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An Overwelming immpresion by Stefano de Monte and Steve Dougwillo of the Calanar Family.

Soren grumbled to himself as he thought about Lady Shae's letter. He hadn't wanted to spend that long meeting the Imperatix. He just wanted to make sure she hadn't hit her head when she declared him a savior. He dressed well enough, unsure of how formal one had to be to actually meet the Imperatix. Formal, military formal, casual? It had yet to come up. He didn't exactly have a lot, of clothes in Agyr, so a short-sleeved, black shirt, and dark gray pants would have to do. His cloak was equally black, and he had decided that he would put the Daimon sword on his belt as well. He looked down at his arm, the full image of the black dragon winding up his arm and wrapping around a crimson eye was in view. He'd have covered it if he had thought to bring more in his rush here to fight the Daimons.

Thus, it was with a confused and uncertain mind, that Soren approached Imperatix Shae's estate. He almost reached for his sword instinctively as he announced his presence. He was on edge. Being publicly called a savior would do that to anyone.

When Soren aproached the estate the first thing he noticed was the rediculous amount of decoration on the walls, behind the windows, infornt of the windows in the strangest places one could think of. There where dried flowers, painted pieces of wood, statues, mirrors bells and lots more. Then there was a beutyful garden full of roses, lily's, peony's and violets of all sorts and sizes, a true collection one might easily say. When he passed these beautiful flowers he walked under arches of treas and tall bushes. When he approached the door, two red candles where lit on the two sides of it. He knocked the door. No one answered. He frowned, then raised his hand to knock again until he notices a beutfyuly decorated wooled rope hanging from a small hole in the wall right to him. He smiles and pulls the robe, this estate must be one of the most expensive estates in Agyr he thinks as he pull the robe twice.

"BIM BAM!!!"

He trembles and quickly moves into battle stance with his sword drawn. It's just the door bell... Aperently she installed an enormous bell, as possibly the only way to get the attention of everyone in the house.

A beutyful maid, dressed in fancy silky cloaths opened the door with a smile and a gracious bow. "Greetings sir, Welcome at her Grace Shae Nosferatus private residence She loks at the sword and remains perfectly calm.

"Feel at home, but please?" She bowed again.

"Leave your sword sheeted." She rose back up and looked him straight in the eye, almost as if a warning. A quick thought flashed threw Sorens head, "where these maids actually... her guards?". He smiled back and passed her his robe as he entered the hall. It was a huge and long room dressed with velvet red carpets and partially, with gold leaf decorated walls and ceilings.

"So where do I go now if I may ask?"

The maid smiled and graciously walked into the long hall, moving her gracious hips from left to right as if she was a girl working in the brothels. The situation was awkward for Soren but he decided to follow her. She gestured him into the dinning room with a huge chestnut wooden table in the middle of it. Three other maids approached him smiled at him and helped him towards his chair, close at the head of the table, where, he'd figured, The Imperatrix would be seated. The maids offered him wine and fruit and explained him that her graciousness would soon join him.

When she did, she immediately grabbed the attention, dressed in a beautiful silk dark green dress perfectly matching her beautiful almond shaped deep green eyes. When you'd look at her you'd not suspect the slithest talent in Military organization, she looked like the dream women for every man, not the general of this very nation. Whenever she opened her mouth, that fully changed, her voice was strong and disciplinary, yet her laugh was soft and gently. Two of her maids asist her seating as she gracious strokes her black hair behind her tiny ears.

"Greetings Mage Soren, it's an honor".

She takes his hand and holds it between hers while giving him a gentle smile. As if she was showing her love and gratitude for his brave deeds.

"I had my staff prepare the finest meals of beluaterra, apparently, for the right price you can still get every ingredient on the continent."

She giggles than continues.

"I am honoured and very happy that I could make some proper time to see you Soren, but I believe you invited me for something particular is it not?" Shae's appearance becomes more serious and neutral, focused with all her energy on Sorens eyes, looking from right to left as if she was searching for something.

