Perdan Pride Index/War Front 1

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Perdancrestnew.jpg Perdan Pride: Warfront Stories
2 Gold The Pride of Perdan Since Whenever it Came Out! SPECIAL EDITION! War Front Tales #1
Perdan's First Newspaper
What this edition entails...
I decided to do this special edition of the Perdan Pride, for Perdan recently went through a small campaign about some Ibladeshian lands. This campaign also included Perdan's first actual attack on Ibladesh city. It was however, a failiure.

The nice thing about this special edition is, that it includes several stories from a couple TL's in Perdan. This is, I suppose, free fame for them. Being the author of this paper though, I would've written one, but my side hours are put into work on the Perdan Pride.

This first story, by Johann Hynes, gives you something of the route taken by the troops. It may seem kind of dry, but it gives you some info for the one by Aram Stien, which can be found at the end of this issue.

A Tale of the Campaign. By Johann Hynes.
At this time, Johann Hynes was completely new to combat. He had never been a violent person and had never as much as been in a fight in his life. However, he could not take it anymore. He remembered living in Ibladeshian rule when they controlled Woolton. He had grown up under them, but the war had corrupted their leaders and the sense of elitism that permeated the ranks of their nobles was unbearable.

So when he gathered twenty local volunteers and joined the main army on the four day-long campaing, he did it with pride. Perdanese Pride. His twenty-men, nothing more than bored children of farmers, also felt this pride. This is how they came to their name: Proud Blades. Like Johann, they were untouched by war and violence. The next three days would change that.

Battle in Ar Zarqua A skirmish between farmers organized to do the fighting the Ibladesh army couldn't and the might of the Perdan Main Army. Unfortunately, the Proud Blades themselves were not much more than farmers, eighter, and lost a man in the battle.

Zawr Zawr, like Zarqua, was a battle between an overwhelming main army and a piddly militia group and a few regiments from Itorunt. The Proud Blades had been bloodied by war, had lost a good friend, but were ready to fight and die once again for Perdan. The battle was won with ease. However, this was not the end of the battle. The Perdanese main army was ordered to sit a trap for the Ibladeshian army. With soldiers surrounding Al Aquabah from all sides, they could only afford to send a small group. The nobles were ordered to disperse their men and make it look like they were marching towards Zamor. Ibladesh and Itorunt fell right into this trap. It was dawn when the Ibladeshian army came marching through the woods of Zawr, and as soon as they entered, the trap was sprung. The soldiers sprung from their fortifications and slaughtered the Southern-Alliance's reaction force. Two proud blades were wounded in this battle. Yet, all of these actions had been mere skirmishes and ambushes. The real battle was to come.

Al Aquabah. For an entire day the Main Army of Perdan approached Al Aquabah. The men were weak and tired. They had not slept nor eaten in days. Their last rest was waiting in ambush around Zawr. When the two armies closed, the proud blades were twenty strong. Johann, a firm believer in leading by exampled, rode at the front of his column. As they closed with the Ibladeshian infantry, arrow fire reigned down among their ranks. A man, one of three brothers who had been with him since he left Woolton for Zawr, caught an arrow in the throat and was dead before he hit the ground. One of his brothers broke rank momentarily to scoop him up and received an arrow through the thigh. Two more men received light wounds from the arrows, however, their armor was more than enough to block the projectiles at such ranges. At mid-range, when the two armies had closed half the distance between each other, a third man caught an arrow in the helmet. It glanced off the bottom of his helmet and stuck itself into his eye. The eye could not be saved, unfortunately, but the man would survive. Things began to break apart for the Proud Blades at close range. The battle was pitched, switching between a large group from one side surrounding a smaller group from another. The Proud Blades were in the middle of it, swinging wildly, hitting anything that moved. The battle was so close that Johann himself jumped into the middle of the frey, an act considered inogble in some circumstances. Finally, the proud blades broke through the front lines. Johann had ordered his men to rally and when they did, to his horror, he discovered that eight of his men had been killed and eleven horribly wounded. He only had one untouched man left in his unt.

