East Island News/East Island Chronicle/Chapter3

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Fallanguard forsakes their creators and joins Itorunt’s side – Till June 2004

Eventually, Fallangard and Itorunt fought to a stalemate. Tired of the long, indecisive war between the two nations, they ended the war and joined forces to attack Ibladesh. Ibladesh was in a weakened state after losing a war to Ubent and Fallanguard not too long ago. Terms of the settlement had left Ibladesh weak, and unable to defend themselves. Feeling responsible for the weakened condition of Ibladesh, Ubent came to their defense against Fallangard and Itorunt and Caligus joined in to help their allies Ubent also.

Perdan in the meantime was north most of the time aiding Oligarch against its enemies namely Sirion as well as having to fight Coimbra which had now joined against Oligarch on the side of Sirion.

Power of the nations

Fallenguard – Isadril, Igno, Tota, Liebo, Hamadan, Abadan

Itorunt – Itorunt city, Semall all regions inbetween up to Zawr.


Ibladesh – Ibladesh city, Al Aquabah, Al Arab, Oc Lu pesh

Caligus – Bescanon, Nascot, Scio, Winkamus, Domus, Aestus, Aureus, Mashhad.Akesh Temple, Sordidus

Ubent – Bursa, Eldoret, Ar Mosul, Castle Ubent, Moyale, Mines of Isadril, ArRaqqah, Enubec and Xavax

The southern war lasted for six bloody months. Fallanguard and Itorunt fought fiercely but the forces of Ubent/Caligus were superior then what Itorunt and Fallenguard could muster. Fallenguard slowly began to lose region after region. Ibladesh also claimed lands from Itorunts border slowly expanding themselves. Ubent claimed Igno and Tota and Fallenguard was pushed back into their capital of Isadril. Hamadan was driven rogue during the war.

Then the southern alliance this time with Perdan made another massive incursion and swarmed the walls of Isadril with nearly 5000 men. The war was over Ibladesh decided to keep fighting Itorunt which ended in another stalemate with neither side pushing ground. This was the end of Fallanguard as everyone knew it and the rise of a new nation.

Rise of Yssaria

Born in the turmoil of the Fallenguard war a new nation rose. Some will claim they were fulfilling the will of the peasants honorably (Yssarians) and othersclaimed that the lands were rightfully theirs and (Caligus/Ubent). It was formed from three rogue regions at the time by a man named Ardor. The region wereIsadril, Hamadan and Mashhad. Caligus immediately put diplomatic pressure Yssaria having claims on Mashhad and Hamadan Soon after war was declared upon Yssaria by Ubent, who wanted to help Caligus regain control of Hamadan and Mashad, and give them Isadril. Yssaria asked for help, and help came. Fontan allied with Yssaria, as well as Itorunt. Ubent was forced to reconsider. The attacks by Ubent had stopped, and food was coming in from other realms to help feed the people of Isadril and Hamadan. Things were looking better for Yssariaeveryday. Then Ramirez took rulership of Isadril. Ramirez then headed to Isadril, and proceded to give the city to Caligus. Massive protests forced him out of his position as king. Ramirez, still general, stepped down as High Marshall, and declared loyalty to Caligus. He then left Yssaria, and joined Caligus.

Isadril was demanded back from Caligus, but Caligus would not hand it over. Yssaria demanded heavy payment for Isadril instead then declared war on Caligus to reclaim Isadril.

Soon afterwards, Caligus gave Isadril to Ubent. It is unknown how but Ubent failed to control Isadril and it revolted and joined Yssaria once again. After this debacle Indyingdays King of Caligus disappeared and Gwynyth Kazan was named ruler of Caligus

Formation of Avamar / End of West Sirion – 1st October 2004

Avamar also known as the brotherhood of the black hand was when the nation of West Sirion made a peaceful internal rebellion and formed Avamar. Avamar was created to form an independent nation and not to be reliant on obeying.

This wouldn’t sit well in Sirion and Sirion would attack the newly formed Avamar. For more details read here


Yssaria and Fontan vrs Caligus October 2004 – December 2004

Caligus then had to deal with Fontan, Yssaria’s new juggernaut ally as well as Yssaria herself. Yssaria was able to claim Liebo, Abadan and Supra from Caligus establishing themselves as their equal.

Fontan pushed into deep in Caligus lands taking Akesh Temple, Aureus and Sordidus and now Caligus had both the armies of Fontan and Yssaria on their capital’s doorstep.

Ubent now decided to re-engage with Yssaria only distracting them into a stalemate. Caligus and Yssarria signed neutrality towards each other. Caligus still however was being overrun by Fontan and would soon be destroyed by Fontanese.