Serpentis Family/Erik Eyolf/Requesting the Spoils of a Fallen Hero - Part I

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Requesting the Spoils of a Fallen Hero
Part I

"A common man steals by necessity. A soldier plunders by the sowrd. A judge confiscates the price of war."

Captain Karl, the Impetuous Sword of Elune's Wrath had fallen in battle. The best captain of Sirion was dead and the ceremony in Parm would be sung by the bards. Erik had lost more than a captain. He lost a brother. After weeks traveling throughout the heart of Sirion concluding investment and holding courts, the Judge had to feel again the taste of blood. The Stormwalkers' veterans died with their captain. Old soldiers who fought since the beginning of the Great War. One story had ended victoriously to start a new venture.


Erik Eyolf Serpentis was testing his new temporary armor. The Daemonic Breastplate of the Foolish was very different from the Sturdy Chainmail of the Maiden. It had not the shine of the armor forged by Elune. The new protection wore the darkness of a Judge seeking for a bitter justice. Justice easily confused with revenge.

Nesrah: "You are sure this is your final decision? You are the Silver Dragon!"

Erik Eyolf: "I am a Dragon, no matter the title that precedes it. And I've led many dragons. Fontan and his puppets must learn that they must pay the price of this war."

Nesrah: "I will keep the titles of your nobility. Nobody has ever questioned your decision. And when you return from your well-deserved revenge, I will bless you again with the purity of your birthrights."

And under the leadership of the young Captain Andre, the Stormwalkers marched victoriously to a new journey. Erik stepped in Avamar as a Cavalier for the last time and left the city as a warrior. Just a warrior.

Al Amarah

Your men take 55 in gold and valuables from the people of Al Amarah.

Production in this region falls by 3% to 71%.

Your men also burn 9 units of food.

3 local peasants were killed by your men.

The new armor gave to the Judge of Sirion a more aggressive and taciturn personality. And he stepped in Al Amarah as the conqueror who had given the final blow to destroy the fortifications in the region of his most honorable opponent: the old Judge Duncan.

After the short battle and the aggressive attack of three immense war machines with serpent's head, the Judge invaded the region that was very similar to Trinbar. The target was the property of a merchant.

Erik Eyolf: "Kill anyone who wields a sword. Avoid only the women and children."

The Judge of Sirion remained impassive while the black-robed soldiers killed three guards who protected the property. He heard the children crying and the despair of women. There wasn't anymore the kindness he gives an receive in the last travel, when he receive the kisses and hugs of the best hostess in Montijo. Now he was there to burn and loot. The soldiers looted the property and left the mark of the Red Dragons as a fire breath, burning the food and the remaining values. And a trail of fire marked the presence of the victorious army of Sirion in enemy lands.

That was just the beginning.