March to Ibladesh The Proud Blades did not partake in the battle of Ibladesh, only in the march. The amount of wounded men in the unit had slowed them down to a slow crawl. They were almost worthless. They found the roads blocked, which slowed them down more, and were unable to make it to Ibladesh with the rest of the main army. They were still seven hours off when the acting General had ordered all units back to Al Aquabah.

Occupation of Al Aqquabah By the time they reached Al Aquabah again, another man had recovered from his wounds and they plunged into battle against the Ibladesh forces once again. Luckily, they had not lost a single man this time.

Why Perdanese Farmers Are Better Than Ibladeshian Farmers. A Tale by Johann Hynes.
Johann Hynes hadn't ever been a fighter. He'd been an artisan, a philosopher, and a scholar, but never a fighter. A warrior.

That had changed after the Perdanese army had camped in his hometown of Woolton for over a month. He'd always awed at their training and marvelled at their uniforms and weapons, but his family would never approve. Finally, after the army had marched off to begin their offensive, Johann had begun pleading with his family. Fifty gold and he could get a unit to march with them. His family wasn't the richest, or the strongest, and they owned only twenty-five acres of farm land. But they were nobles, and fifty gold seemed like such a small price to pay. Finally, they parted with their money and let him go. The army he had gathered to march with him were no more than kids and had known only farming their whole life. They left Woolton with Clermont, trailing far behind the main army, and caught up with them earlier the next morning. Now, everyone knew that Zawr wasn't heavily defended. Mainly, it was just farmers with some makeshift tools and rusty weapons from their time in the service. It was a perfect match for the Proud Blades of Woolton. The militia had taken up defensive positions behind earthen walls of mud. A unit of archers, concealed in a nest of nearby trees, launched arrows down at the approaching Perdans. They didn't even make it into arrow range when the first of the militia had began to break and run. Even more followed when a volley of Perdan arrows had rained down on them. The few who had remained when the distance had closed to sword-range threw themselves at the oncoming wave of men like suicidal madmen. Afterwards, a few hours were spent hunting. This is where the Proud Blades shined. A group of five men lead by Johann had come upon a barn in Zawr. They had marched for a day straight and were tired as hell, so Johann let them rest before the hunt continued. They were rifling through a stack of hay, distributing some to make beds, when they uncovered the bodies of two hiding militiamen! They screamed in cried for about twenty minutes, threw themselves at Johann's feet and begged for mercy. Johann, being a kind and forgiving type, took the two men's weapons, stripped them of all armor and clothing, and sent them along. As they left, one of the farmers turned to Johann and proclaimed, "Hail the mighty army of Perdan, for their glory is infinite!" Little did the man know that he had surrendered to five farmers with less training then them and a 21-year old boy!

Tragedy in Ibladesh. A Story, by Aram Stien.
It was just two weeks ago Aram arrived here in Perdan. He had been in contact with Marquis Bryce through his Brother Marquis Altmon, in his home land of Abington. Aram had decided that he was very intrested in the Lands of Perdan, and what it had to offer him. So he spoke with his family and his Twin brother Brakus and recived their blessing although reluctant he recived it none the less. Then he set his men to Militia and set out to the East Island and the Realm of Pedan.

Once here he Immedeitally sought out Marquis Bryce and swor Leigancy to him and to His new Queen Lorraine, as well as the Duke of Aix Lord Screndt. He then requested to be placed in the Strike foces of Perdian army under the command of High Marshall BlackNight and Marshall HawkMoon. With his newly recruited unit of men whom he dubbed the Praetorian Tinkermen with a number of 20 men he set out to defend the Perdan Lands.

He reached the city of Ibladesh on the monring of the seige and set up with his remaing men of sixteen after eight other battels previous to the seig on Ibladesh. It was almost sunrise and he was standing if front of his men Listing to a fellow troop Leader Speak to his Men and the Ones around them. they were on a hill side over looking the city and the Leader a true Noble and Great man of War was saying The after life will have many new souls by morning, make sure that yours isn’t among them, and all will be well. Battle now awaits us, together we face those pride Ibladeshians, they are worthy enemies, but enemies non the less!

