Of Burgundy Family

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The House of Burgundy

The Family of Burgundy only recently (several years ago) rose up from their previous obscurity to attempt to obtain for themselves a place in the sun as they enjoyed in their homeland (that was destroyed generations ago).

In the time between their homelands destruction and a few years ago, they were working to merely retain their status as a noble family and maintain their estate in Lamoni.

Now three young and ambitious cousins from the family have set out to make their family name great again, while accruing all the gold, prestige and power that is there for the taking. They seek also to find more on the (peoples?) who destroyed their homeland.

Nobles of the House of Burgundy


He is the youngest of the three cousins, but also the most pompous and self-important. His current home realm is Atamara, Caerwyn.

He stands about 5 ft 5", with hazel hair and eyes. He is barrel chested and has broad stomach, but for that he is well muscled and a decent fighter and commander. Many members of the family find this curious, as he was always more inclined to the teachings of trade and commerce while still at home. No doubt he would become a merchant if the opportunity ever presented itself.


Arguably the most skilled of the three in most areas, he has always been clever and calculating, slow to anger and a supremely skilled commander. He currently has a Lordship in the realm of Caerwyn, Dwilight.

Standing 6 ft, with raven hair and eyes, he is a most deadly enemy to have. While he may be relatively unskilled in melee combat (the only area), the archers that he commands make sure that it is a rare event that any of them ever need engage in close combat.

Of late his life has taken a darker road due to events that have occurred in the realm and to him.


A polite, likeable giant, he overtops most men by at least a head. He is currently serving in the realm of Ibladesh, East Continent.

Heavily muscled with a mop of blonde hair, he may at times give the impression of stupidity. This would be a most dangerous mistake to make, one that in time you would come to dearly regret. Exactly what his intentions are for the future, are unknown to any but himself. That he has a plan is clear, but it is well hidden beyond the ability of any to pierce.