Old Gods

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The Old Gods

Man came to Beluaterra from across the Western Ocean and with them brought their gods and their ways. But before the coming of man other creatures called this place home, those of alien form and mind men call monsters and they are the Children of the Old Gods. The Old Gods remain masters of the land watching the movements of man and beast for reasons unfathomable; and though men of different kingdoms may call upon them with a verity of names they have no true identity that can be perceived by mortals.

The existence of the gods was discovered by Man long ago and then forgotten by the refined nobles who followed the gods of their homelands across the sea. But the peasants remembered and paid homage to the gods in and effort to appease them and lessen their wrath. So it was not surprising that in the harsh north the nobles of Melhed learned of the Old Gods and the true meaning of the war with the Children. Thus Melhed came to realize that for Man to truly control the continent they had to win the love of the Gods and the war with the Children began in earnest.

Chronicles of the Age

The Greater Gods

Ice Queen:
Goddess of: Luck, Fate, Weather, Time
-Possesses understanding of all things, her gaze sees all and knows all
-Known as the capricious goddess. Prayers to her may be rewarded, ignored or punished as she sees fit
-Very rarely interferes in the world, but when she does great and terrible things happen
-Considered the head goddess by Man
-Often speaks in prophecy making her difficult to understand

Wolf Lord
God of: forests, harvest, order, animals
-A harsh god who despises the weak believing in survival of the fittest
-Makes his home in the dark forests where men dare not tread
-Prayers to him are a waste of time. He feels that if you have to ask you don’t deserve it. But grants boons on those who show merit.
-Strong ties to order in general, but uncaring about the laws of Men
-Often loses his temper with the Dark Mistress

Dark Mistress
Goddess of: shadow, fire, death, civilization, knowledge
-opposed the other gods and taught the first colonists the secret of Incendia, an ever burning source of warmth which saved many humans and Fertilis enabling fields to produce a bounty with but a few peasants. Not to mention the existence of the Old Gods
-master of death, shadow and fire long before the coming of Men
-often associated with knowledge and civilization because of all the gifts she gave to the colonists
-Lives in a great mountain fortress where she oversees the world

The Lesser Gods

Crystal Maiden
Goddess of: Oceans, Life, Love, true goddess of knowledge
-usually remains aloof from the affairs of mortals
-prefers to keep to the depths of her oceans in thought and occasionally watch the land from a distance
-prayers to her are likely to go unnoticed, but blessed is thee who gains her favour for thee will be truly happy
-in this harsh land, she goes mostly unnoticed as the seas remain untamed to this day
-is not known to be the goddess of knowledge by men as she keeps mostly to herself

Masked One
God of: Sun and Moon
-usually remains removed from the affairs of mortals
-his gaze is unwavering being made of the sun and the moon allowing him to sea many things
-prayers to him are likely to go unnoticed, but trained seers can divine mysterious knowledge from his portents
-often at odds with the Emperor Bolten because his radiance drowns out the stars

Emperor Bolten
God of: Stars, navigation, travel
-meddles with mortals on occasion for his own amusement
-prayers are useless but offerings are sometimes effective
-often the cause of travel delay and troubles at sea
-often at odds with the Masked One because the sun and moon overshadow the stars