Thulsoma/Foreign Sedition In The Stormland's

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This is the recollections of an attempted rebellion in Thulsoma, perpetrated by a group of foreign nobles, all from newly ascended families, in conjunction with the support of high ranking Liberite's, and a single Thulsoman noble, also from a newly ascended family. Which ultimately caused the execution of the infiltrator Gilles Barek of Morek Empire, leading to Morek Empire's open declaration of a war they were already fighting.

Roleplay from Nithard Ferous
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Nithard stood on the sea-facing battlements of Storms Keep, the grey waves thrashing themselves violently against the rock face blow, relentLESSSly as always. The satanically dark clouds overhead swirled and convoluted in the heavens. The two came together to form an almost mesmerising mirage, a tumultuous roaring of sea and whirling of sky. A dark scene for dark thoughts Nithard mused. He shivered slightly, the cold harsh wind cutting him to the core with a stony numbness. He had long lost feeling in his fingers and palms, even through his leathered gloves, and the back of his neck was icy as the links of chainmail pressed against his exposed skin. Storms Keep was life-consuming, a deep-set coldness, stark and devoid of emotion. On days like this it seemed to suck the warmth and energy from a man’s very soul. It did little to clear one’s mind though.
Nithard Ferous (Nithard Ferous, Knight Of Storms Keep)

Roleplay from Haruka Vanimedle
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Haruka had assembled her own personal unit of the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains, while she had filed a report to the Witenagamot, she could not, nor would she afford to wait any longer. While a trap could be sprung, Haruka had something far better planned.

"Have the prisoner escorted to the central courtyard, and have the nobility assembled also as well as the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains in its entirety, Vice Marshal Raviel to control the knights until my arrival" Haruka ordered to her Captain as she walked out of the Central Keep, fully clad in her armour.

"Of course ma'am" Her captain replied, bowing before hurrying to follow her commands.

Figuring that she could spare a few moments, as her Knights attended to their duties and the nobility was assembled, she looked over at the sullen figure of a man on the seaward castalletions, man being a loose assessment of the thin specimen in a more than iconic chaimail surcoat; realising who it is was, Haruka approached him as he stared across the vast watery expanse of sea that rested many hundreds of feet from the edge of the plateau Storms Keep was situated on.

"I have informed the Witenagamot of all that you have told me, but I feel it would be more prudent for me to act now, rather than create a trap, or wait any longer. I have given the command for all nobility to gather, it is then that I shall make my move" Haruka spoke to Nithard.
Haruka Vanimedle (Lady Haruka Vanimedle' Heofonþrym of Hredmonath and Mistress Of Torture of Thulsoma, Duchess of Storms Keep, Marshal of the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains)

Roleplay from Raviel Armityle
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Raviel opened his sealed scroll containing his orders from the Mistress, he would be to take control of the Holy Iron Chain Knights once again, as he did in Storms End against the monsters. Knowing what must be done, Viscount Raviel had already ordered the Stronghold to be locked down, his own personal unit had been sent to retrieve the criminal from the Ministry of Torture. In the slight lull of action, Raviel felt himself pondering why he was chosen to lead the Knights repeatedly. Yes he was the Vice Marshal, but both times Storm Legate and Chieftain At Arms Sigrun had been present, commonly referred to as the Tyrant Mistresses second in command, it was strange that he would be chosen in stead of Sigrun.
Raviel Armityle (Raviel Armityle, Viscount Of Storms End and Vice-Marshal of The Knights Of Holy Iron Chains)

Roleplay from Nithard Ferous
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Nithard was unaware of Duchess Haruka’s approach, and her sudden speech caught him nervously off guard. Snapping out of his sullen thoughts he quickly turned from the castellation and presented a reverent bow, gripping his sword handle as he did so. “Storm Mistress Haruka, I am only glad to have been of service to you” he said calmly in reply when Haruka had finished speaking, trying not to show any sign of shivering or anxiety. Why did he always feel a jump in his stomach when she spoke to him? That racing, nervous surge of warmth inside? He knew he could not let his emotions show, he some mere scrawny teen. He composed himself, but remained bowed, and carefully said “I thank you for being understanding and benevolent, for I meant no transgression against you nor Thulsoma, your highfullness. I will always be loyal to you ..” Nithard gritted his teeth, the momentary silence that followed his words struck him as ridiculously awkward, his conception of time utterly leaving on him. What was he saying? What was he hoping to convey? He felt like he was weakly making some sort of excuse, that would only make him appear even more feeble and irrelevant in her eyes. It seemed like an age before Haruka replied.
Nithard Ferous (Nithard Ferous, Knight Of Storms Keep)