Cheers now erupt from the men, as they stretch out their armed hands, showing swords that will carve flesh the next morning. Others who have heared the screams join the steadily growing mass on the hill.

Including his own men and himself as well they cheered along with Foreign and his men. And, then Foreign haised his hands for silence and began to speak again. As all become quite to what else he had to say.

”They think their walls are enough to stop us, they should think again! On this field we have the benefit of greater numbers, it is one we would do well not to squander! The enemy will undoubtetly try to slaughter us at a distance, we must charge forth and stop their cowardly plan! We go now, to our bloody business!”

Men have taken their shields now and are bashing on them with their swords, and a frightening military scream erupts, and soon the scream is joined by many other men, untill the entire hill scandates the scream, adrenaline flows and swords keep banging on shields.

This went on for a long time and then Aram heard the Blast and the beats of the Horns and Drums of War. He and his men along with everyone else on the hill side began to race toward the city walls. For the Siege Had begun and It was time to do battle with the tools of war instead of taunt with the screams of man and the sounds of steel upon steel.

The Sounds of war cries and men running towards the walls pushing siege engines towards the walls as they clanked along came from all around Aram. He and his Praetorian Tinkermen were accompanied by over a dozen other units mayhaps a dozen and a half altogether s they raced to get to the walls and inside the city. With out getting hit by the Archers arrows coming at them from the city walls.

Ibladesh Defense Force was firing on Praetorian Tinkermen and Aram as they approached the walls they did only minor damage as his unit was able to out run their horrible aim. There were two siege engines at the walls. When the group of units all arrived at the City walls. They squeezed into the siege engines and climbed their way to the top and out over the walls. It was very over crowded and Aram thought it odd that he only seen two siege engines at this battle.

As they reached the top and climbed out they set out for one of the near by Archer units and attacked. Aram in the lead with his twin Swords one in each hand attacking and parring and the enemy with the skill of a great warrior. He slashed thru the men in the front and worked his way along to the middle as his men followed him in trying to split the enemy unit in half and disrupt their motion and unity. This was going well until two men fell to the enemy they were fighting side by side and both were cut down by a huge man who then worked his way into Arams’ unit and hit them with crushing blows one right after another. Their damage was so great that they were pushed right back out side the city walls.

As they made their way back thru the over crowded Siege engines once more Aram was leading the way again, He started to climb up towards the top he realized that their were only tow siege engines here at the walls. “Where are all the siege engines!” he hollered out to the men handling the machine. One of the men shrugged his shoulders and another man said “My Lord this is all there were my Lord noone else had any with them.”

Aram frowned when he hard that bit of news and made a mental note to being it up to the council members and the commanding officers about suggesting more siege engines being purchased in the future. As they climbed to the top he and his men jump to the upper ledge of the city walls and began attacking a close by Archer force. That was attacking one of the siege engines and causing severe damage to it and the men inside it.

Aram charged in to the crowded men of archers and swinging his twin blades he sliced his way thru them creating a path for the men behind him. As they caused sever damage to the archers the Captain of his squad actually threw a couple over the wall at one point. They were eventually thrown back from the city again by a group of soldiers that attacked them from behind and forced then to jump overt he walls themselves. In ensuing departure of the safety of the city walls he lost two men who were impaled by the swords of dead soldiers below them. A few more were injured but continued on to the siege engines again.

As they were moving their way back to the siege engines again they were taking fire from a archer squad perched above them on the walls. They flew a banner of a Black Sheep with a red background as well as their Ibby banner. But as usual and just like a sheep they must of had bad eye sight because they did little damage to ARam or his men. As they arrived at the siege engine again they were shoulder to shoulder again and squeezing thru to get back up the top. After a while they finally made it to the top and began showing this squad of Black Sheep just bad it is to have Bad eye sight and be an archer.

