Cagilan Tribune/Issue 3 2

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Senior Editor: Antonio Brutonis
Scribe: Marcus the Scribe
Editor: Positions available! Inquire with Senior Editor!

The Book Closes on Falasan - Part 2
Duke Neleron is going to remind us why war was reinstated with Falasan. We thank him for his time and commitment to the CE and taking time out of his day to write this narative so that we will always remember what "honor bound" is.

"Peace with Falasan was a short-lived thing. After years of fighting, troops dying and more drafted to push and push back, the last Falasan war ended quite swiftly with the Empire replacing its General, the swift and unrelenting capture of the Duchy of Barad Falas and the treachery of Duke Maniac, betraying his Kingdom and changing flags to the Empire's lion only hours before his city fell. A surrender treaty for Falasan was drafted, the realm of Coria founded and the long war finally at an end. Things were finally looking peaceful.

It did not take long for Falasan to begin making breaches of the treaty they signed in blood - the Ansalle_Accord. The Empire's Ambassador to Falasan was put off making a visit several times by Queen Ilya before travelling north regardless. A clear breach of F.1 of the treaty. A noble of Falasan then made something of a tour of the Cagilan Empire. While we did not know if he was a simple wanderer or infiltrator, what was known was that he was neither an Ambassador nor a Trader. C.1, C.2 and C.3. The Imperial Senate was made to feel generous as at that time Falasan had all but completed Point E, with only a single Temple of the Magna Serpentism cult not closed. With the closing of that last Temple, the previous breaches were forgotten.

The war between Tara and Minas Ithil by then had begun. As Tara is a Federated Ally of the Empire, our forces were deployed to assist Tara defensively, fighting only in regions that belonged to Tara at the start of the war. Falasan retained its neutrality as stated in the Ansalle Accord and so we were quite impressed. Shortly into that war, it was noted by Sir Spindor - brother of the Empire's last Prime Minister and on scouting duties for our armies - that there were Darkan troops who were assisting Minas Ithil passing through Falasan. A clear breach of D.4 even with Falasan arguing that despite our troops and Darka's meeting on the battlefield four times a week, we were not technically enemies as we were not at war. If there was ever a reason to recall from the treaty "in both words and intent", it was then. Falasan "compromised" that they would only allow Darkan troops travel on their way home and not to the front lines and would not object to our scouting noble being in their lands. Was the attention of the Imperial Senate not on assisting our allies, surely this last would have broken the slim tendril of peace with the fact that Falasan would only allow Darka travel in one direction being indicitive that they too knew they were breaking the treaty.

There was more before that time came, however. A Trader belonging to Falasan was found to be passing through our borders without permission from the Senate (C.2) with a unit of fifteen (F.2). Details of his presence were requested from him in which the response either did not come or came rudely. Following that, contact was made with Queen Ilya at which point her Trader was recalled. He would be back though, only a couple of weeks later and against our Judge's orders for him to leave (concern that he would buy from our rural regions when those offers were meant to allow Knights buy and sell in our own cities). He was followed by a member of the Fyrd of Erid Luin for a few days before he departed.

The final nail for that proverbial coffin was Lothruin. A hotly contested region in the Tara/Minas Ithil war, it bordered both of these realms as well as being to Falasan's east. The region had been taken over and taken over by the two sides and the Taran and allied armies were in the region ready to announce its return once more when the locals decided to turn it to fly the Rabbit's flag rather than the two constant-battling realms. Our armies remained camped in the region despite this and had contacted Queen Ilya to resolve this quandry when an army belonging to Falasan, quite a bit larger than the military limitations (D.2) allowed for, entered the region and attacked us. This was unexpected as with neutrality and peace in play, the only way a battle could have taken place was with each Falasan unit under orders to attack in spite of the Accord. Falasan was unrelenting, staking their claim to the region due to its defection by commoners, and was joined half a day later by Minas Ithil troops. The treaty was well out the window at that point and the Senate had the hard decision to make - should they return to a war they only just left and hoped over?

The answer was yes. This was the branch-sized straw that broke the camel's back. As per the initial directives in the Ansalle Accord, war was once more declared. Our armies marched north, hit Barad Gardor though failed to take it despite reaching the battlements of the city's fortifications and was thrown back. A second assault a few days later did not fail. Falasan's territory was claimed by Coria and the war found an end with the changing of the Rabbit's final region, Menendor, from Falasan to the Kingdom of Eston." - Duke of Nida and Ambassador, Neleron Carna