Roleplay from Haruka Vanimedle
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"Loyalty shall be forever rewarded, for there is no greater honour one can partake in. I, end by extension the realm and faith I lead need only the honourable in our servitude, you have served me well, Knight Nithard. Shall you join me in walking to the courtyard? By now all the nobility should be assembled, as should the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains" Haruka asked.
Haruka Vanimedle (Lady Haruka Vanimedle' Heofonþrym of Hredmonath and Mistress Of Torture of Thulsoma, Duchess of Storms Keep, Marshal of the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains)

Roleplay from Nithard Ferous
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"Of course your highness, if it so pleases you" replied Nithard, taking that as his que to rise but avoiding Haruka's gaze. Should he offer to be courtly? To extend his arm as an sign of chivalry? Or would just sheer deference be suitable? Don't be a fool he said to himself, just bloody walk. Nithard gave a curt nod, and fell into step behind the Mistress as she lead the way to the courtyard.
Nithard Ferous (Nithard Ferous, Knight Of Storms Keep)

Roleplay from Sigrun Lurdigala
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Sigrun stood in the courtyard, his arms folded and his feather headrest standing imperially upon his head. Surveying the courtyard he saw soldiers milling about the place, they had only orders to stand around and ensure that all nobles remain within the courtyard. At the centre of the courtyard stood a criminal, some infiltrator under heavy guard with Viscount and Vice Marshal Raviel.

"How long until Mistress Haruka arrives do you think?" Nathandar whispered to Sigrun.

"Not long I should think" Sigrun replied to his obviously nervous captain, the events here could either go well, or very badly.
Sigrun Lurdigala (Sigrun Lurdigala, Godþrymm Beorncyning and Storm Legate, Chieftain At Arms of Thulsoma)

Roleplay from Haruka Vanimedle
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"Of course your highness, if it so pleases you" Nithard replied sounding thoroughly uncomfortable as he did so.

"The public display should be ready by now" Haruka replied, nodding to Nithard.

She set of at a fast pace from the Castellations, the salty sea air blowing forcefully around the fortifications, more than likely the dark hours would become filled with Storms again, the morning had been relatively mild weather wise which did not bode well for the evening...
Haruka Vanimedle (Lady Haruka Vanimedle' Heofonþrym of Hredmonath and Mistress Of Torture of Thulsoma, Duchess of Storms Keep, Marshal of the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains)

Roleplay from Lu Bu Chan
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Captain Bai Qi approaches Lu Bu while he was in the training yard. Most knew that was a very dangerous time to try and speak to Lu Bu as most usually end up wounded, if not killed. The captain slowly approached, and announced his presence to Lu Bu. In the blink of an eye Lu Bu had spun, putting his spear right next to the captains head. A smile came upon both of their faces, as the captain brushed off the spear.

Captain "My lord, there is a gathering in the courtyard, it would seem many government members are gathering there as well."

Lu Bu "Interesting, perhaps we should go check things out, see what is going on."

Captain "Of course, shall I assemble the men or shall we go alone?"

Lu Bu "I will go myself for this, you bring the men here, have them prepared for whatever the day may bring us."

Captain "Of course, my lord!"

The captain left, to prepare the Storm Haerbann for upcoming battles. Lu Bu on the other hand, made his way to the courtyard. He approached through a small alleyway, on the far side. He could make out Sigrun, and Haruka but was unclear who the other noble was that entered. Gripping his spear tight he slowly made his way closer, keeping a close eye on the meeting, and watching the surrounding area even more.
Lu Bu Chan (Sir Lu Bu "The Indomitable" (lord))

Roleplay from Jaymes Sutherland
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"Sir Jaymes!Sir Jaymes!" the young squire called, running frantically along the battlement.

