Atreidus Family

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The House of Atreidus


The Atreidus family hails from the region of Saradic, in the Realm of Eston, on the continent of Atamara. Growing up on the coastline provided the family with great financial success in the shipping industry, which led to the establishment of a noble line.

Notable Characters


Leo Atreidus was the first of the current generation to seek a military career. He began under the tutelage of the great Baron Noxa, of Moramroth, who first taught him the arts of war as a member of the Andrews Royal Guard, and then appointed him to Steward of Moramroth in order for him to gain experience in economics and governing a region. When the Baron created an elite unit, The Black Hussars, Leo was given the honor of Vice-Marshal of the Army, and became extremely interested in cavalry tactics, and improvement of his jousting skills. When the King of Eston died in mysterious circumstances, Baron Noxa was appointed to the throne, but immediately held an election in order to provide the appropriate choice to the nobility of Eston. Regrettably there were some within the realm who still made slanderous and deeply personal attacks upon King Noxa, who subsequently left to seek a quiet private life. With the amount of turmoil in the realm, Leo was torn with what to do. At this point, an opening for a Knight in his home region of Saradic became available, and he was able to use this appointment to re-visit his family home and escape the politics of the realm for a while. As the dust settled, The Black Hussars required a new Marshal, and Leo accepted the appointment to this post. Honoring the memory of his great friend and mentor Major Noxa, Leo intends to lead the Hussars to many victories, and uphold the principles of honor, through becoming a Cavalier.


Lexandro is the half-brother of Leo, being the result of a illegitimate birth. Their Father had an tryst with a maid of the house in his youth, and fearing repercussions, he paid for passage for her and the unborn child to the continent of Dwilight. She arrived in the city of Itau. Due to regular payments sent by his Father, Lexandro enjoyed some more privileges that the usual commoners, yet spent a portion of his youth gaining useful contacts on the darker side of the city, with the various Thieves Guilds and Smugglers. Upon reaching manhood, he began the profession of an adventurer, carefully walking the line between the dark and light sides of the law. Through successful hunting of monsters/undead and gathering of Unique Items, he was able to secure enough recommendations to reclaim his nobility, however for now he prefers to stay in the adventuring profession. He frequently is in the employ of Brackern of Burgundy, to assist him in repairs to the Dazzling Book of Forbidden Knowledge, amongst other things.


Aldo is the cousin of Leo, and the half-cousin of Lexandro. His Father moved to the realm of Fontan to seek a new life in the free and democratic state of Fontan, on the East Continent. Through his service as an Infantry leader in the Democractic guard under his liege, Duncan Atreides, believed to be a possible distant relative, he seeks to spread the cause of freedom, democracy, and liberty throughout the continent. He also hopes to one day lead a Special Forces unit once he gains good experience on the battlefield. His unit, the Marauder's were recently commended for bravery by the Finance Minister, Elberan Carnes, for being the first to breach the walls of the Sirion Fort at Avamar.