Serpentis Family/Erik Eyolf/Commoner's Compendium - Part VIII

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Commoner's Compedium
A Dignified Life - Part I


While the healers cared for wounded soldiers and the banners raised their victorious flags, a scribe approached while the warrior Judge was cleaning his swords and watching the battlefield where the flags of the three realms had fallen under his elven blades.

Scribe: "Sir Toshuk answered your request, M'Lord."

Erik read the letter in silence and was satisfied with the answer. That issue was finally solved. The apologies were accepted. The world was again at peace under the high precepts of Sirion. And the men and women who served this great realm felt safe again under the protection of the Judge who had eyes for everyone under his laws.


An investment had been made there in the last days. There was always a little confusion when it happened, because all the farmers wanted to receive a part of gold to invest their local production. The guards had to prevent the riot until the Judge emerges in the central square to calm down his people with some harsh words before spread his justice. And then, Trinbar flourished on the banks of the Sirion River.

The region was not known by the farms, but some resisted in the south to produce Sirion's best beer. And this was a personal investment of Marquis Erik, as he had invested in some farms of Dolmbar to produce the best wine. The highest activity was protected by the fortifications, inside the town. There the guilds of workers and merchants prospered and gave a special life to the place. The manufacture of flags where the banners were trained filled the squares with vivid colors and the sound of twisted horns. Sounds that mixed up with the hard blows of hammers against the iron where the blacksmiths worked to supply the soldiers. The marketplaces were always filled with a variety of local citizens and another ones that crosses the bridge to visit a special attractive: a fish market that worked every week to sell the best fish of Sirion River. Trinbar was an important center of manufacture and mainly an important trading post.

Iratherl was a young elf that worked as Seneschal of Trinbar and was always with some bureaucrats and two guards. That afternoon he was working with the projections of taxes, visiting the properties and working to assure the good effects of the last investment. Of a higher hill he spotted the small fishing boats. That was a privileged class among the workers there. Some were using fishing nets, but the older and traditionalists ones still used long poles with spearheads. A very valued work in those waters.

With the nightfall the commoners began to abandon the fields of barley. Inside the town, markets and guilds closed the doors and now the only job was of the soldiers in training patrolling the streets while the militia guarded the gates and watchtowers. The boats returned to the docks alongside the river and as was customary, the fishermen ended the day lighting a bonfire and preparing some fish, drinking beer and playing dice or a card game played only in Trinbar. The Seneschal arrived with a couple of guards wielding torches. The fishermen were singing their favorite song.

Sometimes I live in the country

Sometimes I live in the town

Sometimes I have a great notion

To jump in the river and drown

Irene goodnight, Irene good night

Good night Irene, good night Irene

I'll see you in my dreams

And the young Seneschal scolded them, ending the song:

Ramblin' stop your gamblin'

Stop stayin' out late at night

Go home to your wife and your family

Sit down by the fireside bright...

The men laughed and invited the group to sit there and eat a little. To drink a beer and play cards. And while the fishermen celebrated, far away south of there a worker returned to his wife and family. To sit down by the fireside bright.
