Sanguis Astroism/Catechism

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OOC note: This is a private work in progress, that may or may not end up published. IC, it is well guarded and only available to those that it is explicitly shared with by the author.


A church founded by prophet Mathurin Hossenfeffer, dedicated to bringing humanity into better harmony with the Bloodstars.

  • What are the Bloodstars?

Three celestial bodies, visible across Dwilight: Maddening, Auspicious and Austere.

  • What is special about the Bloodstars?

They strongly affect the emotional states of all humans.

  • How do the Bloodstars exert their influence?

By changing the composition and the flow of our blood. For more details, see the Bohai sermon.

  • What is peculiar about each Bloodstar?

Maddening is a source of strong, unfocused energy. The influence of Auspicious, its counterpart, is towards order and planning. Austere is associated with a yearning for meditation and balance. For more details, see the aspects discourse.


  • Why is it important to seek harmony with the Bloodstars?

Spiritual health can only be achieved through a proper understanding of the hidden motions of one's blood.

  • How can we become more resonant with the Bloodstars?

Through prayer, meditation, and continuous consideration of the Bloodstars in our daily actions. See the proximity correspondence.

  • Why does meditation bring us closer to the Bloodstars?

In a state of proper, devout meditation, the enlightened believer becomes receptive to a higher form of Bloodstar influence: divine visions. Properly expressed into words, the divine visions of Holy Prophet Mathurin Hossenfeffer have become the basis of Sanguis Astroism.

The Holy Church

  • Why is the Church necessary?

While True Faith and proper spiritual practice are possible outside the Church, spiritual advancement will proceed much faster and on a more certain footing in an organized community of believers. Following the leadership and the example of the Holy Prophet and of his chosen representatives is a quick and safe road to better harmony with the Bloodstars, regardless of one's natural level of resonance.

  • What are the purposes of the Church?

Preserving, strengthening and spreading the Faith, as embodied in the Holy Writings and in the traditions of the Church.

  • How can believers further the purposes of the Church?

By following the ways of the Cup, the Open Hand and/or the Sword.

The Sword, the Cup and the Open Hand

  • What is the way of the Cup?

Spreading the Faith by appropriately presenting it to the profane: "showing the simple perfection the Stars reflected in a cupful of water". The way of the Cup, associated with the Austere Star, is essential for the growth of the Faith, and often accompanies priesthood.

  • What is the way of the Open Hand?

Dealing in a spirit of fellowship with all those who will not reject this approach. The way of the Open Hand, associated with the Auspicious Star, prevents misunderstandings and alleviates the results of bad communication; always requiring amiable intentions, it often involves the exertion of tact and diplomacy.

  • What is the way of the Sword?

Clearing, by sheer force, the ground on which the Faith is to spread. A powerful, but difficult to control way, the Sword, associated with the Maddening Star, should be used with great caution. There are cases, such as dealing with unreasoning monsters or hardened, hostile heretics, when the Sword is the only way and needs to be used unsparingly.

  • How can I find out more about the Sword, the Cup and the Open Hand?

By reading the Mimer sermon and the second prophecy.

Life within the Church

  • What are the members of the Church required to do?

Beyond showing proper, common sense behavior in the public halls, there are no strict requirements. All donations and participation in public discussion are voluntary.

  • How can I participate in everyday discussions within the Church?

By asking to be promoted to full member rank.

  • What are proper ways of addressing other members of the Church?

Either their secular titles, or "brother" and "sister". "Father" is customary for priests and "his holiness" for the Prophet.

  • How can I find out more about the organization of the Church?

By visiting a temple and examining the ranks.