The Great Ride

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The Desperate Journey to find the monks of ages and discover the truth of the prophecy.

Not quite the youngest of the band that had now assembled on this qwest, Aeryck still wondered at his in experience. Of course, he had seen more than a few battles, but then he had settled in to the life of a bureaucrat. The recent attempt on his life while working to make Nazgorn a better region to live in for Tarans had changed his mind a bit, to say the least.

"I'm sure that the day will come when I take my chair beside the clerks again, but that day is not today. Today I ride for the glory of Tara, for my family in Andurus, for every troop leader and citizen in this glorious realm."

Today, not quite the youngest in a company of brave men, Aeryck began the journey to find out who he would really become in this life, and with five men by his side whom he would surely call brothers before it was over...

"Norland, huh? I've always wanted to go north to see the mountains."

It hasn't been long since the group embarked on their quest. All riding along down the path in the silence of the night, everyone was ahead of Aethelmaer. Owls hooting in the distance, the feint rustle of the trees. All of a sudden, Aethelmaer starts to see a strange dark form coming closer.

"Guys I see something off in the distance."

Tadhg replies, "I don't see anything, lets keep moving."

"You must be seeing things, cause there's nothing there," exclaims Xiahou.

The group rides on, Aethelmaer's blue eyes widen just as they come up to the form. Then disappears into thin air. Blaine speaks something to Aethelmaer, who was riding just ahead of him. When no answer came, he looked back and to his surprise, and the rest of the group, he was nowhere to be found.

Blaine glanced over his shoulder, his eyes scanning the darkness quickly. His brow furrowed deeply and he began to shiver a little as a chill ran through him.

"Aethelmar? Where are you?"

He waited a few seconds for a response, then put two fingers to his lips and whistled shrilly. The raven that had alighted on his shoulder earlier swooped out of the shadows, perching on his outstretched arm. Blaine closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.

"Sir Tadhg, Xiahou, Sir Aeryck, SilentKnight, I cannot find Sir Aethelmar. Can any of you see him?"

Silentknight rode along, pondering what it would be like to return to the northern mountains. He had been there once before a long time ago, but it was not an experience he spoke of. Suddenly the hairs stiffened on the back of his neck, something here did not feel right. Slowly he scanned the woods to the right, then he heard the sharp whistle from behind. He noted the absence of Aethelmar just as the question rang out.

“I cannot find Sir Aethelmar. Can any of you see him?”

Riding back towards Sir Blaine, SilentKnight addresses the warriors, one hand on his long sword.

“Something is not right here friends, prepare yourselves.”

The air began to stir as the group gathered close, and the bright moon disappeared behind dark clouds.

“Xiahou, you know the shadows better the most. What do you see?”

Tadhg rode along obsessed with his own thoughts.Suddenly a call came ut from behind him.

"Sir Tadhg, Xiahou, Sir Aeryck, SilentKnight, I cannot find Sir Aethelmar. Can any of you see him?" shouted blaine

Tadhg wheeled around from the front of the party to Blaine.He hopped down from his horse and scanned th ground.

"I dont understand.The tracks just stop.Its as if he has been swallowed by the earth."

All of a sudden his horse grew frightened.It was trying to break away from Tadhg's grip.

"Whoa Whoa" he called as he got the horse under control.He mounted again.From his back he drew the war-axe.His weapon of choice.

"Stand ready my friends" he said as he scanned the forest around him.

Aeryck, hand on hilt, moved forward a few steps from the group now looking for their comrade. His time as a bureaucrat taught him well to survey each situation before implementing a course of action to improve it.

So he watched closely. Each man was on edge. Each of these new brothers of his now stared off into the woods, looking for the impending danger - the evil that they could feel around them. The air surrounding the party seemed to get thicker. It may have been in Aeryck's imagination (the air always thickens for him before important things happen), but you could have cut the very air with a blade.

'If our brother's tracks just stop,' he thought to himself, 'then why are they looking off into the woods? Surely, the ground didn't swallow him up either.' Just then Aeryck's eyes slowly panned in the only direction that he could think to look that no one else was looking in.

"HEY!!! Look up!!!"

Tadhg heard the shout go up from Aeryk.He stared at the canopy of trees above him.Maybe it was the wind but he felt as if the branches had something in them.His attention was rippe away from the trees by the howling of wolves.

"They are close.Closer than wolves ought to be to men"

He looked around him and saw red eyes staring at the group from the depths of the forest.

