Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP5Ch1

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Pie fight at the tournament in York - Chapter 1

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall and Anneliese, along with their esquires, arrived at the tournament. The tents were set up and the equipment readied. Outside their tents Davendrall picked up her sword. She looked a bit uncomfortable holding it and tested it's weight

"Well...we're at a tournament, we might as well good are you with a sword Anne?" Davendrall said to Anneliese while readying her sword.

Roleplay from Anneliese
Anneliese unsheathed her sword, "Not as good I'd like. I haven't gotten much chance to use it, though I've tried to practice so my skills don't atrophy."

She grinned, "Though, I'm sure I'd be better than you." She said, holding her sword toward Davendrall in a way that supposed to be challenging.

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall laughed at the challenge, swinging it towards Anneliese and it clashing against her sword. They fought for a while, Davendrall being incredibly clumsy with the sword...but not completely failing, before she lost it and found herself on the floor...unarmed...with Anneliese's sword to her neck

Roleplay from Anneliese
I could kill her now... this is my chance...

And yet, the murderous urge she'd felt days ago had worn off. She found herself moving the sword away from Davendrall's neck, and grinning. "See? I told you so!"

She sheathed her sword, and did an obnoxious little dance. "Want to try to defeat the great Anneliese again?"

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Pfft! Its a stupid weapon anyway! And a stupid way of fighting. Who needs swords...there all like noble and honourable...knives and poison is much better. This type of tournament is stupid"

Davendrall got to her feet

"I can think of a much better game" She said grinning, and ran off towards the buffet being held in the tournament grounds.

Davendrall returned a few minutes later, sneaking behind Anneliese, holding a custard pie

"Pie fight!" She shouted, splatting it on Anneliese's face, before running off into a crowd of nobles.

Roleplay from Anneliese
Anne wiped the pie off her face and shouted angrily, "I'LL GET YOU FOR THAT!" She went off in the nearest direction she'd seen Davendrall run, but instead found herself near the buffet. She picked up a pie, some other foodstuffs and a few bottles of wine and ran off.

What followed was a fight that mostly consisted of Anne trying to hit Davendrall with pies, food and wine and unfortunately hitting every one that wasn't smart enough to get out the way instead.