Jaymes raised his hand to halt the lad, and then extended it to accept the letter.

"You have been requested by the Heofon Mistress to attend the courtyard with all the other knights" luke panted, before Jaymes could even break the seal.

He smiled, folding the unopened letter into his pocket "very well Sir luke, I'll wait for the scout to return first, you gather the men and lead away!"

As the boy faced about and sped away, Jaymes rose and took up his sword and scabbard, tying the belt about his waist.

Whatever could be happening that was so urgent? he thought with a frown.
Jaymes Sutherland (Jaymes Sutherland, Knight Of Storms Keep)

Roleplay from Haruka Vanimedle
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Haruka strode into the courtyard, her soldiers having moved from the entrance to allow her. Looking swiftly around the courtyard, Haruka saw that everything was in place, the execution apparatus lay on the podium at the centre of the courtyard, the Morekian criminal Gilles stood bound by Raviel and his unit. All other Saxon nobility having been gathered in the courtyard also, with the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains surrounding the vast stone expanse.

Stepping up onto the podium, Haruka prepared herself mentally for the speech she was about to give, she was more than used to giving public speeches by this point, but she still felt the slight tingle of nerves as she stood there, surrounded by everyone who was anyone in Thulsoma. More importantly, "the foreign one" had also been brought here, this entire demonstration would be a waste if he had not. Motioning to Raviel and his soldiers, Haruka began to speak.

"Tie the criminal to the beams of wood, upside down" Haruka ordered coldly. Waiting calmly for them to strip the criminal naked, and then tying him upside down, trapped beneath the two thick stream of wood, immobilised as the blood rushed to his head.

"I have gathered you all here today, for a multitude of pressing matters, those of you in the Witenagamot will be aware of the full array of issues that shall be attended to, those of you who are not privy to the inner workings of the Witenagamot shall soon be educated" Haruka spoke as loudly as she could, without actually shouting, allowing the natural acoustics of the closed courtyard to carry her voice further.

"There can be no greater heresy, than that of breaking your oath to your liege, to your realm and to me. There is no greater dishonour than this, no greater dishonour than heresy, much has come to pass that we see a great infestation of heresy spread in Thulsoma, threatening to corrupt and rot at the very core of our society, foreigners can only be the cause of such a disruption in our once homogeneous society, cultural inferiors that I allowed into our great Anglo Saxon Kingdom, religious inferiors, belonging to a lesser people. Of course the only logical deduction of allowing this, would be that they would drain and bring down our Kingdom and culture, but I was optimistic, verging on the foolish, to think that such lesser mortals would be able to integrate into a society that holds honour above all else, loyalty as the foundations of honour. For my mistakes, I can do little but make amends of them, seek penitence"

Haruka brought forth the executioners, both of the wielding a cumbersome, two man saw between them.

"This criminal, Gilles of Morek Empire shall be executed here and now, we shall let no malign, foreign influence precipitate the prutescence of all that we have worked for, fought for. Let this be an example to those amongst you who would take your oaths lightly, and stain your honour"

"Execute him" Haruka ordered. The two executioners moving to stand on two small blocks of wood, raising them high enough raise their massive saw above the criminal who remained bound spread eagle between the wooden apparatus. This was a particularly brutal execution method, as the blood rushed to the head of the victim, normally they would not die for some time as the saw ate through them, as no major blood loss occurred. She stared impassively, knowing that it would be necessary for her to show outer strength, as the executioners set about their work.

They brought the saw down upon the criminals groin, before shifting the weight and bulk of the saw, to allow them to begin sawing diagonally, ripping through the soft organs and bones alike. The criminal had not been gagged, so the summoned nobility and soldiers could listen to the Bloodcurlding screams of the criminal, his pain and his suffering, righteous, virtuous, the man suffered for his crimes and heresies, there could be no greater virtue at this point, then to enact such a meritorious act of judgement.
Haruka Vanimedle (Lady Haruka Vanimedle' Heofonþrym of Hredmonath and Mistress Of Torture of Thulsoma, Duchess of Storms Keep, Marshal of the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains)

Roleplay from Haruka Vanimedle
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The man's screamed died down eventually, as his body was tore in half, most grotesquely, but even as he became silent, the executioners continued their work, saw through him completely, till a morbid display was created, of two halves of a whole man remained tied up in the execution apparatus.

