Repository of Knowledge/Monsters

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Monsters were first spotted on May 26th, with 4 regions flying their banner. They were lead by an alpha named Epic.


May 26

  • Jidington
  • Shifgrethor
  • Hep Monga
  • Rinqen.


May 25-31

Letter from Alex Kidd
Message sent to The human rulers of Beluaterra
You all might want to take a quick look at our map and notice Shifgrethor and the two rogue regions around it. They are not rogue anymore, so to speak. They have been taken over by monsters. This is more bad news. I traveled to Shifgrethor to make contact with them to find who they are, but I received a rather hateful response from them. Now after seeing recent scout reports and our map, I know who they really are. Scribe Note Scout Report (Hep Monga)
Alex Kidd (Supreme Chancellor of Enweil)

Letter from Alex Kidd
Message sent to The human rulers of Beluaterra
Well, more trouble coming. If they start this arrest they are talking about immediately, then I will be the first person in their dungeons for going and meeting them in person haha.

Roleplaying Event (just in) Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Shifgrethor (10 recipients) It is strange, my Wisdom, these humans. Epic growled at Wisdom. Wisdom merely nodded in a strange manner resembling half bowing.

Make haste, my Sword, for you have your mission yet. I will look into what these humans are made of, and if they are worthy to be of any use to me. Epic smiled at Armour. You too, my Armour, go with him and return when your mission is completed.

As the few left the large throne room Epic lowered his head. He was thinking of the humans who will inevitably stumble upon his newfound estate. What will become of them? He was not like the others, for they merely thought of war and food. He had bigger plans, he wanted more than that, and was wiser for that.

Justice, arrest any passersby and take them to my Dungeon. I wish knowledge of the humans, just as they wish knowledge of me. After this command Epic left the throne room to make preparations to organize some monsters that were hiding in the hills. They were untamed, yet strong due to frequent battles with humans in these regions. He will tame them, and they will serve only him.

Alex Kidd (Supreme Chancellor of Enweil)

Letter from Alex Kidd
Message sent to The human rulers of Beluaterra
I already set my travel out of Shifgrethor, but I already see 4000cs monsters in Shifgrethor led by some of those monster commanders.

Alex Kidd Supreme Chancellor of Enweil

Scribe Note Scout Report (Tsamn)

Scribe Note Scout Report (Shifgrethor)
Alex Kidd (Supreme Chancellor of Enweil)

Event from Shield
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Jidington (22 recipients)
My Shield, we have arrived in Jidington. Sword said softly to Shield, who was beside him, looking towards the ocean.

My Sword, it will be time to move on soon. My Epic does not wait for our pleasures or rest. Shield replied to Sword firmly.

You have always been so dedicated to him. I bet he does not even know we can speak the language of the land, of Beluaterra. Sword said vehemently, he did not like being ordered around by Epic.

All the better to keep it that way, my Sword. Shield replied in a low tone. We still have to obey, he is the Epic of Gilgamesh, so we must follow him until our lives are spent. For he must contend with something greater that will be. Don't you want to see the streams that he talked about in the south?

Shield smiled and Sword took her hand as they walked towards the new estate they took over in Jidington. It was quite a majestic estate, though fairly torn down. Countless beasts of their army are scattered in the forests around the estate.

Shield (Sword of Gilgamesh)

Scribe Reports from Jidington- May 28 Scribe Note Scout Report (Jidington) Half Day Old

Scribe Note Scout Report (Jidington) Fresh

Event from Shield
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Epinotke (20 recipients)
Sword received news of declaration of war against Enweil and the take overs happening over two regions and smiled, wondering whether the rest of the world would understand what is happening.

My lord, news from my Epic. A servant brought over some parchment, upon which my Epic's orders were written in the olden language.

Sword scowled, for the letter reads as follows:

My Sword, your progress is slow. Look to the west, the fires and smoke rising is the beginning of the successful plan with Enweil. My Wisdom makes haste, while you are idling in the south. I see no smoke from where your scribes say you are. Why are you not conquering for my might? This will be the last of my letters to you. My Wisdom will directly lead you from now on.

Epic never understood the pains of war. He looked towards the north west and saw nothing. He did not expect to see anything, for he knew that Epic was simply tired of him. Wisdom was gaining favour. He simply hoped that Shield was doing well at her duties, for my Epic has nothing against her, where as for was a long story. He thought about it for a long time, and realized that he has never told Shield about it yet. Perhaps one day when they meet again...

For now Sword has to do as Epic says. As my Epic wills, prepare to take over this land. Make haste. He was glad Lance was not around to speak in sarcastic tones regarding his disfavour with Epic, for Lance did not know...
Shield (Sword of Gilgamesh)

Event from Shield
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Epinotke (20 recipients)
My lord, a message from my Wisdom. Another messenger arrived right away.

Sword wondered...what could my Wisdom want with him? Mocking his disfavour so soon?