"Gather in a circle dont get split up" he shouted to the group

Then they came.A half again as large as the wolves around Foda.They charged them.Tadhg counted almost 5 times as many wolves came at them as there was in the party.Tadhg cleaved the head from one with a furious swing of his axe.He saw another dropped by an arrow. The rest stopped and circled them.They advanced slowly on the party.....

SilentKnight exhales deeply, his sword at the ready.

“Well, at least we can see them now.”

One of the beasts snaps forward and SileKnight drops it with a swift thrust just below the neck, spilling the ground with black blood.

“Careful men, we must move as one. Bezerkers will only get us killed tonight.”

Tadhg felt his heart thumping against his chest.Only three were down.At least 30 wolves advanced on the five men.They advanced as if they had planned their assault.Their red eyes were open and did not blink.Tadhg looked at the fallen wolves

"Look!" he shouted pointing at the wolves.

They seemed to dissolve into the ground.He inhaled deeply.He looked at the semi-circle advancing on the group.In the crowd of wolves stood a monster.He was at least 2 and a half times the size of a normal wolf.He was nearly the size of a horse.He was pitch black and was baring his monstrous fangs at the group.It seemed to him it was ordering the wolves.It was out of arrow range.It sat back while the other wolves advanced.Another wolf fell to an arrow.Then they were upon them......

Blaine's brow had already broken into a cold sweat as the wolves advanced on the party, and his bow had come up with an arrow notched in one swift motion. He found his lead hand to be shaking too much for a precise shot, though, which, in turn made him more nervous.

Calm yourself, Blaine. You've done this many times on the battlefield against men in armour, and at least twice that in the forests hunting since you were young. Aim for the heart, take a deep breath...

One of Blaine's arrows flew through the crowd of oncoming wolves to pierce one through the heart as it circled. As the animal fell, Blaine's resolve grew, and he nocked another arrow. Soon three of the wolves had fallen to his arrows - but now the animals were getting closer. As one of them leaped up at Blaine, seeking to dismount the rider, he kicked at it with the heel of his boot, drawing another arrow rapidly and letting fly right between the animal's eyes. As the beast recoiled, it managed to pull Blaine from his saddle. Landing hard on the earth, Blaine was dazed just long enough to find himself set upon by the wolf, the arrow still lodged in its head as it thrashed at him, trying to get a hold on his neck for the kill. Blaine struggled to hold the wolf away by the shoulders with both hands, trying to ignore the beast's claws shredding at his leather armour.


Tadhg chopped down on a wolf bearing own on him.They were pressed strongly.Tadhg heard blaines cry of help and turned.A wolf was on top of him trying to rip at his jugular.Tadhg hefted his war-axe and threw it through the air.It struck the wolf in the side and it broke its spine.Tadhg galloped to Blaine and stuck out his arm.

"Take my hand,Quick".he said to Blaine

As Tadhg raced to Blaine’s aid, a gap emerged in the small formation. SilentKnight swung his horse sideways to cover the whole. Time almost stood still as SilentKnight and his ride executed a move with such grace it seemed they were one being. He swiftly slid his body down the side of the horse while staying mounted, his sword severing the heads of two wolves. At the same time his horse kicked two others squarely in the head, crashing them into the oncoming Wolves and slowing their approach. Sliding back to the top of his mount, SilentKnight spun his horse, crushing three wolves. He looked up in time to see the largeest of the beast pointing others in his direction, the obvious weak point.

“We must kill the large one! They will be lost without him.’ Silentknight yelled over the roar of wolves and men, he sword slicing yet another foul beast.

xiahou leaps down off his horse as the wolves continue to pour in on the warriors, he knew there was more damage to be done from the ground. no sooner do his feet touch the ground than a wolf leaps at his back, he hears SilentKnight shout out to him and steps to the side, the wolf snapping madly as it flies past narrowly catching his arm as xiahou swings his blade into its side, stopping its heartbeat before it even hits the floor.

many had fallen already but their numbers where begining to overwhelm. xiahou shouts to SilentKnight as the men continue to cut down the hoards of beasts.

"ha seems i owe you one already! you were right though, the shadows are not right. it may be good fortune that we can see these but i am more concerned at what is still lurking in there"

xiahou lifts his sword to point at the forest but has to quickly bring his sword back down as a wolf goes for his leg. a thought crosses his mind, maybe he should have brought armour on this quest, usually it just slowed him down and made to much noise(by which he meant it actually made noise as he moved), but right now he wouldnt say no if some was offered.

suddenly the wolves moved away from the group, encircling them once again. this gave the men a short time to breath but what these beasts were waiting for was unclear.