"He was but one criminal, one heretic!" Haruka shouted "The Déaþgodas know, as we do that many more reside, even within our own enclave. This is a great unacceptable, a blemish, a disgrace. Some amongst you would even consort with our hated Liberite enemies! To seek to usurp and overthrow even me, your once beloved Heofon, your Storm Mistress. This I cannot tolerate. I know who plans such things, I know how they plan to enact it, these men are cowards in the extreme, if one disagrees with my rule then he has only to speak, to begin public discourse on why his dislikes it. And if one wants to challenge my rule, then by law they have every right, but no, they would plot in secret to hide behind armies and other, better men than them, then to show courage and valour and HONOUR!"

Haruka walked down from her podium, drawing her sword dramatically from her scabbard, the crowd shifting to either side as she approached.

"Noble Yarrick Von Liechstein, the foreign one, if you wish to challenge my rightful rule over these lands and these Saxon's, then drawn your sword and die with honour, out of courtesy and my own honour I shall give you this chance, rather than hound you down and execute you, like you would do to me"
Haruka Vanimedle (Lady Haruka Vanimedle' Heofonþrym of Hredmonath and Mistress Of Torture of Thulsoma, Duchess of Storms Keep, Marshal of the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains)

Roleplay from Ilena Blint
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Ilena watched as the treacherous scum was sawed in half. She listened with a face set in stone. Her eyes never leaving the gruesome horror that occurred before her eyes. Behind her she heard some of her newer men vomiting Nathandar stood rigid next to her.

She listened to Haruka speak, her eyes flickered around trying to spot any who would make a foolish attempt on her mistress's life. Here where thousands who were loyal even in death to Haruka were gathered. The wind kicked up slightly whipping chilling air through the crowd. More than a few shivered, but Ilena was used to it having spent the better part of her life in the stormlands.

Her emerald green eyes surveyed the area as she began to slowly move about the crowd. Nathandar and two of her best fighters were always in tow. She stopped and looked around, she saw a man staring at her, she stared back and wondered if the man was a would be assassin. It took a moment but she realized he was staring at her breasts, she shifted her position and the man's eyes fluttered up to meet hers. She stared icy daggers at the man and he wilted.

she moved through the crowd and watched as she challenged Yarrick to a duel. Involuntarily her hand moved to Iures, Nathandar stepped up and touched her arm, he whispered in her ear.

"It would disgrace mistress haruka and all of Thulsoma should you follow that impulse my lady" Ilena nodded and removed her hand and watched Haruka.
Ilena Blint (Ilena Blint Vice Mistress Of Torture (lord))

Roleplay from Ilena Blint
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Ilena walked along the battle mounts in the evening air, tonight the sky was blanketed by clouds. She turned and faced the ocean, she couldnt see it but she could hear the waves roaring as they crashed into the rocks below.

Her jet black hair hung loosely about her shoulders, her hood drawn and her cloak whipped in the wind. She continued on her walk. Allowing her mind to wander and reconsider the days events. The pathetic excuse for a noble Yarrick had refused the honorable death duel and fled the Stormlands. The treacherous Morekian scum had been brutally and rightfully slaughtered.

Ilena thought about the execution and realized that Haruka ruled by fear, but she had crafted it so that the peasants felt as if it were loyalty and not fear driving them.

  • Heh, clever demon* Ilena thought to herself. She realized she had much to learn from Haruka, which astounded her seeing as she had already learned a great deal from her mistress.
Ilena turned and began heading back towards the Keep still mulling over the days events.
Ilena Blint (Ilena Blint, Vice Mistress Of Torture (lord))

Roleplay from Haruka Vanimedle
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Haruka sat in her throne room, pondering, the almost rebellion of the foreigners had changed the entire dynamic of the game. Sigrun, while a trustworthy and reliable second in command, had failed to prevent this on his watch, perhaps Haruka had indeed been wrong to choose him to take over diplomatic issues while she focussed on religious and military ones. Thulsoma, and by extension herself had been deeply stained by the past few days.

