Project Zero/Creation Story

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It has been said that the world we know has no beginning. That is always has just been. That it has always existed in perfect balance with the rest of great void. Some say that each star might have a world of its own, with its own peoples looking up to the heavens and wondering why are we here? What is our purpose?. Others say that if those worlds do exist, then it only spawns evil, not civilization. That should the dark ones wish it, they will move their evil to our world and destroy us - such is the jealously of the dark ones. Many are the prophets that have said such, shunted and ignored by the majority. Thought of as outcasts and madman, listened to only by the old and foolish or those easily swayed.

But what if they were right? What if the stars do hold evils that are a mere thought away from invading us? Do we then try and appease the Dark Ones and put our souls as an offering to them? Do we give ourselves as their slaves, minds bent to their will? And even then having done that, would we be saved?

Of course not. We would be damned. And if there is other life out there, life that is not bent to the Dark Ones, we would be sent to exterminate them - or worse, damn them themselves in order to survive - though such a survival would not be worth the price. Existence but Damnation, Or Death and Salvation? Such a question could only be answered by each individual. I pray that I would choose the latter, but I fear I might be tempted by the former.

The Gods, Our Gods, have showed us the truth. We both saw the dreams that the Gods gave us, and we both understood them.