Aram once again flung himself into action, but this time he was accompanied by his captain and they together opened a huge ally way for their men to wedge thru and divide the group up and as they battle there was a huge number of the sheep falling to their swords and then a second squad came in from below and forced them to retreat back over the walls again.

This time however there was a large cart close by that was filled with hay for livestock must have been left behind by a local farmer before the siege. Aram and his men were not complaining a bit for not one man lost their life from the jump this time.

Aram has lost four men so far in this battle and three more were severely wounded. Although they said they could continue on Aram commands them to head back to the healers at once. "If they give you the ok then you may return to duty and fight on." said Aram to the three wounded. They tried too protest at first, but in the end headed out towards camp and the healers tent.

As the wounded head for the healers. The sky once more turns black with evilly hissing shafts from the enemies archers rom the walls. Aram glares at the banner of the Ibladesh Defense Force taunting him from the walls. Aram waves his swords in the air at them and bellows out. “ After me men!” as they charge under the falling arrows he is dismayed to discovered the siege engines are destroyed. Thinking quickly he commands for the ropes. Five men immediately unlimber ropes and throw then to the top of the walls and anchor them. The rest begin the climb upwards.

They black shafts of the Ibladesh Defense Force fall like rain among their ears as they continue upwards. Finally breaking over the top of the walls Aram discovers not the Archers but a large Infantry unit awaiting their arrival. Valiantly they dive into the opposing force once3 again. Sadly only be to be hurled once more to the cruel rocks below them.

Aram was knocked unconscious from the fall and when awaken by his Captain he promptly sat up and took stock in of their situation. Aram discovers that he is accompanied by his Captain only he turns to him ans says “Where are the men have they continued the fight with out me!” sounding pleased at the thought of this statement Aram smiled. The captain said with a long and sad face.

”No my Lord they have retreated and I alone stayed behind to make sure you were not captured by the Ibby’ or the runts forces.” As he bowed his head and waited for Aram’ response.

“How many are left and lets go get them.” he said as he stood and headed towards camp.

“There are only eight other my lord and seven are wounded so they shant get far.” as he also hurriedly got to his feet and followed his commander.

After reaching the camp Aram recovered his fathers battle horn that he always carried with him as he traveled. He keep it in his command tent above his bunk. Tethered to the support pole in the center on the tent. He stepped out side his tent and blasted out the sound of rally so his men could hear that he had returned. And was not dead or captured. After a few hours his men finally returned and a bit of scouting by his scouts as well helped the process.

Aram slaps his surviving men into shape and orders them to fall in. “I will have that Damned banner or my blood will turn the walls crimson!” As he prepares to head his vastly out numbered unit back into battle.

Two Messengers Arrive from different directions. One was proudly wearing the priestly robes of the Arch Priests of Perdans service riding a heavily lathered steed, While the other was proudly wearing the colorful dress of the Queen Lorraine of Perdan colors also riding a heavily lathered steed. In unison they commanded Aram to cease the unless assault upon the cold granite wall of Ibladesh. But, Instead return immediately to the region of Al Aquabah before Aram’ valuable services are lost to his hot temper and to the Perdans service.

The Captain seeing that Aram was about to order the charge anyway. Steps in front of his Lord and pleads for him to think about his actions before he throws them into the furnace. Aram grits his teeth and Glares at his captain the heat of battle singing in his veins. Aram sees the banner of the enemy perched atop the walls of the city off in the distance.

Then through gritted teeth and forceful words he states.” If it were not for your bravery and faithfulness to me. I would be lying there still or worse captured or dead. I shall turn from the walls of this city and head for Al Aquabah. But, it is more than what these cowardly men that serve under you and myself deserve.” he then turns to his other men and says , “ I shall not forget your traitorous ways and if it were not for this man courage and heart I would not being doing this now you deserve nothing of the sort for what you did to me.”

