Bowker Family

From BattleMaster Wiki

The Bowker Family

The Bowker Family received its first piece of land at Pedrera, at the Sultanate of Asena. Although almost all family died in battles, four relatives survived. They are Myrnia and Mattias, brothers, very close to each other. They had a fight and Mattias took a ship to Dwillight where he is a loyal sudit of Queen Alanna Anaris and Duke Amaury Capet.

Luarin, a cousin of the two brothers, traveled for long time on distant islands and arrived at Asena after Myrnia called her to her side. But Myrnia know she likes to travel around and will not stay much in same place.

Cataryna, sister of Luarin, decided to stay as the Countess of Hutael at the Far East Continent. Perfectionist and eager to learn everything, she make many mistakes while trying to do, what she believes, is the right thing. She care about her knights and try to give them good income.

Myrnia, the oldest, is a fighter. She is truly committed to the Realm of SoA and will die for the Sultanate.

About Miriam ICS

Name: Míriam I. C. Salles Ocuppation: Solar Panels Reseller Contact: miriamics at, and actually at IRC And she doesnt know how to make a good wiki page although she work with webpages for a long time before. --Miriamics 00:47, 22 July 2010 (UTC)