Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP3Ch3

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Davendrall and Anneliese show the newcomer Sir Charion the ropes - Chapter 3

Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall came to the North Gates of Barad Lacirith with her caravan, and Anneliese sneakily disguised as a guard

"Let me do the talking, im good at this kinda thing" Davendrall whispered

"Halt!" A gate guard said "In the name of the king we are obliged to check your caravan"

"Why of course! I have nothing to hide. Nothing suspicious here at all, I am just a simple noble girl visiting the market to sell my pigeons, nothing suspicious at all. And this is my equally unsuspicious guard, Rabbita, we have nothing to hide at all, there really is no point in you checking the caravan, there is nothing in there but pigeons, cookies and some simple, legal wine...honest"

The guard looked at Davendrall then Anneliese suspiciously and slightly confused. Davendrall returned the look with her best innocent face

"Nevertheless, we must take a look ma'am" He said going over to the caravan to look in, Davendrall stepped closely behind him

Inside were several boxes of cookies, a crate of wine, many cages of very loud pigeons...and a suspiciously large pigeon who looked more like a tied up and gagged man covered in honey and feathers. He struggled and shouted something which was muffled by his gag

"Is that a man?" The guard said suprised, turning to Davendrall for explenation

"No! What a peculiar accusation! Men don't have feathers! Have you no knowledge of the human anatomy in any way shape or form man!"

"It looks like a man whos been covered in honey and feathers to me"

"Nonscence! Who would do such a thing?" Davendrall said nerviously looking guiltily to Anneliese

"I am afraid I will have to confiscate this pigeon for further investigation"

"Oh I see! You just want my giant pigeon don't you? Hmm? Just cause he will win the giantist pigeon award. Your just trying to steal it and claim the price yourself"

"No i'm not! That is clearly not a pigeon! It's a man you maliciously covered in honey and feathers. Your under arrest"

"Oh for goodness sake! Not again! What is it with you people and trying to arrest me. Hey look over there a male nudist!" Davendrall pointed behind the man

The guard turned around quickly to see what was pointing at

"Ahahaha! Gay!" Davendrall shouted, before hitting him on the head with a burnt cookie, knocking him out, then pushing him in the caravan

"Come on then Anne, lets get to the main square before people start turning up and anyone notices the absence of the guard. You know, I feel kinda mean. We were invited to a young, unexperienced mans home to help him, then we got him drunk, stole his cookies and wine, stripped him to his underwear, covered him in honey and feathers, claimed he was a pigeon, and now we are tying him to a post in the main square for display. No I'm lying, I feel no guilt at all, he did after all, ask us to show him the ropes!"

Roleplay from Amcastra

Amcastra was up and about early in the morning, preparing to set off to the Tournament held in York. As he wrote letters passing command to his SiC, he observed a strange pair and with really loud caravan cart rolling the street in the wee hours. Normally, merchants don't arrive this early and usually appear later and they did looked really suspicious with a badly dressed guard and cloaked figure. Alarm bells rang off in his head as he wondered, who were they? Saboteurs? Spies? He quickly finish dictating his messages and sent the messengers out.

He was soon walking in the streets of Barad Lacirith and approached the suspicious people, "Hail, strangers." He said in a polite tone. "What bring you here so early in the morning?"

Roleplay from Davendrall
"What? Us? Oh...hi...we are simple, innocent nobles of Eston wishing to sell my pride pigeons at the market later today...I have some personal business to attend to first though" Davendrall replied looking rather awkward.
Roleplay from Amcastra

"Oh." Amcastra said, realized that they were indeed two noble ladies of Eston, his suspicion fading away, but then noted something odd. "But, why is lady Anneliese dressed up as a lowly guard?" his confusion visible.

Roleplay from Charion

Charion woke up confused and highly disturbed by his current state which was at least...weird and very disturbing but couldn't do a thing. When the guard checked the goods he tried to say something but nothing came out. Now he heard someone else nearby and started trying to scream with all his strength, what came out however was a deafened and kinda faint sound of a gagged human.

Roleplay from Davendrall
"Erm...well...of course there is a reasonable explanation for this...which is...erm...well I left all my men behind because I intend to go to the tournament straight from here, and the caravan is obviously more prone to attack if people see two young noble women who look defenseless...not that we are...with no guards, and we would rather not have a might frighten my you see...a perfectly acceptable if you don't mind, my business is urgent and we must get moving"

Davendrall hastily walked past the noble, followed by Anneliese and the caravan.

