Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP9Ch3

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Roleplay from Xaphan

"These figures are not looking good sir, not good at all, the business is up Squirrel Creek" Billingham read out to Xaphan, rifling through a variety and reports that had accumulated over the years.

"Business... Business... Remind me Billingham what do we do again?" Xaphan asked him lazily.

"Same thing we do every night sir, plan to take over the world!" Billingham replied enthusiastically.

"No not that, the business"

"Oh, we sell newspapers that you write" Billingham answered.

"I run a newspaper?" Xaphan replied genially, and confused.

"Yes.. Sir.. The Asgard Informer"

"I don't recall writing a newspaper in well, years" Xaphan replied.

"That explains the financial statements we're getting, and why circulation is down" Billingham informed as he referenced various sheets and reports.

"Circulation is down? Well surely that isn't dependant on how regular the releases are, I mean, if they like it, they'll buy it again and again just to read"

"Sad to say sir, but newspapers don't work like that"

"... I thought we were talking about my manga" Xaphan spoke sheepishly.

"You... write manga?!" Billingham mocked.

"No! I'm just... holding them for a friend is all..." Xaphan replied embarrassedly, tucking some graphic novels of his own design under his bed.

"I bet you just like to look at the naked Squirrel drawings"

"Squirrels are always naked, except for me with my capes.. and girdles.. and cereal business hats" Xaphan told Billingham, drifting of as he thought of his capes "They are nice capes..."

"Don't forget your mangle sir, I like what you've done with it, the paper chains and the polish look nice" Billingham complimented sycophantically.

"Thank you, I decided if this infernal contraption shall forever thwart me, we shall look good as my plans are foiled!"

"You have a plan?" Billingham asked excitedly.

"Yes... It shall require many rags of news, the Asgard Informer, three pet spiders and an estranged splasher of puddles" Xaphan began concocting in his mind "Yes... Yes... Through total media domination I shall conquer Eston, fire my giant trebuchet destroying Norland, and crush the Munnin Newsrag, making me Emperor of all that is empired!"

Roleplay from Mick
Mick looked down at the squirrel that sat oposite him, this was his business office and as such was made to intimidate any upstart entrepreneur. This was achived by hanging an obscenely gigantic chandelier over there heads and staring down at them from across the most expensive desk you could loot from an ithillian farm town. Behind Mick were framed certificates hung over bookcases fill with books with names such as "law" and Xaphan Vanimedle's "being squirrel".

"Soooo, Billingham wasn't it, what your telling me is that you think you have a job worthy of a slasheryman" Mick drawled intimidatingly

"Yes! Yes'sir!" Billingham squeeked excidedly "Hey... isn't that Mad bear hung on the wall..."

"SILENCE, I ask questions here!" Mick shouted trying to distract that he had Xaphans closest freind skined and hung on his wall "What ...ah... business do you have for me little squirrel"

"Xaphan needs rags sir!"

"Yes... I've seen those capes he wears"

"No sir, no! Not those rags, He's writing a news rag!"

"Ah news rag eh... Well This is the PERFECT job for a slasher!" Mick shouted diving from behind his desk and flourishing his cape round himself - or well he tried - What actually happened was he threw it against the wall, since having his cape plated with gold it didn't seem to glide so well.

"Begone little squirrel and tell your master his will shall be done!"

Roleplay from Xaphan

"Sir! Sir! Sir! I have nooos!" Billingham screeched as he ran into the Xaphan Lair.

"You got all that I required?" Xaphan asked.

"No, but Mick said he'd let me be a slashery man!" Billingham naively spoke.

"A Slasheryman? A SLASHERYMAN! Dammit Billingham I thought I raised you better than that! I will not have you urinate away your future working as a slasher!"" Xaphan roared at Billingham.

"But.. Mick had this stuffed cup, and a gold cape and filled up Mad Bear on the wall!" Billingham crooned.

"I don't care what he has!" Xaphan shouted "But steal his cape for me"

"So .. can I? Can I be a Slasheryman?" Billingham asked.

"No! Now DO IT AGAIN!" Xaphan commanded.

"Do what again?"

"Your meant to be getting me getting me rags for my world domination! Enlist the help of the estranged slasheryman, when his back is turn steal his cape, and then bring him to the Xaphan Lair, whenceth we shall plan to raid the Cute Cookie Corporation!"

"Don't you mean the Munnin Newsrag headquarters?" Billingham asked.

"The day I am corrected by a slasheryman-"

"You said I'm not allowed to be one" Billingham cut across.

"The day I am corrected by the likes of you, will be a day worthy of being called a day! Now bring Mick here so we can plan the raid to Jean Alain's throne room!... I mean Smeagenwulf's art!"

"And the Munnin Newsrag?" Billingham asked.

"We can stop of for it on the way back, yes"!"

Roleplay from Mick
"Today men!" Mick shouted walking back and forth along a line of "soldiers" "We shall undertake a mission into enemy lands and return with a glorious prize!"

Mick waited a moment for applause, once he'd finished chearing he continued

"Today we shall perform a series of tactical raids of several cache's of riches and glorys!" Mick once again waited for applause and when his jubilation was over again continued

"I'd like to say your the finest men i'd ever had but... lets be honest.." Mick looked at them sadly "Your a tree, your an estonite, you don't have arms and as for you... your not even a man oh and billingham too... But today! TODAY! we shall attain honour! From attaining new rags for news!" Mick applauded himself again "We shall split into teams Billingham shall lead team B and i shall lead time M, Mr tree and the limbless man, you shall be in my team the rest of you! You shall be Team B!"

--Mick chearing--

"Team billingham you shall raid Jean Alains abode for rags and team MICK --applaud break-- We shall steal Anneliese's tent and clothing! To glory!"

For the next part to the thrilling Adventures of One Drunk and her Rabbit read Chapter 4