When Soren finally collected all of his thoughts, one word came to mind: excessive. How the Imperatix could live in such a place, he could only imagine. His estate was well decorated, but he followed his grandfather's words as most of the family did in that having more than you need often invites trouble. Yet, here he was, being ushered around by many lovely maids in one of the biggest places he'd ever been in, surrounded by things most people would kill to own, and being greeted by a beautiful woman. Again, only one word found its way to the surface: trouble.

He looked past all of the opulence and collected the more of his wits about him as Shae appeared. If anything, this was as much a shock as everything else. He'd almost wondered if he should have brought Arkenine with him as well, because he suddenly felt having an extra weapon, even one he had sworn not to draw, would be more comforting in the presence of the Lady Shae. Showing off to this degree was as much a weapon as anything else. The Lady clearly knew how to charm people, and she knew she was beautiful too. Along with her intimate knowledge of war, she was a dangerous combination of beauty and wit. Even as she giggled, he knew she was wrapping him around her finger, even if it was unintentional.

He took a deep breath and shook his head breaking eye contact with her. His own shoulder length black hair fell forward covering matching green eyes. Perhaps at a quick glance the pair could almost be mistaken for siblings, particularly when one considered that he had heard stories that nobles of both of their families had worked together in the past. He used his free hand to brush it back and meet her eyes again. The brief break in contact was enough fully free him from the spell, and to relight the powerful flames behind his eyes with determination and power to match Shae's own.

"I must admit...Lady Nosferatus," he hesitated on how to address her, still unsure of what protocols he was supposed to be following, "that this all is a bit... overwhelming," he said, picking his words carefully. "I can't say that I know what I'm here for any more after all of this... Other than to hear from you in person what you believe I'm capable of, because such titles should not be given lightly, and words such as 'Savior', 'Mage', and 'Wizard' are rather discomforting titles that I'm not used to."

Shae regains a more relaxed posse. She smiles with all her warmth. "That is because you have just discovered who you truly are Soren".

She looks in his eyes and still feels the discomfort radiate from his.

"I might be over reacting in public, but I am true what I believe in. There are only few of you still walking this world. Your a descendent of wizards and mages of old times. You do not posses your true power yet, but once you see what your capable of you too will recognize your true heritage and accept your title."

Shae softly placed her hand on his as her voice became more gentle and loving.

"These hands are blessed Soren"

She gently stroke him slowly, from his wrist to her finger tips. She followed her hand with her eyes before looking back up with a careful trace of pure childish innocence.

"The more you use them to cast your spells, the sronger they become." Her almond shaped eyes became wider and wider as tension in the room rose.

"You have to start believing in your self Soren, Salvation is like a mountain, only few can climb it, but it still has to be climbed. As we all know, it's dangerous to climb a mountain on your own, we need each other to suceed."

Shae picked a grape from the platter and sensualy placed it for a moment, between her lips, before she visibly enjoyed it's sweet taste.

"I need you and you need me."

She softly giggles again.

"Ow Soren!"

Shae grabed him by the shoulders slightly exposing her lush bosom. She gently tilts her head a little to her right.

"Relax! feel at home!"

Shae quickly turned around as soon a she heared her maids enter.

"Ah! just in time! dinner is served!"

5 plates of different kind of meals where served, all dishes Soren never even heard about. There was even a camel stew from the Heen desserts, inaccessible regions for any human for many weeks now, no camels survived there, yet still Shae served Camel stew.

A little confused, Soren started his meal. Now with only even more questions spooking threw his head. Awnser that needed to be answered now, or perhaps it was wise to leave questions for later. Food won't wait.

Soren stared at the meal for a moment. It was certainly a surprise, but she was playing to her strengths. Did she want him for something in particular? Flirting wouldn't convince him he was a savior, and he refused to be controlled by her. He went to take the first bite, but thoughts of the desert were no longer peaceful. Instead, they brought images of Daimons and magic. He shook his head and took a deep breath, almost as if he were taking in the familiar aroma, but really it was to clear the thoughts.