"everyone back to back now!!" xiahou shouts, and begins to back slowly towards the others.

the large monster that had been watching began to slowly pace the circle of wolves, glaring at each of the men with eyes that seemed to burn.

Tadhg dragged Blaine upright.

"Come on lets go" he said as he ripped his axe from the steaming carcass of the wolf that nearly had blaine

They ran towards Xiahou,Aeryck and Silentknight who were standing back to back waiting for the wolves.They reached them just as the wolves charged.This time the giant black wolf hopped on to a tree and along a bough. The wolves pressed them hard.They cut all around them.Tadhg struck one on the temple with the pole of his axe.simultaneously swinging around and almost chopping one in half.His axe became stuck in the carcass of the animal.Tadhg struggled to get it out. While he was distracted the giant wolf jumped from the tree and landed on Tadhg.The wolf bit towards his neck.Tadhg parried him twice.Just then another huge form smashed into the wolf.They both went down struggling.After a struggle the second form got on top and bit down with the final blow. The wolves seemed to falter.They ran around in confusion.Soon they sprinted into the woods and were gone as quickly as they had come. Tadhg looked around to see if everyone was alright.

The black form when Aethelmaer first saw it, was only as big as a small dagger. As it came closer it seemed to just sit there. At the last moment it spread wide and swallowed him. He had tried to scream but it was to late. Playing back what he remembers as he wonders where he is. The new surroundings seemed every bit like the real world, except everything was a different shade of black. He could still see the others riding ahead, then stop and turn to find him gone. His horse also stopped, flung him to the ground and ran off. Aethelmaer stands up.

"Tadhg, why have we stopped? I'm right here, behind you!"

Aethelmaer could hear mumbles and murmurs, but couldn't make anything out. He then looked around the group colored a lighter grey, the path they now stood was a darker grey, and everything else was the darkest black, except for the sky. The sky seemed to move in odd directions through and around itself, almost like it was dancing. The sky looked like clouds, dark clouds outlined with white. Then Aethelmaer started to slowly rise uncontrolably into the sky.

"Tadhg, Silentknight, Xiahou, Blaine, Aeryck, help me! I'm rising up to a darkness I cannot see!"

In his blurred vision, he could make out someone turning to look as if he heard him, but didn't know what was going on, thinking something was coming closer. Then Aethelmaer could see dark forms emerging from the woods and surrounding the group. He rose ever so higher, all he knew was that he is now inside the strange clouds. The sky now flowed slowly from white to black and back again. Aethelmaer sees spectres of some sort, flying around him. They are all different shapes and sizes, but all the same dark black. They seemed to dance around him in strange patterns, faster then slower and faster again.

"What are you? Why have you taken me?!"

A shrill voice, like a scream from a banshee, calls out...

"Witness the spectral forms before you, as they start the ceremony."

One by one, the spectres launched themselves towards him. He could feel them inside of his body, swimming through him, all he could do was scream and writhe in pain. He didn't know how long this went on for but when he opened his eyes a shadow, looking strangely like himself, stood in front of him.

"You shall now feel the wrath that is my infinite power. Muahahahaha!"

The shadows laugh sent shivers down his spine. Frozen, suspended in the air with no movement possible, the shadow put his hands on Aethelmaer's chest. With a blinding flash, the shadow was no where to be found. Whatever happened it rendered Aethelmaer unconcious, as he then was sent falling towards the ground. When he hit the ground he awoke to see the wolves run off into the wolves with a larger body on the ground. Aethelmaer took a few steps towards it, and suddenly the strange dark world was gone. He now stood by his brothers again, wondering what had happened, and if everyone was okay. This was for both himself, and his friends. They all looked tired, as they stared into Aethelmaer's eyes.

Blaine stood almost perfectly still, his bow held low at the ready, an arrow drawn tightly back as his icy blue gaze scoured the area. His breathing was soft, but deep as he searched the area for any signs of attack. The wolf's attack had drawn blood from the dark leather padding on his right shoulder, but he seemed oblivious to the wound, either through adrenalin or sheer force of willpower.

"I hate to indicate the obvious, but these are no ordinary wolves..."