When moving off Davendrall spoke quietly to Annliese "I think when the main square becomes busy and there will be a crowd around Charion, we should convince him he was hallucinating, and we couldn't stop him, and he crashed into a crate of honey I had with me...then went to his bedroom and started ripping up pillows, then ran, deranged, all through the night, and we only just caught up with him and everything was an hallucination...or something."

Roleplay from Anneliese
"Er... yes." Anne said, agreeing with Davendrall. "Really, this disguise was her idea. I would much rather fight whatever unfortunate bastard that chose to pick a fight with us, but she's got her pigeons to think of." She rolled her eyes, and then leaned close to the marshall, whispering, "Don't tell 'er, but I plan to let my hawk loose on the pigeons when she's not looking." She grinned once, then walked on after Davendrall.

The smell of wine, the dilated pupils and the slight slur in her words gave away the fact that she had been drinking heavily. This was not unusual for a Norlander, but a little unusual for Anneliese - she rarely went out in public like this.

"Will that be before or after we tie him up? If it's after... how do we explain how he got tied up? That we had to restrain him for his own good?"

Roleplay from Amcastra

Amcastra had his eyebrows raised throughout the explanation from the two ladies, but in the end he merely sighed and let them pass. It didn't seem they were going to about to hurt people and he had no time for minor mischief. Anyways, he had to get going as well! "Very well, Farewell ladies."

As the caravan pass, he could of sworn he heard some man was in it, but waved it off, he had to hurry and get his horse mounted.

Roleplay from Davendrall
"After...we need to tie him up to restrain him...and I plan to just push through the crowds and look as if we have just arrived and was looking for him" Davendrall said to Anneliese as the approached the main square
Roleplay from Anneliese
"Works for me. I suppose we'll have to say some... malicious person," She grinned, "must've took of advantage of him and tied him to a post."
Roleplay from Davendrall
Under the cover of darkness Anneliese and Davendrall hid in the shadows, out of the sight of any guards. Muffled struggled came from the tied Charion

"Shhhh!" Davendrall whispered to him in an annoyed voice, pulling out a needle full the leprechaun poison, and injecting it into him

"That should keep him out till the morning...come on"

Davendrall took one arm, and Anneliese took the other and they both struggled over to a post in the main square. Neither spoke for fear of being heard. Davendrall motioned and Charions hands were tied behind the post. The pair then ran off back into the night, out of sight

"That honey is going to be really bad tomorrow...if I had any morals I would feel sorry for him. I guess now we wait till the morning and make our entrance when there is a big enough crowd. In the meantime i've rented a room with a good view of the square, Banana Bus has already put the cookies and wine there, care to join me?" Davendrall whispered to Anneliese

Roleplay from Anneliese
Adrenaline and euphoria covered any sense of shame she felt what she'd done to that knight - perhaps she'd feel it later, but for now, she was far too amused to do anything but grin.

It reminded her the pranks she and Katelijn used to play - at least, before Kate had lost her sense of humor and started taking herself far too seriously.

Anneliese could barely contain her laughter, but managed to for the sake of stealth. Even in the alley way, she found herself snickering. "Ah-" She managed to stop, "-yes. Of course I'll join you." She said, and started to follow her.

Roleplay from Davendrall
"Excellent. Davendrall led Anneliese to the upper room of a nearby cloth shop. The room was decently sized, with a bed and a mattress on the floor. There were also several crates of wine and boxes of cookies.

Davendrall took a conveniently placed crow bar, opened the crate, and handed Anneliese a bottle, taking one for herself

Roleplay from Anneliese
By now, she had already had so much wine that she figured more of it would make very little difference. Anne removed the cork from the bottle, and took a swig, draining nearly half of it.

During the entire trip to Barad Lacrith, she'd watched calvary squirrels shooting arrows at hawks. The hawks fell down one by one, until the last one swooped down suddenly and started breathing fire on them all, and left a charred mess in its wake.

Then it had decided to land atop a pile of squirrel corpses, caught itself on fire, and died.

"So, how long d'you think it'll take 'em before someone starts noticing?"

Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall looked at Anneliese distant, dazed expression

"You'll get used to the hallucinations of Leprechaun Wine...soon they will just be part of reality...of course lots of people will think your mad...and be right...but at least you'll sound sane..ish. And it will probably be morning until anyone notices, when people start setting up market stools. The post is in a rather shadowy area, and guards are rather lazy. Nothing ever happens in the middle of the city appart from pub brawls, and the guards are rather tired at this time" Davendrall said, downing a large amound of wine. She felt herself getting more and more drunk, and she had grown to like it, rather too much, shrugging off the hallucinations as best she could

Roleplay from Anneliese
That almost sounded a little sad to her. "I already have... well, a bit. I've been drinking this stuff so you wouldn't be able to take advantage of me again - that's why I wasn't distracted durin' all this..."

An awkward silence filled the room, and Anne had an urge to fill it with something, anything. The idea of growing steadily crazier and crazier was simply too sad to contemplate. ", uh, why did you start making this wine?" She paused, finally noticing Dave's distant expression, "Are you okay?"

Roleplay from Davendrall
While drinking Davendrall felt herself losing her control more and more. Shaking of the hallucinations she turned to Anneliese

"Huh? Oh...I erm duna remembers dat much...err...weew...i erm thinks i was in Tara and da guy...Banana Bus was I ated some berries or i figured tha berries were poisonous, an got tha idea ta make some wine outa it an some bananas...cause he was a Banana Bus an all, an there...hey!" Davendrall shouted looking just behind Anneliese "Ya get ya hands of her ya filthy Leprechaun! Think ya can come in here, with your evil eyes and purple Mohawk and purt yer hands all over 'er eh?" Davendrall shouted at the invisible leprechaun, launching herself towards it, throwing a punch in mid air

"Your teeth dont have no raisins in! And your Mum is a jellyfish!" She shouted at it, before tripping over...thankfully there was a bed there...or it would have hurt quite a lot. Davendrall shook her head, trying to clear it of the hallucinations

"Dammit! I spilt the wine all over the floor!"

Roleplay from Anneliese
"Poisonous berries...? Is that what caus-" Anneliese stepped out of Davendrall's path, and watched with a mixture of confusion and fear as she started attacking something she couldn't see. She hoped she didn't ever become like this. "Is there any way to make them-" No, it wasn't a question worth asking. If Dave knew some way of making the hallucinations stop, she wouldn't be like this now.

"Er... yes, you did spill it all." She didn't point out the still upright crate in the room. The wine in it had not been affected, but Anne didn't want to encourage more drinking in her current state. "...what a shame."

Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall looked up at Anneliese and did a little cute face. She had gained back some control and the hallucinations had stopped..."but I need some more is generally so boring when there was no one around for me to kill...there are no wars going on so no fighting, and as of yet I can't legally kill anyone...not that that had stopped me before...but she believe it or not I dont much fancy getting executed." Davendrall sighed...and looked down sadly..."My life feels so empty!"

Davendrall thought to herself...stage three of Leprechaun drunkenness...depression. This made her sadness deepen further. How she had become so use to drink...she need to kill to keep her focused on life.

Roleplay from Anneliese
Anne was surprised at how much her reason for drinking made sense - she expected something less coherent from Davendrall. They sounded a lot alike. She sat down beside her on the mattress.

"I used to drink... normal, regular wine before I stumbled on to you and was introduced to your wine. I had the same reasons you did - I couldn't kill anyone... though not necessarily 'cause there weren't a war goin' on - it's just that, since my first liege had placed me in the Homeland Defense in Tara, I had no choice but to follow orders... and that often meant staying away from the battlefield."

Anne frowned, "Espicalley when that bastard refused to appoint a lord Byblack - I had to abandon the war front to go police some boring, backwood region because there were few other people that... wanted to... that knew it well enough to keep it under control. It when downhill from there... I think the only battle I saw was when the Darkans attacked, and then monsters... always monsters..." She sighed, "No challenge at all, killin' something without a brain or sense of organization..."

"My life was boring until I met you. Even if you kidnapped and kept putting me cages, at least it's better than being a courtier..."

Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall almost laughed..." ones ever shown any caring for me before...not even because i locked them in a cage and tried to convince them I was a rabbit" Davendrall shifted awkwardly, unsure what to do in such a situation. She had never confided in anyone before, she didn't really know how...but it all just came out "My father was heartless and relentless, I saw him kill my own mother when I was very young, and I was separated from my brother then. I grew up in my fathers house and spent most of my time hiding from him. He was the first person I killed, and since then it kind of became an addiction...but at least ive made your life more entertaining" Davendrall grinned.
Roleplay from Anneliese
Anne smiled, "Yes, you certainly have. I'm so glad I didn't stay in Tara - I don't want to even think about what would have happened if I had... I would probably still be a courtier now..."

