Kenji Saterlee

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As a Noble

Before Kenji started his life as an adventurer, he was a noble. He came from a more secluded part of the Saterlee family, one that still sometimes followed the old way of marrying only within the family. Kenji never had a very good relationship with his father, who always pushed him in his studies. In his late teens, Kenji fell in love with a girl from a different noble family, named Laitellia. After several months of hidden romance, they decided to elope together. They planned for the night of escape to be on the same day a grand gala was being held at the Saterlee estate in Beluaterra. During the ball, the two lovers snuck out, and began to leave the estate. However, their plans were somehow discovered, and they were chased by the estate guards. In the scuffle and confusion, Kenji's left eye became sliced by a sword, and Laitellia was taken away. Later in the night, after being confined to his quarters, his father appeared. After a heated argument, Kenji's father disowned him, and cast him away to live his life as a peasant.

Lasting Effects

After having his eye cut with the sword, Kenji lost all vision in it. Although he wears an eyepatch, the eye still bothers him, especially if he pushes himself too hard physically. He is sometimes seen rubbing it, to try to alleviate the ache. That night also left him mentally scarred. At random times, he will have flashbacks or visions of that night. They are usually accompanied by a tinny waltz playing in the background, and by the appearance of an imaginary Laitellia. Kenji is often haunted by such visions, and will sometimes become so absorbed in such a vision that he will briefly consider it to be reality.

Adventuring Days

After being cast out by his father, Kenji ended up as an adventurer in Bara'khur. He spent his beginning days wandering around the realm, trying to get a lay of the land. At some point in these early days, his ruling lord decided to switch allegiance to Hetland, thus, Kenji became a member of that realm. After several weeks of domestic travel, Kenji decided to explore the island. He circled around the island several times, starting in Hetland, then making his way west through the lands of desert, up north into the land of the Daimons, further north where it snowed, and then traveling back down south on the east coast of the island. By traveling in such a way, Kenji met many new people, and gained more experience. On one such journey, with the help of a sage, he managed to construct Ucdaugh's Armour of Strength. He eventually sold it to a noble known as Dead Angel.

As Kenji started to be entering a later life, he eventually returned to Hetland to settle down. At first, he mainly busied himself by keeping the monster and undead populations in control. However, after some time, he was asked, along with the other adventurers of the realm, to repair an item that belonged to Strat Fender. Seeing that no one would help the senator, Kenji decided to take on the job. This started his career of repairing items for the nobles. After gaining a reputation, Kenji was approached by a noble known as Moremegis Entreri. The two would later become very good friends.

Daimon War

After several months of prosperity, the Daimons appeared. At first, Kenji was largely removed from the war, and continued to focus on repairing items. However, when the war threatened to move onto Hetland soil, Kenji decided he must do something. He followed the Daimon hordes, tracking their movements and predicting their next moves, reporting back to his friend Moremegis. He entered conversation with one of the Daimons, Argent, and tried to persuade him to give up on the war. It was of no use, however, and Kenji was later imprisoned and tortured, losing the use of his right hand. After being released, he returned to Hetland and kept working on unique items.

Sometime after this, Moremegis asked if Kenji would find his brother, Artemis, and help to mentor him. Kenji agreed, and traveled to the north, where he found Artemis. He stayed there for a few weeks, giving some advice and helping the locals with their undead infestation. After a while, more items needed to be repaired in Hetland, so Kenji moved back south, asking Artemis to come with him. At around this point, Hetland was blessed with the power of the light. After fixing an item for Moremegis and Strat, Kenji found himself restless. He wanted to help in some way, but the only thing he could possibly do was to help close the Daimon portals, as he had obtained a portal stone in his journeys. Desperate to help his friends and allies, Kenji sent out messages to every adventurer that he ever met or heard of, asking about the stones. He received replies from many, and eventually, he heard back from enough people about the stones. He sent more messages, telling the others that it would be best if they met in Firbalt. However, on his way traveling there, Kenji once again became imprisoned by the Daimon Lord Argent.

Imprisonment and Death

Kenji only spent two days in prison. He managed to speak to another prisoner, so as to send a message back to Moremegis. The message was to tell the other adventurers that even without his stone, they still had enough to go on with the plan. He would have liked to have sent a personal message to Moremegis about their friendship, but was not able to. After the two days, Kenji was executed.