The messenger from the arch Priest then announced that the High Marshal BlackKinght had been wounded and until he was able to return to service. Any further order concerning the Army would come from the Arch Priest himself. With that being said the two messengers nodded to Aram and then departed as quickly as the arrived.

The travel was slow and tedious with only two carts and seven wounded men it took them most of the day to arrive in what would have normally have taken only a few hours to Al Aquabah. In the process though the healers managed to heal the four of the wounded men and sadly three died from the travel and their wounds. As they arrived in Al Aquabah with a healed unit of six men out of sixteen from the beginning of the siege of Ibladesh, And too Aram great pleasure just in time for a battle with the Ibbys and the runts again.

Aram and his men await for the forces of the Perdan army to get the signal to attack just before sunrise the orders are given. In the early hours of the morning as the night air is still cold and the warmth of the sun hits the cold ground for the first time of the day a light fog arises and the men of Perdan charge into battle against their enemy. Aram finds himself and his men advancing forward towards the enemy along with several other units in the Perdaian army. It seemed like it took forever for the mob of men too reach the enemy and clash into battle with them.

Like the sound of a bell high above in the city towers the first strike of steel against steel rang out but Aram and the group of units he and his men were with were still not close enough to attack. The sound was like a rally call and the men stepped up their pace and charged onward. Then through the fog they could see their target and had a advantage because they were engaged with other forces. Seeing this they turned slightly and flanked the enemy and attacked them from the side and breaking up their assault. This turned out to be a great move for them the battle was over rather quickly after that.

Aram surveyed the area and his men after the battle was done and realized that they had done quit well this time around and actually had no wounded or lost anyone. Aram was pleased with this turn of events. He gathered his men to him and set out orders to camp until further orders came in.

After the battle was over and the men had started to prepare a make shift camp. Expecting orders to move out at any time they could not afford to unpack every thing and pitch tents. The Messenger from the day before from the Arch Priest arrived with orders for everyone to move out to the Capitol city of Partora and recruit new men to reinforce the forces of the army. Aram instructed his men to pack up and move out they were heading to the capitol and get new recruits as well.

As they were about the leave another more familiar messenger appeared with orders for everyone as well. This messenger was greeted with anxious request of the well being of the High Marshals well being and health. To everyone happiness he replied that general BlackNight had returned to duty and was back in command of the Perdaian Army. The orders were the same as from the Arch Priest and Aram was relived too see that the commanders of the army no matter whom was in charge were all of one accord and also together in their decisions.

After about twelve hours Aram was given a request from the messenger of the Arch Priest of Perdan. It was addressed to all Nobles who were able to acquire 80 or more men under the command. It stated that the Court Council was looking for just such a Noble to fulfill a mission to set Militia groups in Air Mousl. Granted this is a boring task and one not full of excitement but the person or persons interested in doing such a thing should send a message to the Court Council.

Aram quickly called for his scribe and had him send a letter with the servant to the Court Council accepting the task in the request.

I have the ability to recruit well over the required amount required for this mission and I have done this job once before with a group of 20 men I am not below doing anything for the good of Perdan. It will being me great honor if you select me to do such a job as this for Perdan. I am here because of the greatness I have heard of this realm while in my homeland of Abington.

I could not be that all the stories I was hearing could be possible. But, now that I am here I see that it was not only true but some of them have been tapered down for fear of being accused of telling out right lies by the story teller. This is my Pledge to you I am here for you when ever you need a servant for any job I do not require reward of any kind nor expect it in return.

I only wish that I may be your servant for such tasks and that you can depend on me when ever need arises. I am proud to say that Perdan is now my home and I will be Glad to be Buried here instead of in my homeland. I look forward to rasing a family of my own and retiring here one dat in the far off future.

Thank you for your consideration.

All For Perdan!


Aram Stien Knight of Bisciye

A day later he was again met by the messenger of the Arch Priest and give a scroll. Aram opened the sealed scroll and read through its contents Aram along with another troop Leader by the name turbo Returns had been awarded the task of setting the militia in Air Mousl and would be given further orders once they arrived in the Capitol of Perdan.