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Region Details
Region Type
Geographic Area


Unotosa is the very northernmost tip of the Far East Mainland, and therefore a natural transit point between it and the northern Island. As a result, it has seen a good deal of battles, skirmishes, revolts and general changes depending on the political relations between nearby Realms.

The centre of Unotosa is located between both Harbours that go to Soniel and Apasur. This allows goods that come from the Harbours to be quickly sold on the market there. The square is gigantic and mostly surrounded by houses. In the middle of the square stands a small shack of the Church of Sartan. During daytime there are all kind of merchants and local sellers selling their wares. The entrance of the Temple is however always cleared, as if to make sure its not blocked.

Unotosa's location to the open sea allows for a lot of fishing. Most of the population then also works in one of the Harbours. Due that Unotosa produces a lot of food. The little income Unotosa generates is mostly due the trades with the northern Island and Apasur.

The small shack was built after Unotosa had recovered in record time. It stands as a reminder of the quick recovery Unotosa enjoyed. Followers of the Church of Sartan believe that the quick recovery happened due Sartan's blessing and say the small shack stands as proof of the happiness and prosperity one gets when he accepts Sartan's mercy. The small shack is also known by local followers as 'The Temple of Faith'.Temple of Faith