Serpentis Family/Erik Eyolf/Commoner's Compendium - Part VII

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The Bad Day That Turned Even Worse

Roleplay from Toshuk Vlad

After the episode on the road by the inner walls of Avamar Toshuk returned to his men, went to his tent and called for the healers.

"Healers! Come HERE!" yelled almost in pain.

The three healers quicky went to the tent, as their lord's voice transmitted pain to their ears.

"Sir, what happened?"

"Two things, the first, I need something for this terrible headache, I haven't slept for almost two days in a row and this pain in my head is killing me! and second, please tend my right hand, I beleive a bone might be broken."

The healers started tending their lord, just after one of them grabbed his hand he stated

"You, go to the prison, see that a commoner who's badly wounded gets the best care, I want him to live, and I DONT CARE HOW MUCH IT TAKES TO GET HIM FIXED, JUST DO IT!" he spoke clearly upset.

After what might be half an hour the healers had tended to his hand and one of them went to the market to buy some medicinal herbs to cure the terrible headache his lord had. In the meantime a scribe carrying the Serpentis banner approached the tent where Toshuk was, he carried a letter that meant to be delivered to him. Toshuk's scribe received it and told him that his lord was indisposed for the moment, that he will carry any reply directly to the Judge encampment. The scribe entered the tent, it was dim, with a couple of candles lit, silently he put the letter on the table near to his lord who was trying to fall asleep.

"Scribe...", said in a low voice, "what happened? what ill news you bring me?"

"Nothing m'lord, tis a letter from Judge Erik, but you can read it later, get some rest." the scribe replied.

"Nonesense, the Judge must be respected, I will see what business he wants, hand me the letter please." the scribe did as his lord asked and handed him the letter. "What?... working for him?... an apology!!!??? NONESENSE!!!" as he yelled the last words his headache started to grow again to the point of being an intolearable pain through the front of the head. "AAARRRGGG!!!" yelled one more time grabbing his head with both hands, it seemed the pain was so hard that his legs failed making him fall to the ground like a sack of grain passing out on the way.

The scribe called for aid, the healer and Captain Jodokus went inside the tent, just to see his lord on the floor with both hands on his head. The healer moved him to a bed and started the treatment for him to cure.


Several hours later.

Regaining consciousness little by little Toshuk asks for his captain.

"Jodokus, my friend, where is the Scribe, I need to answer the letter to the judge ..." Jodokus goes out for a moment and returns with the scribe.

"Write what I say, as I say"

"Judge Erik,

I very much regret the episode in which I was involved, had no knowledge that the farmer was working for you, was a moment of despair and powerlessness in which I have been involved, this is what I can say in my defense. For your comfort I have sent a healer to do what is in their power to make the farmer to recover.

I understand your anger over these events and hope the consequences of my actions are dictated by your hand.

To War and Glory,

Toshuk Vlad"

"Send this to Erik, do not delay."

The boy set out for Erik camp to deliver the letter.

"Jodokus, burning except for personal correspondence and orders of General and Marshal, I can not lose sleep again because of reading so many letters."

Toshuk Vlad (Lord)
