Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP6Ch2

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Davendrall gets a new Captain - Chapter 2

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anneliese was extremely grateful to be dragged off and out of that weird little village. "Goddess, of all the things, I've seen... talking squirrels and rabbits and... and... whatever is one thing, but eating humans?!" Anne could not hide her look of disgust once they were out of sight.

She feared she'd never look at a corpse in the same way again. "At least... we finally get to kill something. And not that barbaric eating what you kill, either! We're going to kill people and not eat their corpse! We're first going to loot 'em and then we're going to leave 'em to rot like normal, sane human beings!"

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Anneliese your missing several stages there. Steal, rape, loot, torture, mate, breed, attack with a spoon (Scherzers part) attack with a brick (Smeagenwulf's part) THEN kill. And yes, humans aren't very nutritious"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"...Are the rape, mate and breed steps really necessary?"

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Well...the mating and the breeding may be a big difficult...but whats wrong with rape?"

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anne stared at her for a moment, then sighed, and answered, "I am not interested in ANY sort of sexual intercourse... unwilling victim or not."

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall turned to Anneliese and did a little mocking disappointed face

"Your no fun. And you still haven't answered my question"

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anne frowned at her disappointed face. "Yes I have. Sex is gross and disgusting." She shuddered. "I do not want to participate in any exchange of bodily fluids."

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall rose an eyebrow at that

"Whyever not?"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"I just told you. It's gross and disgusting. Don't you get it?" No, it was clear she hadn't. "Look, it's just... sick. You get all sweaty and not the good kind of sweaty like after a battle or after beating up an unruly soldier. It stinks and there's this- this-" Anne shuddered, and decided to drop that train of thought, "Not to mention how..." She made a face, "-ugly men are. I don't understand how anyone could ever touch them."

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall laughed at Anneliese's disgusted face

"I can't actually...argue with any of that. But there is one simple way to deal with two of those problems. Don't go with a man"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Then what in Hel am I supposed to go with? A horse? A steer? A HAMSTER?!"

Anne noticed she was starting to shout, and tried to calm down.

"There just aren't that many choices here, and unlike you, I sure don't have a very... disturbing obsession with small furry animals, nor do I want to develop one."

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall burst out laughing at that point

"A woman Anneliese! A woman! A strange obsession with furry animals...I mean really. They are cute...but that whole idea...that's just revolting"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"...a woman?" She blinked. That clearly had never occurred to her. "Oh."

Anne's face started to turn red as Davendrall continued to laugh. "Look... what was I supposed to assume? ...what with you and the way you act around small furry creatures. But it's nice to see you're not that insane."

Roleplay from Davendrall

That was it, Davendrall couldn't contain it any longer. She couldn't stop laughing. Her stomach ached with it but she couldn't stop it. When she finally stopped she was exhausted from laughter

"You...really think...i'd do...something like that...that is...disgusting." Davendrall breathed deeply "Animals are cute, and often preferable to humans, but that is way way way too far. There are different forms of insanity Anne, and that form is completely and utterly wrong, on so so many levels. You really thought I meant animals? I'm surprised the thought of women had never occurred to you"

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anne crossed her arms, looking even more embarrassed. "It just hadn't. I've never even heard of anyone doing that." Granted, Anne had tried her best not to know or hear of such things, so perhaps that accounted for why she'd never heard of it.

"The only reason I thought you were... interested animals was- well, once when Katelijn and I were children, we went sneaking off to this farm and there was... a peasant... doing something to a goat." She made another disgusted face, and shuddered at the memory.

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall had just calmed herself down...but...a peasant doing something to a goat...that started her off again. Bursting out laughing Davendrall fell onto the floor, rolling around in laughter

" a goat" her words were all muffled in laughter.

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anne hugged her arms closer to her body, "It's not nearly as funny as you make it out to be... my retinas are eternally scarred by that image."

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall got herself up from her feet, wiping tears from her eyes

"It really...really is. And the fact your eternally scarred is more amusing. And the fact you thought I did things with animals was even more amusing"

Roleplay from Anneliese

Roleplay from Anneliese van Dell (26 days, 21 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (66 recipients) Anne frowned, then took a swipe at Davendrall, "I'm glad you find my horrific childhood amusing."

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall ducked

"Will you stop attacking me at every chance you get! And you didn't kill your father when you was 6 years old!"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Oh come on, I wasn't going to kill you that time... I was just playing with you." Anne made a sad frowny-face for a moment, then the mention of Davendrall's father distracted her. "I was exaggeration Dav- wait, you killed him when you were 6? How were you able to pick up a blade? and how'd you survive at such a young age?"

Roleplay from Davendrall

"You learn how to use a knife very quickly when your father regularly uses them on you...and when you saw him use it to kill your mother. Me and my brother were separated after both my parents died. He was taken to some military boarding school type thing...I ran away"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"How'd you survive after you ran away?" Anne asked, curious. She suddenly realized that asking all those questions might be rude, and shuffled her feet. "Erm. Not that you have to answer or anything."

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Like any normal orphaned girl would. The best she can. Mostly through criminal actives. I met several people through crime and they took care of me until I was 16. They took me to my uncle and I got my noble status back. How did we get onto this conversation from talks of lesbianism and hamsterism?" Davendrall mused

Roleplay from Anneliese

"I don't know what that first thing is, but... hamsterism? You mean there is a word for people doing things to a hamster?" Anne looked utterly horrified. Again.

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Annelise are you seriously out of touch! Lesbianism - women liking women. Hamsterism - a word I made up for doing things with hamsters. I was saying it because you thought I did things with hamsters"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"I am not..." Anne tried to hide her embarrassment and failed. Her face turned red once again. "Well... let's go kill some people."

She shuffled off, "Now where did I put my troop..."

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Yay killing! Mine have set up camp nearby for the night. You can join us if you like. I need some sleep."

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anne thought about it, then shook her head. "No - I'm sure they're lost without out me. I better go find them." Just before she left, she said, "Oh, and tell Andre I said hi!"

With that, she grinned and ran, imagining the rage she had caused Davendrall by reminding her of that.

Roleplay from Davendrall

Heading off to her camp Davendrall said aloud "Im going to kill that man. But then again...Anne finds men disgusting so he's hardly competition"

For the next part to the thrilling Adventures of One Drunk and her Rabbit read Chapter 3