My Sword, cooperate with Enweil when they give you orders. They will meet with your armies in time. I have maintained contact with their Supreme Chancellor and Field Marshal, and as a result they have given two regions to our care and led us to such a fresh and bountiful land. Send them your best captain for they want a test of their strength to show the world and my Epic. Give them consideration so that they do not become discouraged, and remember, I have my Epic's favour now. Be careful what you try to do, my Sword. How is my Shield, if you happen to know?

Sword could feel Wisdom's snicker at the end of that letter. So that's how he gained favour, by playing diplomacy with Enweil on behalf of Epic. He doubt that Epic even knows of what Wisdom is up to. He tore the parchment in pieces and growled. Another night without sleep was upon him.
Shield (Sword of Gilgamesh)

Letter from Mordred Lefanis
Message sent to Everyone in the region Epinotke (8 recipients)
Sword of Gilgamesh,

Why do you attack the South? What is it you desire?

For the South,
Mordred Lefanis (Great Chamberlain of Riombara, Ambassador of Riombara)

Roleplay from Celyn Haerthorne
Message sent to Everyone in the region Epinotke (8 recipients)
"Damnable beasts!", he roared through the heavy visor of his helm.

Barely hours ago he had been proclaimed King before the light of dawn, and it was a ceremony that had been performed with a sense of triumph through the struggle to come. Celyn's winged helm had stood proud against the sun as the golden inlay upon the feathers and royal band shone with a glimmering grandeur. Some scouts then came in, telling the few defenders in Epinotke that the enemy was upon them. Before he even had time to say anything to the men and women who were now his vassals, the invaders were upon them. His majestic helm was specked with blood, monster ichor and dark human red, and what moisture that had been in his throat before the battle was spittle hanging from the bars in front of his eyes.

Somewhere in that mass of heaving flesh and rending claws, amidst the smell of a thousand unwashed, wild and dying bodies, his broken lance was resting with the tip lodged in a giant lizard's eye. The head of a horse was thrown up in the air amongst those monsters not already fighting and four of the terrifying creatures leapt up after it. A frenzy was upon them as they sought devour what they could, grabbing hold of one another with their snapping fangs. The humans had been forced back into a running retreat as the enemy pelted down the inevetibly ever smaller distancec between them. One beast ran ahead of the pack, a giant bear with red eyes and scales over its arms and forehead. Desperately Celyn slammed his foot down to stop running and turned with his sword held ready. He threw himself into the bear and pushed the tip of the blade through the roughened skin, scraped against a bone and felt it sink with a sickening squelch deeper in. At that moment he felt death would join the two of them, but several spears thrust into the flesh beside him.

Unfortunately though he was spared, the bear gored the bodies and faces of three of the spearmen, whilst a giant wolf took the head of another in its maw.

Celyn took his chance and ran for all he could, along with several other men. Once it seemed like there would be no more breath in his lungs and the sounds of grunting and roaring faded somewhat, he turned. They had stopped chasing. For reasons he couldn't fathom, they were to live. And at that he turned to see how many men remained.

A rage filled him. The King turned from the few living and the many wounded who were worse than dead with the poison now seeping through them to the horde amassed in Epinotke's valleys. It was a strange anger, for it found no outlet in pure aggression. Rather, it sought reasons for the terrible slaughter. Veangance desired to be voiced, but survival struck his throat dry.
Celyn Haerthorne (King of Dominion of Alluran)

Letter from Celyn Haerthorne
Message sent to Everyone in the region Epinotke (8 recipients)
Sword. I have heard your army muttering this name, but it does not seem to be for fear of I hold in my hand right now. Is this your name?
Celyn Haerthorne (King of Dominion of Alluran)

Event from Shield
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Epinotke (20 recipients)
Upon receiving a letter from someone claiming to be the Great Chamberlain, Sword laughed heartily. What a strange name. He wondered if Wisdom could have come up with such a ridiculous name. He soon received another letter from a King, a much clearer title in his opinion, though all these are useless human titles full of haughtiness and so he scoffed at them with disgust.

What is this madness, they seem to try to communicate. He laughed alongside his servants and captains. Let them die in vain. I have enough to deal with from my Epic. He tore the letters apart and sent the messengers back. He had enough sense to not kill the messengers. He knew that Wisdom would be furious if he tried any diplomacy, and he recalled that the only realm he should take note of is Enweil. He wasn't sure what cooperation with them meant, but he was sure that nothing good for him can come from Wisdom.

He looked at the abandoned estates in Epinotke and thought of Shield. If only she was here with him to enjoy the spoils. He ordered his army to divide up and hunt the humans, recalling Epic's distaste at his slowness, and walked towards the estates.
Shield (Sword of Gilgamesh)

June 1-5



May 28th

I (Sendan Falcore) spoke with Sword today as he left Jidington. Yes some of the monsters can actually speak. Some interesting thinks he said.

No man gives me orders, not even beasts. I only follow my Epic. Reluctantly at that. Move on. Leave my Lance here if he so keenly wants this land. I see no reason for this land and I'm glad to be rid of him

All the monsters have left, it appears they are under some sort of orders to test us humans to see if we are fit for some sort of task.