Serpentis Family/Erik Eyolf/Commoner's Compendium - Part VI

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Different Views

Roleplay from Trinity Fleisher

Trinity reads all the letters regarding the commoner who was arrested and silently sits in shock at the so called nobles who defend the "rights" of the commoner and insist that without the commoners the nobles would be stuck doing their work.

What an absurd idea if she had ever heard an absurd idea. The fact that the gods have stated that the commoners are worthless was proof enough for Trinity but apparently others did not believe so. The fact that the peasants procreated almost as quickly as rabbits and there are always more to take the place of ones that were killed also helped her believe this. With a look of disgust she burned the letters.

Lady Trinity Fleisher

Countess of Rollbar


Roleplay from Ivo Mersault

The word on the street had it that the Countess of Rollbar had personally proclaimed that adventurers were expendable and beyond concern. The same rumours had her quoted as saying that commoners spawned like rabbits and were always up to satanic rituals anyway.

Ivo shook his head. It might yet be untrue, but loose tongues spread news fast, and the more salacious the quicker. One thing would be certain though - there would be no adventurers anywhere near Rollbar for the forseeable future. Perhaps when the monsters were munching on the very same commoners who supported her land, the former Countess would see the error of her ways.

Ivo Mersault (Lord)


Roleplay from Erik Eyolf Serpentis

Before the battle and after the latest events, Erik sat down in his tent. The Priestess were lying there, languid like lazy cats. Some pillows and sheets was around there denouncing the nights and days of pleasure. How a bored man would ever choose beat a commoner if there were beautiful women to kill the boredom?

Some nobles simply didn't have any respect over those under their protection. The nobility taught them to spit in the plate that they ate. But Erik understood perfectly the hierarchy of the dark ages. Mercy with those without rights was a unique quality that not many nobles learned. And a noble without mercy never understood the content of justice. So, any harsh court would be just evil. But a Judge must not be good or evil. Pleasant or monstrous. A Judge must be fair.

Impose the sovereignty of a title through an evil act was just small and cowardly. What would be of the nobles without the commoners who were multiplying like rabbits? He, the Judge of Sirion, would not be there with a chalice of wine and a pipe smoking the scent of exotic herbs without the commoners. The men would fight with sticks and not with swords if there were no blacksmiths.

Some nobles were indeed so blind and stupid that even had the notion of defending those who served them and were the basis of their power. But Sirion still had people like that. Nobles that don't care about the commoners and another ones doesn't care of steal and destroy temples or rape all the women in enemy lands.

The nobility certainly still had animalistic, savage and brutal examples. And it was paradoxical that these nobles had titles, but were worse than the commoners that they are trying to condemn.

Erik Eyolf Serpentis

Judge of Sirion, Marquis of Trinbar


Roleplay from Rainerudhiel Bakos

Upon entering the port of Blaastambar, Rain could see one of her squire's had with him a cart-ful....a CART-FUL, of various parchments piled on top of each other. A moment later, her men only saw their commander fall back onto the ships deck, legs bent in the air, with her right foot twitching.

A few minutes later, Rain opened her eyes and found that when she exited the healing tent, her men were standing around near the open tavern, swigging some good ale. She grabbed herself a mug of herbal tea from a nearby shop and approached her men.

"Oi! Where did that monstrosity of paper go?"

"Oh, m'lady Rain, we did the pleasure of disposing it for you. One of the lads wrote down a quick summary for you."

As she took the summarized parchment, she noticed that the shop she got her tea, the maker was tossing gray and various other parchments into the flame that was heating the waters. She took a sip of her tea, glanced at the parchment, and said,

" this is what paradise feels like. Knowing that the entity you hate the most is a source to your true joy...ahhhhh"

"M'lady? So what was the summary about?"

Shrugging, she said passively, "Meh, Sir Toshuk beat up one of Sir Erik's payroll peasants and some other noble thinks he can stick his nose into the matter and get people fired up."

"I see...well do you really see much of an issue on the matter, Rain?"

"Not really, I choose not to care too much on the matter. True, we nobles are of higher status than them" She grabbed another mug from the kind peasant girl that served her before, and nodded her head in thanks, then continued to drink and talk, ..however, as long we accept our roles and acknowledge that this is Man's way of doing things, then we elves should be all set."

"But m'lady, aren't you part human as well?"

"To a degree yes. Ma wasn't of pure elvish descent, but she taught me and my younger brother that within Elune's Kingdom above, all are of equal status. So its just a matter of tolerating the horse-dung that the hierarchy throws at us now, or at least that's my thought on it. That and have you tried peasant herbal teas!? It's fantastic! I have yet to see any noble tea-maker make such a concoction of pleasing tastes."

"Haha! That is our commander for ya!"

"Aye, but m'lady, if that's the case, why were you fuming about it earlier?"

Taking another sip of her tea, she looked at her men, slammed the cup onto the nearby table and said, "It's because I hate the amount of parchment they are wasting on such petty things. Honestly, I really want to have a go at this Knight Facade that is starting such ridiculous arguing with Sir Erik. At least then I have an excuse to see how badly my skills with a sword have diminished."

"Understood m'lady. Now where are we off to next?"

"To Dolmbar! We need to rally with the rest of the troops, and then we shall see what to do then..."

Rainerudhiel Bakos

Countess of Dolmbar, Marshal of the Sirion Scarlet Hunters