There was a pause as she considered what Davedrall had told her. She generally wasn't the type of person to do any comforting displays of affection, and had no idea what to say that would provide any comfort - all that she could think of sounded hollow to her. Lacing anything else, she simply decided to hug her. "My parents weren't like that - my father disappeared after I was seven, although..." She paused, then shrugged, and moved on to a different family member, "My mother wasn't- well. I couldn't really live up to her standards. She forced me to become a knight and 'make myself useful' or else be disowned..." Oddly, she didn't seem at all bitter about it, though perhaps that was the wine.

"Do you remember Falsaan? That last battle in their old capital was my first battle... I never killed anyone until then." Anne paused, "It wasn't an honorable battle, I realize now, but at the time... all I could... the feeling of happiness. Completeness. I-I-" The euphoria she felt when fighting was impossible to describe, and not helped at all by her drunken state. "I have never felt more alive, except when I am fighting... although that trick we pulled just now was close..."

Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall too felt a bit awkward in the situation, but tried not to show it

"Yes. Though I think im more just...naturally evil. I don't deliberately play tricks on people and torment them...its just what I do...and half the time I can't control it...being drunk all the time. Though I won't deny being more than a bit insane. As for killing, it excites me, its more of a need than anything else, to have so much control over other peoples be on the edge of feel someones life slip away under my hand...its thrilling, and addictive. I can't even remeber the last time I killed a human" Davendrall said sadly "It must have been the last battle with Minis Ithal, and they were not very entertaining short ones and there were not a great amount of them"

Davendrall led fully on the bed and yawned

"We can continue this conversation tomorrow. I think we should get some make Davendrall sweepy...yawn..." Then she passed out, not waking up until just before dawn.

Roleplay from Davendrall
There was a crowd developing around Charion in the Main Square of Barad Lacirith

"Excuse me! Let me through! Out of the way" Davendrall pushed through the crowd, dragging Anneliese with her. They saw Charion still tied to the post. He looked as if he had just gained conciousness, and had quite a bad headache

Davendrall approached him and knelt down to his level

"Oh you poor thing! You drank too much of that wine yesterday. It gave you server hallucinations. I should have warned you that the first time you drink it the hallucinations become your reality. You started fighting invisible things, and tripped over into a crate of honey I had with me. I have no idea what possessed you to go upstairs and start ripping up pillows after that. Then you got worse, and started screaming at us to untie you and let you go, even though we hadn't even placed a hand on you. Then you ran out of your estate and we've been chasing after you ever since. We've only just caught up with you. Somebody must have taken advantage of your drunken, deranged state, then tied you up to this post. You poor thing! What sick bastard would do such a horrible thing!"

Roleplay from Anneliese
What sick bastard would do such a horrible thing!

Anne desperately tried not to laugh, or at least not to grin ridiculously. Her lips twitched into a smile. "Er... yes. What kind of person would do such a thing..."

She realized she was smiling, and forced herself into a concerned expression. "Are you alright Sir Charion?"

Roleplay from Davendrall
"He probably has one hell of a headache, we should get him to the healers just in-case" Davendrall grabbed Charion's elbow to try and help him up.

A few guards were nearby, clearly none were suspicious, or thought them responsible for the mysterious disappearance of one of their colleges as the began to disperse the crowd.

Roleplay from Charion

The gag had now been removed and Charion tried to speak, initially he just coucghed severely for a minute. Then his voice came out on his second try and it was barely like his usual vibrant and elegant tone with a musical voice, it was rough, faint, full of digust mixed with grief and rage.

"He was right...he was right...yes...his words initially hit me as extremely cruel and evil but he was right...his words were right...he was right...I saw him, I heard him...right about everything...he rescued me...from my blindness...yes he was right...about them...about you...about me...about life...and death...death....death....death...glorious death..."

Then he stopped talking and just did his best to try to walk, but his expression as strange, a mix of agony and peace. His body was in severe pain but his mind looked distant like in some insane trance.