Covered in blood, standing back to back still with his comrades, Aeryck was reluctant to lower his sword and dagger that he held in his hands. Staring at Aethelmaer before him he felt as if he had seen a ghost.

"Where did you come from? Better yet, where have you been?"

Aethelmaer seemed almost as shocked as Aeryck was. Was the battle really over? He was sure that death would be his companion this night, but now...

"I think we should move on to a place where we can rest and figure some things out. This will be a trying and dangerous journey indeed. We should try to asses what we are up against, and I think we should begin with what has happened to you, my brother."

Aeryck stared at Aethelmaer, and waited for the others to prepare to move to a safe location...

SilentKnight slowly pulled his sword from the stomach of a beast, watching coldy as the others retreated into the woods. He turned to the commotion, and was startled to see Aethelmaer, though Aethelmaer looked even more surprised.

"Gentlemen, I agree with Aeryck. Lets find a camp and discuss what happened here tonight. I imagine Aethelmaer has a lot say. Also, check yourselves for wounds. The excitement of battle often allows us to forget we are hurt."

SilenKnight called to his horse, which quickly arrived, and waited for the others to do the same.

As he rode along with his servant, Arutha chanced upon a group of 30 or more rotting wolf corpses, but what shocked him the most was that there was one of the bodies was far larger than the rest.

"my god" said Arutha's servant "This is certainly different, but I've never seen so many wolves attack together and niether have I seen one so big" commented Arutha pointing at the unnaturaly large corpse "I agree" replied his servant "come, let us leave this stinking mess"

Tadhg hunched over a figure on the ground.The giant wolf would have killed him had this creature not intervened.What could possibly have possesed it to attack something almost twice its size.

"What is wrong Tadhg?" called Xiahou

Tadhg turned and the group could see a large figure standing behind him.It looked like a large wolf.

"Watch out" shouted Aeryk

"Hold my friends.This is no wolf.This beast saved me.It is a wolfhound"said Tadhg

The party came to look at the rare animal.It was waist high on a tall man.Powerfully muscled with Jaws that looked like they could crush bone with no effort.

"The spirit of Tara lives it seems.I will call you Wolfbane.That seems an appropriate name." said Tadhg quietly to the animal

Tadhg walked over to the bloodied men.They did not seem to have any major injuries.Tadhg thanked his anscestors. Tadhg noticed another figure standing a little away from the group.It was Aethaelmar.It may have been his imagination but his eyes seemed a different colour.They looked like they were no longer dark blue but black Tadhg was distracted from this by the calls to find somewhere safe.

"I know of a cave near here.It is hidden and is the safest place I can think of."

The others agreed.They mounted up and rode away from that cursed place.Aethelmaer came last. Just behind Wolfbane loped along following the group.He seemed to have his eyes fixed upon Aethelmaer.....

Tadhg dismounted and led the group into the cave.When people were settled he said.

"A fire must be lit."

He went outside and gathered some wood.With the aid of some flint,a fire was soon lit casting shadows over the cave.

"Now,there are many matters to discuss."

He looked at Aethelmaer.There was concern etched over his face.

"What happened to you,My friend?"

Wolfbane came and sat at his feet.His ears seemed to lift as he waited for Aethelmaer to talk.

Aethelmaer looked down at Wolfbane, then into the eyes of each of his friends. He started to speak.

"It started with this strange portal, it swallowed me whole at the last second, from what you said, I must have been the only one to have seen it. That left me in a dark world much like the real world, I could see you but couldn't hear you."

Aethelmaer felt a wierd sensation inside of him that caused him to stop speaking. He screamed aloud and fought back the temptation to start killing at random. Wolfbane, watching him intently, backed up a few steps and started to growl violently, and looked as if to attack. When the screaming was done, Aethelmaer's eyes turned blue again, and Wolfbane returned to his former position. He continued...

"From there, I was lifted by a strange force into the darkness of the sky, and some sort of spectres were grouping around me dancing. I heard a shrill voice call out something about a ceremony. I then felt some extreme pain everywhere on my body, like it was ripping me apart. I opened my eyes to see a shadow that looked exactly like me, said something about an infinite power, then with a blinding flash, disappeared. When I awoke I saw you guys again, took a few steps and was back to the this world."

He looked into Tadhg's eyes, and they looked concerned as if something was going on, and he knew what it was. Aethelmaer obviously didn't understand it, but continued.

"I have no idea what this ceremony was for, or where the shadow went, but...Now tell me of what happened to you, and what became of Wolfbane?"

