Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP9Ch6

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Roleplay from Anneliese

"Are you sure this is wise?" Anne said as she stepped into the carriage, "That was awfully convenient," she whispered.

Roleplay from Elonias

Elonias glared at Davendrall as much as he could through his big, blue tear filled eyes "Bloody damn much convenient!" He exclaimed in between sobs.

"And why haven't I heard of a beauty contest in the first place before now? Or a better question, why are you making ME enter it and not yourselves?" he then asked, shivering lightly from a sudden temperature drop.

Roleplay from Davendrall

"I think he just came from the direction of your camp. It's probably to disguse his real reason for going this way. But saves time."

Davendrall got in after Anneliese and the carriage started off at an alarming speed towards the beauty contest.

"Isn't there a speed limit in Eston!" Davendrall shouted, trying to grab hold of something.

Mick pulled the reins hard to go round the corner and the horses skidded trying to turn. The entire carriage went sideways before it was dragged at a great speed down the next road.

Roleplay from Anneliese

"It's for peasants, silly." She patted his head. "Miss Wheat Grower is usually a farmer's daughter."

She stopped talking as the carriage swerved and tilted, and instead tried to hold on as best as she could. She tried to think of what Mick could possibly be doing coming from her camp, but she could not hold that train of thought through all the movement going on.

Roleplay from Elonias

Elonias, being tied up as he was, could neither secure a foothold, nor grab onto something. So he tumbled around in the carriage, hitting edges and what not while cursing and crying "Ouch! Jeez, at least don't kill me off!" he cried out in between shouts of words that would not be appropriate in the presence of children.

"You still haven't smack Ow! Told me why you are entering ME, there is no logical reason to enter a male in a womens competition!"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Because-" A pause as the carriage was thrown sideways, "-you're very pretty for a man." She said, intending that to be a compliment, "Besides, neither of us could enter, disguise ourselves and hope to win." She stopped speaking as the carriage tilted, then continued after it had righted itself, "Not that we'd really want to, anyway. We do it because it amuses us."

Roleplay from Elonias

"Well it certainly does not amuse me!" Elonias cried out towards her before he hit his head again.

"Owch! Also, I take no pride in being pretty!"

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Yes. I wouldn't want to enter myself. But we're entering you mainly...because it's damned funny." Davendrall grinned.

The carriage came to an abrupt halt, sending all three of the forward...and Elonias not being able to grab onto anything, smashed straight into the front. A screeching sound could be heard as his face slit down the wood.

"Come on Elonia, lets get those melons back in you"

Davendrall places the melons back and pulled Elonias out of the carriage. They were at the entrance of the beauty contest

"Tha'll be 3 gold love"

"Three gold?! Just to go a few streets?! No way. How about I just don't tell Anneliese about all the underwear you've been stealing"

Mick shifted his eyes from side to side "Pleasure doin business with ya" he said as he got back onto the carriage and sped away.

Davendrall walked up to the desk at the entrance "This is Elonia. She'd like to enter the beauty contest for Miss Wheat Grower"

Roleplay from Elonias

"Does not!" He exclaimed as he shook his head furiously as he blushed "I do not want to enter this at all, they are forcing me!"

He cried out a bit more, both from embarrassment and pain from the trip and fall. As he yet again shivered.

Roleplay from Anneliese

The desk manager looked up, and blinked. "Why are her hands and feet bound?" He did not seem to notice that she was actually a he. Before Anneliese or Davendrall could come up with a suitable explanation, Elonias spoke:

"I do not want to enter this at all, they are forcing me!"

"She's just a bit shy, s'all." Anne said, trying her best not to laugh, "We thought we could cure her shyness by proving for once and for all that's pretty enough to..." She trailed off, and hope Davendrall could think of something quickly before he realized what they were doing.

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Why so shy my dear? The crowd will love you. I mean...damn" The desk-man whistled, looking her up and down again. He began to grin a lot.

Davendrall whispered to the man "Just enter him..I mean her. Just enter her and I'll give you 15 minutes alone time after the contest."

"15 minutes? That it?"

"Half an hour then."


He wrote the name down and gave a wrist band to Davendrall. Davendrall wrapped the wristband around Elonias' arm and led him forward. The man winked at Elonias as they went past.

Roleplay from Elonias

"But I... how... when... what?" He managed to say as the other man winked at him. Elonias shivered and got teary eyed again as he looked towards Davendrall

"Surely you have had your fun now, lady Davendrall, please do not embarrass me further!" He cried out toward her as he shook his head more, shifting his weight as he attempted to slow down her as she dragged him away.

Roleplay from Davendrall

"I just entered you for a beauty contest! Can't fall back now!"

Davendrall led Elonias behind the catwalk stage. They had full view of the other contestants.

Currently walking down the stage in an overly feminine way was a fat farmers daughter. As she reached the end she said:

"Look where I can grow wheat!" Before ripping her blouse open and winking to the crowd, who all simultaneously cringed.

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anneliese turned to Elonias and whispered, "You might want to quiet down a bit. It will be much more embarrassing if someone figures out you are a man, and a noble! And a marshal. No one will be able to take you seriously after they find out. Your only hope is to act as normal as possible, because we're sure as Hel not going to let you free until this is over with."

Suddenly, a tall girl in pretty white dressed bumped into Elonias and glared at him. "...they let anyone into this contest, don't they..." She whispered as she took her place beside a friend.

"I don't know, she's kind of pretty," said the girl beside her carrying a scythe, looking at Elonias in admiration.

The jealous girl with several sheaves of wheat sticking out of her brown hair glared at her friend, then shoved her in the rib.


Roleplay from Elonias

Elonias looked towards the woman in the white dress as she shoved the shorter one in the ribs, before he gently grabbed the tall ones hand and looked up to her

"Please, refrain from violence. It is not appealing for a woman to be violent." He said softly, fearing for his life that he would be seen through.

Roleplay from Davendrall

While they were waiting for Elonias' turn, Davendrall pulled out a sketch pad and began to sketch Elonias in his current state.

"Now. This is going to be very useful."

As she was drawing someone called out "Elonia!"

"'s your turn! Now, remember be womenly and work the crowd, else they might see through the disguise." She said as she pushed the tied up Elonias out through the curtains after cutting the rope on his feet.

For the next part to the thrilling Adventures of One Drunk and her Rabbit read Chapter 7