Roleplay from Davendrall
"Oh really have been messed up in the head haven't you...such a shame"

Davendrall, with the help of Anneliese led Charion to the healers, and he was immedietly found a bed

"Have you got anything for extreme hang over and trauma? You might want to check him for any injuries...I erm...have no idea what happened to him" Davendrall shifted her eyes nervously and put on her best innocent face again

The healer came back and gave Charion what looked like an incredibly disgusting concoction

Roleplay from Anneliese
Anne listened to Charion's rambling, feeling a little guilty. "I hope he recovers from that..."
Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall turned back to Charion " and Anne have to go now...thanks for your hospitality and wine etc, etc, let us know how your doing when your feeling a bit better...hope we...I mean...the wine and whoever it was who took advantage of you didn't traumatize you too much" Davendrall said...trying her best not to laugh.

Davendrall then turned and left the healers with Anneliese.

"Well...that was to join me at the tournament in York? Its not like theres much else worth doing around here."

Roleplay from Anneliese
Message sent to everyone in your realm (65 recipients)

Anne was quiet for a few moments, still thinking about what they'd done to Charion.

As they walked out, she said, "Yeah, sure. I was thinking about going there anyway... plus, if anyone ever..." She had almost said figures out what we've done, but stopped herself. "Well, y'know, we'll be far away..."

Roleplay from Davendrall
"Ah, Anne, you care too much! Half the fun is running away! You can travel with me if your coming then. So, what trouble do you think we can cause at a tournament?" Davendrall said grinning at Anneliese.
Roleplay from Anneliese

"Is it that obvious?"

It probably was; she hadn't been grinning or almost laughing like Davendrall had been. "Well, I suppose it is fun to get away with it, but that was almost too easy..."

At the mention of more trouble, she managed a grin, "Ah, how 'bout some mass hallucinations? Leprechaun wine in the beer... what d'you think?

Roleplay from Davendrall
"Mass poisoning? No...too many people and too many of them powerful, but im sure we can have some fun"
Roleplay from Anneliese

"Oh well. It'd be difficult to do anyway... don't know how you'd get past the tavern people to get to the beer..." She looked disappointed, but quickly recovered and started listing ideas: "I guess we could steal a bunch of pants and make a flag out of 'em. Or dress up as peasants and mock anyone showing off. Or hide in trees and pour water on people."

Roleplay from Davendrall
"Hmm so many possibilities...though the best things happen when we make it up as we go along" Davendrall grinned, her mind buzzing with evil thoughts.
Roleplay from Anneliese

Anneliese wondered that at what point had her plans changed? Here she was, wandering on a road to York with a person she'd planned to kill days earlier. She should have, at the very least, turned her in to the judge, but she hadn't. Instead, she'd gone on to join her in making trouble, and now she going to the tournament with the sole purpose of making more trouble.

What made the trip more awkward was the conversation they had the night before they 'found' Charion tied to a post. It was more difficult to kill someone knowing their past, and Anne suspected she would have trouble turning Davendrall in if she had to. She also regretted saying anything about her own, boring as it was compared to Dave's - it made her feel far too vulnerable. What had possessed her to share that information with the closest person she had to an enemy? Mere drunkenness, or...?

It was then that Anneliese realized something very important:

"I forgot to pay my troop before I left."

Roleplay from Charion

A day later... Charion got some sleep and was taken back to his estate. The servants thought it would be good to avoid the peasant mockery and some less educated nobles that could bother him while he recovered. He woke up in the following day tired but perfectly well...physically speaking at least. Healthier than ever..but his behaviour was by no means normal. First he dressed himself entirely in black which was highly unusual to him. Then when he reached the main hall he cried to the servants in a solemn voice.

"I am back, Ferel...remove the symbols on my shrine...I'll be bringing new ones." "All others remove any paladin mottoes I may have placed on the estates and all symbols of the holy orders" "And finally, get me some people from the town, things have changed, and I need a new decoration commemorate a new beginning, a rebirth..."

Roleplay from Charion

Charion was obviously getting stranger as days passed. First he bought huge amounts of Leprechaun Wine to his laboratory. Then the decoration of the whole estate in Saradic (which was huge) was exchanged by a very elegant but overly dark style. All references to a paladin's oath were removed and exchanged with cryptic sayings about death, and many of those praised it. The shrine looked more like a demon-worship shrine and had a human skull on the top of it.

Then he ordered some new clothes. All as sophisticated the others but all in black with some white, red and purple markings and runes. He also started using less jewelry...only a single platinum ring with a black pearl on it.

Some peasants disappeared from the neighboring villages. And there were rumours that they were taken to the castle for strange experiments and that Charion now used a skull mask over his face sometimes.