"Messenger" Haruka called over, indicating for one of her servants to attend to her.

"Yes my lady?" The servant asked, bowing deeply to her.

"I need you to find and bring Godþrymm Beorncyning and Storm Legate, Chieftain At Arms Sigrun to the throne room as soon as possible" Haruka told her servant.

"Of course ma'am" The servant replied, bowing low as he left.
Haruka Vanimedle (Lady Haruka Vanimedle' Heofonþrym of Hredmonath and Mistress Of Torture of Thulsoma, Duchess of Storms Keep, Marshal of the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains)

Roleplay from Sigrun Lurdigala
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"Godþrymm Beorncyning"

A voice spoke from behind Sigrun as he stared out of his window at some stray crows, who crowded about their daily on some stone roof. He noted to himself to order their execution, their feathers would taste nice in a pie.

"What is it, speak" Sigrun ordered as he turned around.

"Well.. sir... Mistress Haruka requires your presence in the throne room immediately"

"Ah yes okay" Sigrun replied, contemplatively. So the Mistress wanted to see him, he'd have to adorn his fathered headdress, he couldn't just go see her without it.

"Go ahead without me" Sigrun ordered to the young Saxon.

Delving into his wardrobe his brought out his feathered hat and placed it upon his head. Staring into the mirror he decided that the slightly bent feathers would have to do as he walked out of his room, striding through the cold stone corridors of the Storms Keep.

Standing outside the heavy doors of the throne room, Sigrun paused briefly, staring at the doors, wondering why she would summon him all of a sudden and not the Witenagamot. Shrugging it of slightly, Sigrun opened the doors with a flourish, striding into the large room he saw Lady Haruka sitting on the throne, watching his approach.

"You summoned for me, Storm Mistress?"

Sigrun asked as he knelt down before her.
Sigrun Lurdigala (Sigrun Lurdigala, Godþrymm Beorncyning and Storm Legate, Chieftain At Arms of Thulsoma)

Roleplay from Haruka Vanimedle
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Haruka stared impassively as the saw the imposing bulk of Sigrun, and his feathers (A strange addition he always seemed to wear) walked up to her, kneeling at her as she sat in her throne. "Yes, I did call you hear Sigrun. This recent rebellion plot, instigated by foreigners has highlighted a lot of things to me" Haruka spoke down to Sigrun.
Haruka Vanimedle (Lady Haruka Vanimedle' Heofonþrym of Hredmonath and Mistress Of Torture of Thulsoma, Duchess of Storms Keep, Marshal of the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains)

Roleplay from Sigrun Lurdigala
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Sigrun frowned slightly as Lady Haruka spoke, what could she be getting at in saying this and why didn't she allow Sigrun to stand? As would be the etiquette for the situation, this did not bode well. "Such as what my lady?" Sigrun asked calmly.
Sigrun Lurdigala (Sigrun Lurdigala Godþrymm Beorncyning and Storm Legate, Chieftain At Arms of Thulsoma)

Roleplay from Haruka Vanimedle
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"Well Sigrun..." Haruka sighed "You failed to prevent this, the realm was under your charge when this happened. When I founded Hredmonath, I decided to delegate my diplomatic duties to you as my second in command, you were reliable and trustworthy, but this situation has stained your Hádárung and honour undeniably so, what do you say to this?" Haruka asked Sigrun.
Haruka Vanimedle (Lady Haruka Vanimedle' Heofonþrym of Hredmonath and Mistress Of Torture of Thulsoma, Duchess of Storms Keep, Marshal of the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains)

Roleplay from Sigrun Lurdigala
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Sigrun began to realise what Haruka was getting at, to reprimand him and punish him for his failures... "Well ... Mistress, granted it has stained my honour and standing in the realm, and I have failed you in my duty. But I am forever your loyal servant, I did all that I could when I became aware of this plot"
Sigrun Lurdigala (Sigrun Lurdigala Godþrymm Beorncyning and Storm Legate, Chieftain At Arms of Thulsoma)