He sat in waiting for someone to tell him of the goings on.

Tadhg sat and listened patiently to the story.He was concerned about the men around him.He had brought them into this and he wondered what would becme of the group.

"They came at us while we were searching for you.They were like demons.Faster stronger, and more agile than wolves should be.I have only ever heard of wolves attacking children.Never full grown men on horseback.There was nearly thiry of them.When they fell their bodies disappeared like sand blown by the wind."

He paused and threw another log on the fire.

"There was a huge black one.It seemed to be directing the wolves.Though no sound left its jaws.It attacked me and I would have been killed had not this fine animal intervened.It knocked the wolf off me and killed it.It saved me.Without their leader the wolves fled to the forest."

He looked up at Aethelmaer

"That is when you returned"

He stood up

"We should rest here till daylight.Keep the fire burning all night.I will sit first watch.We should get some sleep."

He turned and headed for the cave entrance.

"Keep your weapons close" he said to them as he disappeared outside.

As Tadhg sits silently watching out of the cave with Wolfbane sitting at his feet the group begin to rest, with their swords in their hands. it was clear the attack of the wolves had shocked then, no one expected such resistance...well at least not this early!

Xiahou was restless, so he decided to join Tadhg at the cave entrance. he was thinking back to the attack, repeating everything in his head. he had promised to protect these tarans no matter what, yet during the battle he could not get to any of them! he had tried, but it was not good enough. he could hear the calls of help going over in his head again.

"next time there will be no mistakes, you have my word"

Tadhg turns suddenly, he had been watching the sunset across the valley and was suprised by the figure being beside him. he thinks about what Xiahou had said and asks "mistakes? what mistakes?"

Xiahou looks at him, a cold determined expression etched on his face. "i swore to protect you all, i will not fail again. i have come here with one purpose an...."

He stopped mid-word as his head swung out across the valley. Tadhg looked at him puzzled but before he knew what was happening Xiahou was on his feet and had turned to face him once again. his expression had changed somehow.

"i think i might go for a walk, i dont know how long i will be. if you need to leave do so, i will be only a few steps behind you all."

he turns before Tadhg can respond and disapears down into the deep forests of the vally...Tadhg sat there with Wolfbane, whos head was now lifted and leaning to one side as if puzzled. he thought to himself, that is not how someone goes for 'a walk'.

Although Aethelmaer kept his eyes shut, with the strange occurance, he actually couldn't fall asleep. He heard some voices off in the distance, what sounded like Xiahou and Tadhg. Then heard some footsteps trailing off into the distance. Aethelmaer got up to talk to whoever was still here.

"What was that all about?" Noticing Tadhg was still here.

"I don't know, he looked out to the woods, then wanted to go for a walk. Something's not right, but I'm not going to stop him."

"Should I go after him?"

Aethelmaer then stares off at the horizon, then inside towards the cave at the others sleeping, then finally at Wolfbane.

As pure exhaustion tore away at Aeryck's fear of falling asleep, his thoughts wandered to his fellow Tarans.

'If this is how it begins,' he thought, 'then what is yet to come?'

Whatever would come, Aeryck was sure that with these men, these proud warriors, these brothers...that they would be nothing less than successful, and the darkness that weighs down this land shall be lifted to see the glorious empire of Tara in her glory as she once was.

Sileknight rested against a the wall of the cave, not far from Aeryck. He watched as Xiahou approached Tedhg, spoke briefly, and then disappeared into the woods. He thought about following, but realized the night is Xiahou’s territory. He was about to drift into sleep when Aethelmaer arose and went to Tedhg. A few words were spoken and Aethelmaer looked like he wanted to do something. SilentKnight pulled his sword a little closer and waited.

“Here we are resting, and half of us are either running in the woods or thinking about it,” he thought, “I’ll give them a few more minutes and then I will put these two to bed.”

Tadhg looks at Aethelmaer who seemed eager to follow Xiahou into the forest.

"I dont think its wise if you follow him my friend.We should not get split up.Not many people would be able to follow an infiltrator at night.No,we should stay together.We leave at dawn tommorrow.Xiahou will follow us,have no fear."

He looked at Aethelmaer's eyes and for a moment he thought them a different hue.Maybe just a trick of the light. Aethelmaer sat down beside him.Tadhg averted his gaze and petted Wolfbane.The dog's eyes were fixed on Aethelmaer.