Arcachon Annals/Arcachon Annals Book IV

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An overview of the Holy War

Arcachon lowered relations and dropped out of the federation:

Around the time of the fall of League Of Anacan and Arcaea's emergence as a mercenary state, Arcachon chose to drop out of the federation of Northern realms (Lasanar, Ethiala, Arcaea and Sartania) as did Arcaea but for different reason. While Arcaea left for purely profit - to become a successful mercenary state Arcachon left due to problems with its southern neighbour Sartania, who upon great research, worshipped the evil war deity Sartan, which in the Adgharhin Way was known as the demonic deity Tark. Arcachon dropped relations and prepared for war and gave Sartania the chance to withdraw their southern armies and prepare to accept war, an honourable act on our part.

Sartania struck the first blow:

Sartania struck Unotosa and Athios with a heavy force of warriors, beating back the Dark Isle defenders and trying to trap us on our Island. This soon lead to many battles in Unotosa in an attempt break through Sartania's shield wall. Unotosa and Athios are quickly lost to Sartan Take Over's, Arcachon responds in kind by destroying all fortifications and military infrastructure, rendering the regions a far weaker vantage point to them and lessening Dark Isle losses in marching onto the mainland. Around this the Antoza Commonwealth is at war with Arcaea, Lasanar, Ethiala and a few other realms only partially helping. After much fighting the city of Anacan is colonised and the realm of Cathay is forged.

Alliance with Arcaea:

Arcaea having become a mercenary realm agrees to join Arcachon's fight against Sartania, for a price, soon after Arcaea begins attacking an alliance is agreed upon. However the city of Lasop rebelled to Arcaea for one of many times, Arcaea having returned the city each time had had enough and decided to keep the city. This leads to Ethiala and Lasanar declaring war on Arcaea, distracting their armies from the front making their mercenary work for Arcachon relatively a waste of funding. However Arcachon agrees to help Arcaea where it can, resulting in Arcachon being at war with Lasanar and Ethiala, and later Cathay.

The remaining northern federated realms, while fighting Arcaea decided to pursue aiding Sartania as well - Cathay and Lasanar regularly backing up Sartanian defences and troops. This leads to Arcachon becoming effectively trapped in its Isle, with nowhere near the troops to successfully secure a victory in Unotosa. Also around this time Nighthelm begins another war with Soliferum, Grand Lodge Of Lunaria is destroyed and swallowed up by Soliferum, Principality Of Zonasa and Greater Aenilia attack Nighthelm, the Batesaor duchy soon falls to the triple federation attacking from both north and south.

By this point Nighthelm had surrendered to the triple federation, having lost the Batesaor duchy, but still retaining the Masahakon, Hadthes, Haul and Azros duchy. This surrender was sparked by Ethiala and Lasanar planning to attack Nighthelm.

Rise of the Holy Legate Of Adaghar

During these trying times Arcachon creates a new religious figure - The Holy legate Of Adaghar, who now leads all of the faithful armies into battle. The first and only Holy Legate of Adaghar is Haruka Vanimedle, under her command Arcachion adopts a new foreign policy against Sartania - the systematic slaughter and destruction of all of Sartania's region. Every region Arcachon enters they quickly killed, raped and burnt down everything, this tactic quickly proves effective as Sartania becomes crippled. With many of their best Recruitment Centre's destroyed (for example a 90/80 range 5 SF centre in Tuhpos) also Sartania now suffers a lack of available quality troops and gold. Tuhpos, Irneas, Apasur, Obtal and Tapaliez are worst hit, with the latter two suffering less looting as Arcaea takes them for their own. Arcachon manages to retake Unotosa and Athios during this time, bolstering our gold income and troops allowing us to push on further and devastate Sartania. The regions of Tuhpos and Irneas, almost devoid of structures and population swap hands several times, with Tuhpos becoming a permanent part of Arcachon, allowing us to later on take Irneas. Haruka soon falls ill to a severe bout of multiple personality issues and dissapears, with Victory in sight the Dark Isle reinstates the general as opposed to creating a new Holy Legate Of Adaghar.

Much strained fighting happens between Arcachon and Arcaea against the Northern realms, however Arcaea begins making significant gains against Ethiala and also taking several regions from Sartania with Arcachon's help. Eventually Ethiala and Sartania agrees to peace with Arcaea, due to the dissolution of Lasanar, with much internal strife resulting in several secessions - Ohnar created in the Akanos duchy, Ohnar West in the Sasrhas duchy and Papania in the Ossaet duchy, leaving Lasanar with the Ozrat duchy, Colosan soon rebelling to Ethiala. Arcachon pins Sartania down in the city of Niel and the region of Mrlauxon, the defeat of Sartania seems imminent, however due to significant funding from other realms and the sheer distance from Niel to Enlod back on the Dark Isle Sartania survives for many more months; while Ethiala declares war on Papania ( Arcaea redeclaring war on Ethiala in response - this leads to Ethiala being swallowed up by Arcaea, who are no longer a mercenary realm) and Ohnar West swallowing up Ohnar.

Eventually the Sartania military starts to fold, leading to the repeated sieges of Niel, despite foreign funding and indirect help the city eventually falls to Arcachon. Initial plans where ton have a theocratic colony set up in Niel, however it is later decided it is better to keep the city as a part of Arcachon.

Nighthelm re-enters war with Soliferum, there long hated enemy, the Principality Of Zonasa remain neutral after Nighthelm hands them the region of Idaol. Nighthelm strikes through Dsinanas however it is unsuccessful and they soon try to sue for peace, however this is unsuccessful and Nighthelm lands are steadily taken over by Soliferum, the once greatest military power on the continent is conquered, this leads to Soliferum becoming a huge super state. Mosesedelphia is funding in Azros to "protect" the duchy from Sol aggression, however they soon make an alliance with Sol. The Capot (Dictator) of Mosesedelphia declares himself a god. New alliances are forged with Arcachon becoming allies with Ohnar West and Papania.

Greater Aenilia begins to fight a war against Arcaea, however after considerable number of battles fought and no progress peace is agreed upon. Arcaea at this point is the second largest and most powerful realm on the continent, next to Soliferum.