Roleplay from Haruka Vanimedle
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Haruka stood up from her throne, pacing slightly as she marshalled her thoughts, as to what to say to Sigrun, granted he was a very loyal and faithful servant to her, but he had failed her once again. Action had to be taken. "You are my most trusted instrument Sigrun, you have served me well these past years, to which I am thankful. But ... you have failed me, you have damaged both of our reputations and standing, and even our honour. Thulsoma has been harmed by your failure. Perhaps it is time that I reclaim my throne in earnest"
Haruka Vanimedle (Lady Haruka Vanimedle' Heofonþrym of Hredmonath and Mistress Of Torture of Thulsoma, Duchess of Storms Keep, Marshal of the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains)

Roleplay from Sigrun Lurdigala
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Sigrun felt a quiet chill descend about the room, there had been situations where Saxon's who failed in their duties to the Heofon, had been handed seaxcníf's by their superiors in which to spare them, and their family the shame of their failure. The seaxcníf was symbolic, when handed one, the giver would leave the room, to return later, it was generally accepted that the Saxon would take their own life with the seaxcníf in the interim. Depending on the type of failure, some Saxon's where offered the alternate of a death in a duel, to restore their honour in death, ultimately any Saxon could request such a death. Sigrun wondered whether his failures would be so bad as to warrant the handing of a seaxcníf, the refusal to allow him honour in death, or perhaps his rank would spare him the personal shame of one. "I shall continue to serve you loyally my Heofon, I have only ever sought to serve you as my Mistress, and Thulsoma diligently"
Sigrun Lurdigala (Sigrun Lurdigala Godþrymm Beorncyning and Storm Legate, Chieftain At Arms of Thulsoma)

Roleplay from Haruka Vanimedle
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Haruka looked at Sigrun seriously, he was a valuable asset, he was loyal and determined, he held true to the codes of honour and the Anglo Saxon virtues, he was essentially invaluable to all Haruka was trying to achieve here in Thulsoma. She could not... simply discard him and write it of as a loss.

"You failed me before, Godþrymm Beorncyning, I believe I revoked your lordship at that time... " Haruka spoke aloud, wondering "No one is above punishment for their crimes and failures...." Haruka said again quietly, that was essentially a mantra of the Ministry of Torture.

"I shall reclaim my rightful rulership Sigrun, and for that I need you to stand by your oath to me, and step aside"
Haruka Vanimedle (Lady Haruka Vanimedle' Heofonþrym of Hredmonath and Mistress Of Torture of Thulsoma, Duchess of Storms Keep, Marshal of the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains)

Roleplay from Sigrun Lurdigala
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"If it is your will Mistress Haruka..." Sigrun spoke.
Sigrun Lurdigala (Sigrun Lurdigala Godþrymm Beorncyning and Storm Legate, Chieftain At Arms of Thulsoma)

Roleplay from Haruka Vanimedle
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"It is" Haruka replied to Sigrun.
Haruka Vanimedle (Lady Haruka Vanimedle' Heofonþrym of Hredmonath and Mistress Of Torture of Thulsoma, Duchess of Storms Keep, Marshal of the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains)

Roleplay from Sigrun Lurdigala
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Sigrun breathed a sigh of relief, he had taken the role of Godþrymm Beorncyning as a favour to Mistress Haruka when she needed him to, in the great religious riots and the founding of Hredmonath. He may be ambitious, but it came as a surprise and even then he realised his tenure as Godþrymm Beorncyning would only be brief, a tenant until Lady Haruka was once again ready to take back the crown. "Then I shall step down my Mistress, I only ever accepted my crowning as Godþrymm Beorncyning to serve you when you needed me to" Sigrun replied.
Sigrun Lurdigala (Sigrun Lurdigala Godþrymm Beorncyning and Storm Legate, Chieftain At Arms of Thulsoma)

Roleplay from Haruka Vanimedle
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"Thank you Sigrun" Haruka replied, thankful that he would not take this situation personally.
Haruka Vanimedle (Lady Haruka Vanimedle' Heofonþrym of Hredmonath and Mistress Of Torture of Thulsoma, Duchess of Storms Keep, Marshal of the Knights Of Holy Iron Chains)