Obsidian Islands/Obsidian History

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Obsidian Islands History

Chapter 1 - Freedom

At the beginning, Kalmar Islands and Avamar Selective were on the islands. After being beaten by joined forces of Perdan, Itorunt, Old Rancagua, Sirion, and Fontan, a plan was made and put into action. This plan was to create Obsidian Islands. With Perdan in control of the Chaos Island, and Bastad Island, and Old Rancagua in control of the Kalmar Island it was now time to build them up.

Chapter 2 - Creation

Now that the Islands where coming together, it was time to figure out how to work them together. First, Kalmar succeeded, under Duke Prometheus. He created Obsidian Islands, with Kalmar, Alvaret and Stora. What next? The Chaos Temple duchy joined as well, including the regions of Chaos Temple, Wasteland, Bastad, Venas and Bastad. The Islands where finally together again, with elections on the way for King and Judge.

Chapter 3 - Elections

First elections came shortly after Prometheus' step down. Shady was pronounced King, Karlson as Judge. Then with appointments, Kerwyn was placed as General and Paul was Banker. With a government in place, the lords where ready to forge the Islands place in the world. However the pleasantries would not last.

Chapter 4 - War and Rebellion

War broke out around the continent. Old Rancagua, Sirion, and Light of Fountain went to war with Fontan. Itorunt went to war with Yssaria and Ibladesh. Caligus went to war with Yssaria. Perdan went to war with Ibladesh and Ubent. Obsidian Islands also joined the war against Fontan, mainly to show support for our founding allies. However this upset some nobles, who joined together and raised arms against the King and government. It was short lived however, as the rebellion only lasted a couple of days before being crushed. A second attempt was found out about some time later and stopped before it could even get off the ground. Focus turned back to building up the islands, and sending in the occasional force to help Old Rancagua.

Chapter 5 - Revolts, Peace, Asena

Kazan revolts from Old Rancagua, joining Obsidian Islands instead. We attempt to build the region, while Fontan takes Kazakh, creating the Sultanate of Asena. Shortly after creation, Obsidian Islands forges peace with Fontan, while Asena declares war on Obsidian Islands, and takes the newly acquired region of Kazan.

Chapter 6 - War Continues, Peace Attempted, War Goes On

War went on, and Perdan joined in to help the Islands claim Kazan once again. However in attempt to help OR survive, OI charges into Kazakh. A short lived peace, as the Islands and Asena went from war, to peace and back to war in under a weeks time. Once again, Kazan was lost.

Chapter 7 - End War, Peace

Finally after months of fighting and getting nowhere, peace was founded between the Islands and Asena. The first tournament the Islands ever held was finally arrived, in celebration of the new peace. The Islanders can once again focus on building the lands.