Blakeshadow Family/Cailin/The Relic Stories/The Pursuit-Part I

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The Pursuit-Part I

Cailin Hears yet another caw. Another dark bird circles overhead. Cailin slows his sprint down to a weak jog, Sita overruns and has to double back to Cailin. She signals to Cailin "What is wrong?" Cailin Frowned and signals "Shoot down the damned wings, with the wood, no allowance Spice, three prey. On leaders mark." Sita touches the bow on her back and pulls three arrows into her hand, and starts sprinting ahead of Cailin. Cailin Waits for his chance to give Sita the mark. They race into a less tree'd in part of the forest, giving them a clear view of the crows. One Caws. Cailin does a single Front flip. Sita dives forward and twists her body to look up in the air, inhuman reflexes . She shoots two of the crows before she hits the ground, their corpses hit the ground before most of their feathers. Cailin lifts his hand. Sita shoots down the third crow. Cailin Pats her on the shoulder and pulls her off the ground. He signals "Wings following the pack. Gather scent and stalk. go" Sita runs to the crows corpses and sticks her face into one. She stands up and nods to Cailin. Cailin nods back, and they begin to chase after yet another lead. So many leads to the relic... almost every one after the relic seems a bit sloppy. Or has Cailin only seen the small painters working a big picture?