Lightstar Family/Xarnelf/Roleplay 81

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The Red and White Outfit

(Roleplay from Arya Calanar)

Arya was practicing outside of a local tavern. Her staff was spinning, and her uncle was effortlessly making a fool of her. She repressed a sigh, and pushed forward. Another man came up with a staff, a second sparing partner her uncle had somehow found. He looked at her, hesitated, and she knocked him down before he could react. "Uncle. I understand you want me to get better, but how is wearing all of this supposed to make me fight better?" She gestured to the red and white outfit her uncle had made her wear when she had lost to him earlier. He said it had something to do with the festive season and she'd be unstoppable in it around this time of year. It was supposed to be like magic. "And why isn't he able to fight? And if I'm supposed to be so good in this, why can't I beat you?"

Her uncle laughed as he parried a thrust, and knocked her staff down. He swung it up and almost hit her. "You see, Arya... I'm not attracted to my niece, unlike most of the guys around here, when they see you in that outfit."

Arya fumed. Her uncle was messing with her again. "WHAT!?" Her uncle only laughed in response. "I'm going to kill you!" She started chasing her uncle around the inn, swinging her staff at him, but he was surprisingly fast. It was probably one of the reasons he'd taken a tournament title out in Beluaterra. She didn't care about that now, though. Now, she just wanted to hit him, really, really hard.

(15 minutes later...)

Still angry with her uncle, but out of breath, she walked into the tavern effectively hiding her embarrassment at the outfit. She would have changed had she not been in great need of a drink. She sat at a side table and called for something, anything. Then she thought better of it, and watched like a hawk as the serving girl got her an ale. She brushed some of her long brown hair away from her face and sighed.

"Great Gatsby, captain! Who is that lovely, attractive girl over there with all the appearances of the Sound and the Fury of a Brave New World?"

"Uhm... it looks All Quiet on the Western Front to me, sire."

"Nay, it cannot be! The Call of the Wild and the Good Earth tell me of a Separate Peace... a Tale of Two Cities, if you will. This reminds me: I once knew a man by the name of Ethan Frome whose Heart of Darkness was suddenly Gone with the Wind after he met a certain Jane Eyre. Oh, let me tell you captain, she gave him a Red Badge of Courage like none other! Turned him from an Invisible Man to a veritable Sherlock Holmes, I tell you!"

"Uhm... I had an Uncle Tom once, and he took me to his Cabin to Kill a Mockingbird? It was somewhere in Wuthering Heights, I think..."

"Hmm, is that some Pride and Prejudice I detect in your voice, my good man? Surely you will not Catch 22--"

"Bloody Grapes of Wrath, sire! I think she's My Antonia!"

"What was that captain? Did you say Lady Arya? Oh, yes, that must be her! Ah... the Catcher in the Rye..."

"Uhm... bread, sire?"


"Rye bread?"

"Err, no, I meant to say eye, but I suppose I am just hungry, like the Old Man and the Sea, the Stranger of War and Peace..."

"Are you going to talk to her, sire?"

"What, me? Nay... although come to think of it, i might pen a Scarlet Letter for her..."

"Surely you're not in love, sire?"

"Captain, I have no time for love! King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table require my sword!"

"Uhm... did you just say King Arthur?"

"What? Nay! I surely said King Tharion."

"And a round table?"

"What? Nay! Who ever heard of such a preposterous notion? I think I said bound fable..."

"Right, and I'm the Lord of the Flies..."

"Hmm, what was that again, my Native Son? It is quite loud in this tavern!"

"Uhm... nothing sire! Oh look, the food is coming!"

(Roleplay from Arya Calanar)

Arya glanced over at the arguing of Xarnelf and his captain. She waved and gave a friendly smile, and then started drinking her ale. "Such an odd time of year. Everyone gets so cheerful. Too bad things can't stay like this all of the time," she mumbled to herself. As she enjoyed her ale, one of the random patrons came up to her and made a comment about showing her a good time. There was a loud thud, a crash, and a groan as she bashed the man down with her staff. "I'm not wearing this out of choice!" Her face reddened, and she mumbled something about men, and went back to her ale.

"Say, captain, I think she just waved at me!"

-nods back to her with a smile-

"Perhaps you can deliver a message to her for me?"

-witnesses the loud thud, crash, and groan-

"Uhh... hold that thought captain. Maybe it would be best to not approach the lady at this time..."

(Roleplay from Arya Calanar)

Arya downed the rest of her ale. She remembered stories of nobles getting together to celebrate this time of year, but she only saw the one. What a dull amount of festivities. "Bar keep! A round of ale for any nobles who come into the tavern on me!" She smiled at the thought of some good will, and then slumped in her chair. "Don't people realize there's so much more fun to be had," she asked the wolf curled up at her feet. The wolf just yawned though. She wanted to lean back and put her feet up on the table, but this outfit just made it impossible. 'I'm going to kill uncle Serge,' she thought angrily to herself.

(Roleplay from Guy du Bas-Tyra)

Guy looked over the top of his mug, around the tavern. This one was not frequented by nobles, and he liked it that way. The raucous laughter of the patrons drowned out the baying of the hounds that announced the coming of another. One of the Blackguards, Murphy, came into the tavern, carrying firewood. The crimson embers jumped with joy when the firewood entered into the fold of the flame. Murphy stomped the snow off of his boots, now that his labor was finished, and walked towards Guy, "I've got no news, sir." He refrained from saluting, as his entire unit had decided that for the next week they would be as equals to Guy. Guy smiled and bought a drink for Murphy, "That's good to hear, but let's just drink... to your health."

"And your's."

They clinked mugs and took a long draught of ale.