Lote Family/Hospes/Hospes

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Revision as of 01:23, 16 February 2011 by Antix1994 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Hospes''' <i>New name. Same clothes. Little change. I still won't fit in mother, At least I don't think so.</i> Hospes takes a deep breath and brushes his Ruby hair out...")
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New name. Same clothes.

Little change. I still won't fit in mother, At least I don't think so.

Hospes takes a deep breath and brushes his Ruby hair out of his eyes. He turns to Jagger, who just stares coldly in to space.

Can I really do what ever I want?

"Jagger, can I run off south?" Asks Hospes.

Jagger blinks and coughs into his hand. He responds to Hospes blandly. "Yea, It's called free will..."

Hospes turns South and begins walking.

Free will, alright.