Adgharhin Way/Peninsular Temple

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Peninsular Temple

The Peninsular Temple was constructed by Baron Vidad Filador, ex-priest of Adgharinhism, in Abioltiel, a long time ago [OOC: Some time in early January of 2007]. It is located high on the cliffs on the far northwest coasts of the Ossaet Peninsula. The temple is primarily dedicated to Omorthion.


This tiny temple is built mainly out of stone. The inner floor of it actually sits 2 metres below the land around it, with a short stairway going down. The rock cut out to make the depression was set to the use of building the rest of it. The building itself is 15 metres by 8 metres with a 6 by 6 metre extention on one end that houses a small hovel for a residing priest and the complete, orginal religious archives of Nicholas Filador, except for the Book of Lyonnith's Helm. A 3 metre tall statue of Omorthion stands outside the temple, before the steps.


The inside of the temple is very spartan in nature. A handful of rough wooden benches sit in two rows in the sanctuary. The altar is a stone slab that is one piece with the stone of the floor; it is carved with images of all five gods. Two silver candleabras and an insence burner sit on the deep green altarcloth. A two sided fireplace behind the altar serves as the only heat source for both the sanctuary and the priest's hovel. Small windows cut high up in the walls are covered only with primitave glass that lets little light through even in the daytime. A few thick, brown rugs are scattered about on the floor, and candlesticks of wood and iron line the walls at two metre intervals on each side. Some small tapestries portraying various images of Adgharin lore hang on the walls.


Lord Gregor Eyolf Serpentis was responsible for the expansions that transformed the tiny temple in a great sanctuary. Although not renowned for his faith, the old hero was always devoted to his wife and the temple was a gift for her beauty. All the reforms were made around the initial construction, respecting the altar. However, the hall was applied and high, carved in the rocks where dozens of new wooden benches were assigned to receive a huge following.


The Peninsular Temple is run and kept only by the people who worship there. Followers who live in Abilotiel take turns tending to the temple, which generally sits empty except for regular worship, which is also conducted primarily by the people. If a noble follower is in residence, he or she would conduct business. In the rare case that a priest is in the area, the people will usually get together and hold a small feast in the temple surround.