He tried to focus on the food, but Soren had served Sint before Heen, and Avalon before Melhed, and had travelled through Hetland, Bara'Khur and Fronen in between. That she had unrecognisable meals was all the more impressive. He glanced up at Shae, recalling the way she'd held his hands, and then shut away the images. How could he fall prey to a woman so easily? He fought back a smirk. An intelligent and beautiful woman that knew it. Clearly she had power and contacts. He took a deep breath as he let Cius' teachings take him over. His mind tried to think of a way to out maneuver this... lovely, no, well yes, but powerful woman. He thought of how she'd just barely flashed him, how she touched him. She was good. Very, very good.

As he worked through each course of exotic things he could scarcely imagine, he worked his way through the puzzles before him. He desperately tried to determine exactly what Shae meant when she said he needed her. He would grudgingly admit that she was beautiful, and he was slowly becoming attracted to her, but not that he needed her. That was something he had to ask.

He waited, carefully timing the question between dishes, amazed that Shae could eat so exotically, and still look as good as she did. "Lady Shae," he dared using her name, still cautious, "What did you mean when you said I need you? I see that you are rather certain of it, but I don't know what you mean by it." He searched her eyes when she looked at him. The eyes were pretty too. He broke the gaze, refusing to give in to her own unique spell.

Soren's thoughts reflected back on Heen as Shae spoke. He somehow doubted he was incapable as of now, and it wasn't a mistrust of Shae. He had full confidence in her military abilities. He only doubted her intentions while he was alone in her presence.

"What did you mean when you said I need you? I see that you are rather certain of it, but I don't know what you mean by it." He searched her eyes when she looked at him. The eyes were pretty too. He broke the gaze, refusing to give in to her own unique spell.

she gigled again.

"Soren, you clearly do not have an idea of what your capable of. Your not yet powerful enough to defeat the daimons on your own, but together, with the armies of Melhed, we have a chance, a chance to allow Melhed to survive and you to grow to your ful potential. Only together we can achieve this."

Shae feels Soren's inner conflict and leans back in her chair.

"What ever battles your fighting in there, leave them be." Shae looks slightly worried or better, caring towards Soren.

"To fight them out there, we have to start with making peace within. You have to trust me."

Most of the food was eaten and Shae gestured the maids to clean it up. Shortly after, liquor was served, a gracious blond girl poured the liquor in Sorens glass as she gently giggled.

It was a strong local brew from Bisana, a brew very familiar to Soren in fact. IT was the local Herb whiskey that made his region so famous.

As he looked at the all too familiar alcohol he didn't question it, a first in this place. Then he took a sip. He felt himself relax a bit. He hadn't had any decent alcohol in over a week, and it helped immensely. He settled more with the next, and then drank half of the glass quickly.

Hell with it. If it came to it, maybe he could blow her up or something. ((OOC: Not that he would :P)) "Shae... I trust you as a military leader. Don't doubt that. You are a brilliant tactician, where my skills pale in comparison to that of my brother Cius. My concerns are your intentions with me while I'm here. I'd never expect a lady to tell her secrets though."

Shae gently placed the glass to her lips before drinking it all in one quick shot. She barley gave a flinch, when she cleaned her troath she continued.

"Soren, there is no reason to mistrust me, I am an open book. Off course we have our secrets but how can my intentions be confused towards such a handsome man as your self."

Soren tried to open his mouth in reaction but Shae quickly placed her finger on his lips.

"Sshhh, you need to rest Soren, this is all very difficult to cope with, you need to rest very, very well. stop thinking about trust, just focus on your task ahead. If it may calm you, it was not me who granted you these powers, you shouldn't question my intentions, but rather, there's." Shaes soft finger gestured up, referring to the gods.

"Now, Cateline, will you please escort this handsome gentlemen to his bed?" An almost painful dominance radiated from her as she spoke these simple words.