Wynter Family

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Jack Wynter

The Wynter family entered the political realm in 1118 (OOC 10/18/2009) with the advent of old man Wynter's eldest son Jack. Sir Jack was sworn that same year to the service of The Most Honorable Marquis of Clyderee and Ambassador of Carelia, Lord Garthon Dumeric. Sir Jack soon built himself a large estate in a prime, pastoral region overlooking the coast and began to make an honorable name for himself with his infantry unit, the Wolves of Wynter.

The Eston Incident

Diplomacy began to noticeably fail between Eston and Carelia in the year 1119. Two of Carelia's infiltrators were caught in Eston about this time and were shamefully tortured and executed. This led to two Carelian campaigns in the year 1120. These campaigns ended rather badly overall, but an Estonian noble of high standing was eliminated in the initial salvos - giving Carelian leadership a much-needed symbol with which to placate it's nobility. Sir Jack comported himself with dignity and earned some small distinction for himself upon the field of battle.

Alan Wynter

One of old man Wynter's "twin terrors", Alan was an adventurous sort of lad who decided to make a name for himself somewhat away from the rest of his family...figuring that his two brothers were liable to dilute the amount of honor and glory available in Altamira. He was a bit of a worry to his mother, a devout Evgenist, because he had adopted the Ibladeshian mode of worship. All of these factors weighed into his decision to break from the rest of his family and strike out toward Ibladesh.