed to act. As good as Diego was with his sword (90%) he fell to the assassin and was killed.

Caligus was furious and Cato was banned. The de la fere family is now considered an enemy of Caligus for its actions.

November 6 2007 - Formation of Tuchanon V / LoF shows their true colors again

Light of Fountain have decided to abandon their alliance with Perdan due to the fact that they don’t want to be expected to help Perdan incase they lose. At least light of fountain stay consistent with the reputation of being cowardly and opportunistic only.

Yssaria breaks up with Rackir succeeding the Isadril dutchy into a new realm Tuchanon V forming a dictatorship. The reason given was Itorunt only wanted the Isadril dutchy so the Isadril dutchy would fight. However, the obvious reasoning was everyone knew a war between Caligus and Yssaria would come. This way because of the destroyed sea route the realms could fight on their respective borders better.

Message from Rackir Spearhawk

To the rulers of this world

As you can see he wants Isadril. I have always felt a need to protect the peasants of Yssaria. Lucian will enslave the inhabitants, and execute its nobles. I will free the people of Yssaria this if I can.

My actions might be drastic, but I have received a sign from our god. Just as the tree has come alive for the fifth time so will Tuchanon V. It was the sign from our god. He has given the children of Tucha a new home.

I do this with the best intent, not for personal power. If I wanted power I could have been elected king instead of Prandur. I had much support without even saying I was going to run. In fact I refused the throne while I waited for a sign.

We like Yssaria are not a warring people. We only wish to have a home and to be left in peace. But we will fight if we must. Hopefully something can be worked out to have peace with Yssaria. They are like brothers to us. I will be willing to talk peace with anyone.

Once again I do not do this lightly. I did it to keep the people in northern Yssaria safe.

For the Spear and the Shield

Sir Rackir Spearhawk

Dictator of Tuchanon V, Duke of Isadril

November 8 2007 – Tuchanon V sign a peace treaty with Caligus along with a treaty that neither would actively war each other. A treaty which was held by both parties in honour.

November 10 2007 - Forces from Perdan have attacked the forces of Ibladesh in Clermont. The Ibladesh forces were victorious. (8691 vs. 7511)

November 11 2007 - Battle in AzZarqua! The armies of Perdanand Itorunt have attacked the Ibladeshian army. The attackers were victorious. (10,000 vs 7000)

Perdan has taken control of Lorient from Ibladesh

November 13 2007 - Tuchanon V has declared war on Itorunt.

November 16 2007 - Tuchanon V has taken control of Enubec from Itorunt.

November 17 2007 - Fontan has dissolved their federation with Sirion.

Fontan has declared war on Old Rancagua.

November 18 2007 - Perdan has lowered relations with Yssaria to neutral.

Caligus has declared war on Yssaria.

Yssaria and Ubent have declared an alliance.

Huge battle fought in Aeng! The army of Itorunt has attacked the army of Tuchanon V. The attackers were victorious. (9000 vs 4000)

Letter from Dobromir Menethil to the rulers

Greetings Rulers,

At the end of the last war alot of deals were made and peace was formed amongst realms who were at war with each other for countless years. Caligus formed better relations with its long time enemy Yssaria.

But long ago Caligus agreed to aid Perdan if we saw them in an unfair war. Even though it is not on paper yet Tuchanon V and Yssaria are both being hostile and will send forces against our long standing ally, threatening to attack them if they dont make peace with Ibladesh.

Yssaria hides behind their new buffer Tuchanon V and cannot be touched. I do not know how Yssaria could let go of their capital without merely a complaint and offer peace terms to a realm who expanded from them. Caligus is still much smaller than Yssaria and much less wealthy but we will not run from our stronger enemy and will stand with our allies all the way.

Yssaria face has changed over the past weeks. Even its leadership is not the same as alot of their elder nobles have abandoned Yssaria. Agreements and friendship I made with Eleran and its government has disappeared completely. All their positions Ruler, Judge and General have changed (Banker I am unsure).

Even though it was a long time ago the ruler I made peace with is gone. A new ruler is in his place a different government someone who I dont see worthy of keeping our homeland. Even Yssaria's way to gain peace was the most dispicable thing ever. If Perdan did not support us in Partora we would have been destroyed. If anything it is a cruel and harsh way to get what you want and it was the only way to acheive peace.

Whether Yssaria admits it or not it was Itorunt who helped them gain the land from us and now you turn on them by declaring war so we wil be taking back what Itorunt granted you.

Yssaria has also had a problem holding their priests back from our lands who constantly preached against the will of Caligus in the lands on Mulhouse and Meuse. Even if Caligus does not have an official state religion only some religions were allowed to exist within Caligus. Yssaria's was not one of them. Proof of this is in Meuse were 50% of the population were loyal to Drunkontology at the time and 10% of Mulhouse.

Prandur. Consider this a war of honor. We are challenging if Yssaria still has the will to fight. Katsuyori I have explained the situation to you earlier today. Right now it is a one on one Caligus vrs Yssaria. Whether you pick a side or not will be up to you I explained a few things in detail privately. I hope we can maintain peace between our realms and I hope you realise Yssaria isnt the realm you made deals with.


Dobromir Menethil

King of Caligus

November 19 2007 - A rebellion is breaking out in the Obsidian Islands. Earlier today, Dexterus has called for an uprising against the current government. Details are still sketchy.

The realms of Ibladesh and Tuchanon V have joined into an alliance.

The realms of Ibladesh and Ubent have joined into an alliance.

November 20 2007 - Ubent has declared war on Itorunt.

Report from Zog Returns

Message sent to the Rulers of this world

The republic of Ubent will be entering the war in the south in defence of Tuch V and her allies.

The gods have forced everyones hand and also the populace too.

"Liberals Alarm The peacefulness of your realm is giving the peasants ideas - of personal freedom, liberty, happiness and other nonsense. Independence increases in all regions. A war or two would take their minds off such dangerous ideals."

At this stage Ubent will declare war against Itorunt in the very near future after te diplomatic service has dealt with the paperwork.

We hope it is possible to remain at "peace" with other nations. However that will depend on their actions towards us.

I would like to advise those that claim this is a massive escalation - would they claim the same if we joined with them? I suspect not. Also be realistic. Ubent has a populace of 14k. I hardly see us conquering the world - even if we wanted to.

Sir Zog Returns Royal House of Zog

Prime Minister of Ubent

November 23 2007 – Light of Fountain declare war on Fontan

November 24 2007 – Obsidian Islands declare war on Fontan

Behind the scenes – Talks between Caligus and Ubent

Ubent was a wildcard. The small realm was contacted by rulers involved. The talks with King Dobromir and the Zog Returns of Ubent were extensive. Dobromir thought Ubent should be on the side of the realms who protected them so fiercely but it was not to be. They joined Tuchanon V, Yssarua and Ibladesh not wanting to be on the side of the losers again. King Dobromir accepted the decision and didn’t persue war on Ubent at all but warned that with that decision they again had made the wrong choice.

Key Negotiation

Perdan and Fontan had also entered an Unprotected Borders Agreement (UBA) where neither realm would allow travel of hostile realms to them for attack. Thus this prevented Sirion and Old Rancangua from being able to interfere in the south completely (even if they wanted to). Caligus and Fontan were in good relations after holding to each others treaty for 3 years.

Both the southern continent and the northern blew up in warfare. However, it wasn’t a global war this time.