Ornate Book of Abundance

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Revision as of 01:23, 7 August 2010 by Thurnthorn (talk | contribs)
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Type Book
Discovered By Marcil
Discovery Date 07 August 2010
Discovery Location Oc Lu Pesh, East Continent
Abilities Prestige +2
Current Owner Marcil

The Ornate Book of Abundance is a large tome in oak binding. Its back is made out of well tanned leather. The pages is made from Papyrus treated with some special alchemical substance to grant it longevity. Nothing is written on the cover, instead it is covered with the intricate gold ornament that has given the book its name.

The book itself is said to be written by Nargashal in the time before the corruption of Elder Eshlir. It contains a collection of Poems, Aphorisms, Sayings and Songs. It is said that whoever opens it at a random page will find valauble advice for any problem at hand... if he can interpret it.


It is beleived that Nargashal wrote the tome for his friend and lord Qurian the Wise. Lord Qurian never let it out of his sight and brought it with him wherever he travelled. Its contents influenced many of his decisions. He predicted the rise of the undead King Kangash and led a force from five different nations to meet the threat. His force were victorious but Lord Qurian the Wise himself fell in the battle, and the tome was lost with him.

The Ornate Book of Abundance was lost after that, until the Adventurer Marcil of Oc Lu Pesh picked it from the bones of the undead knight he slew when the undead threatened to rice near his home again.