Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP2Ch3

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Davendrall and Anneliese welcome Katelijn to Tara - Chapter 3

Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall stood under the cover of darkness, behind some tall bushes which concealed a suspicious looking caravan, whispering to Barnabas, Manager of her business. “Hide them behind the cookies Banana Bus”

“Yes mistress Davendrall” He replied, nodding to Nibal and Yuma, scout and scribe, who preceded to place several crates of leprechaun wine, some vials of what looked like very dangerous purple liquid and some suspicious bags of white powder into the caravan.

“Ma’am?” Captain Levin approached Davendrall

“SHHHSHH! What is it Captain Lemming?” Davendrall whispered

“Just to clarify ma’am, for our journey to the capital of Eston, we need to make sure our men our well fed…so…we are filling a caravan entirely…of cookies”

“Erm…yes…right…yes…that’s the reason…” Davendrall shifted her eyes suspiciously

“I didn’t realise you owned Taran cookie industries ma’am. But why are we loading the cookies in the middle of the night? Can’t we wait till morning and get the workers to do it? And why did we go through the back door with a crowbar?”

“Erm…well…hey look over there a flying leprechaun”

As the captain turned away Davendrall hid her face behind her hands

“Flying leprechaun? What are you on about ma’am. Erm…Mistress Davendrall, why are you coving your face”

“Davendrall? What Davendrall? I don’t see any Davendrall here. And no hands, no hands here. I’m just a tree, nothing to see, move along”

“Riiiighhht…okaaaaay….why did I accept this job, why oh why oh why”

“Hey! What’s that man doing! Oi! You! Yeah you! The one with the funny nose and the cookie crumbs around your mouth! Yeah I saw you! Thought you’ll sneak a cookie when I’m not looking! Well I know what to do with you, you tratorous theiving heritic! Captain Lemming! Call for...the beast”

A gasp ran out through her troops. The young man cried out in terror

“No…you don’t mean…NO PLEASE HAVE MERCY!”

“Yes, I mean…”

The small crowd of Cute Cookie Infantry split in the middle, many tripping over themselves to get out the way of what was coming, several gasping in horror. As the crowd split further, the reason behind there fear became obvious. Standing on his back legs, walking slowly up towards the young man, was a hamster. But not just any hamster. Hammie the War Hamster. He stood an entire 6 inches of the ground, muscles bulging from his arms, almost splitting his fur. The terrifying creature wore a shinning Viking hat upon his head, his miniature sword gleaming in the moonlight


“Not even Sot, the great Hamster God of Hamsters, will help you now! Nor would he if he could! For Hammie was created as champion of the Hamster Gods, so let it be known in the name of Kjeks, Hamster God of cookies, THIS WILL BE THE PUNISHMENT FOR EATING DAVENDRALLS COOKIES!”

Hammie climbed upon a rock, letting out a strong, mighty squeak. The young offender turned to run, but it was all in vain, for the War Hamster caught him before he placed a foot on the ground.

Roleplay from Davendrall
The sun had just risen over the river which acted as a border for Eston. A fat, bold man sat in a chair, the chair creaking under the weight. He looked across the bridge of the river at which he sat at the end of and noticed something unusual: An incredibly large bush. He was sure he hadn't seen it before, but he disregarded it, shrugging to himself and looked back down to his morning paper. In the corner of his eye he saw some movement, looking up again he saw the bush, it looked as if it had just come to an abrupt halt. And he was sure it was closer than it just was. But how could this be? It was an inanimate bush. Must be a trick of the light. But as he looked back to his paper, he saw the bush rise a few ft, revealing several dozen army books which toddled along slowly a few meters before the bush fell back down to cover them. The bush was much closer now. And he definitely new there was something weird going on, for the main fact six ft tall 15 ft wide bushes do not grow on stone bridges.

“Stop there Mr Bushie! Border Control!”

With that the fat man waddled over the where the bush was. He inspected the front first, then cautiously looked behind it

Behind it he saw roughly 30 troops, a caravan, and a young viking girl

“This is the border of Eston, as such in the name of the king I am ordered to search your properly”

“What properly, I see no properly, nothing here, nothing here at all, im just a bush”

“What are you on about girl! Theres clearly 30 of your troops and a caravan here”

“Girl? Well I suppose that is an improvement on the Tarans that seem to think I’m male. But do not call me “Girl” man! I am Davendrall Felhand. And I AM a bush! And im the most fierce bush in these parts! Branches flee before me, entire forests bow down to my great bushness!”

“I see…you’re a norlander aren’t you”

“How’d you guess that?”

The guard grunted sarcasticly. “Well Ms Bush, I need to inspect your caravan

“Well yes of course” Davendrall motioned to the caravan. As the man turned around Davendrall pulled what she thought was a knife from her belt, stabbing he man in the back

“Ow! That hurts”

Davendrall looked down to see what she had infact taken of her belt, was a pigeon, who was pecking the mans back

“Sorry, I’ve spent too much time in Meldeen. Just wait there a second, my dagger is here somewhere. Sorry about this…I’ll only be a second”

“That’s okay. No…wait…are you going to use that dagger to stab me?”

“Nooooooooo” Davendrall said suspiciously

“That’s it, you’re under arrest”

“You can’t arrest me already! I’ve only just got here! Quickly Nibbles! Get him!”

The man grunted, falling onto his front, to reveal Davendralls scribe standing behind him, holding a needle

“You didn’t…”

“No I used a safe dose of Leprechaun Poison…if you can really call that safe”

“Come on men! Mr Snuggles awaits us” she said still holding the pigeon

Several hours later the old guard was found by some other guards, who immediately took him into a mental asylum

“NO! There all around me! No! Get away from me! Leave me alone! No! Get away from me you crazy leprechauns!”

Noble left the realm
Davendrall has abandoned the realm and joined Eston.

For the next part to the thrilling Adventures of One Drunk and her Rabbit read Chapter 4