Ash Sea Chronicle/Issue 3

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Price: Free Editor: Landesred Stromsfiordspace Issue: No. 3 - 11th January

Printed in Ash'rily for the glory of the Islands


It is with sadness that we report the execution of Vigilantius Of Mystics by Abington. During this war debate has raged within ASI about the execution of assassins who return to kill again after being shown mercy. There is apparently no debate within Abington even over the execution of soldiers. Vigilantius made the mistake of starting his career in Abington and seeing for himself the dishonor of their ways. He did not remain their long before being captured and changing his allegiance to a more honorable realm. For this he has paid with his life. In addition to no honor, there seems to be no mercy in Abington either.


Carelian forces have joined in dishonoring themselves by joining in the massive looting campaign, this time in Lerss. Many ASI residents believe that Abington/Carelia/Redspan looters will attempt to enter Ser'quea very soon.


Enemy forces attacked Lerss and scattered its defenders. Abington/Carelia/Redspan forces appear intent on moving on to the capital of Ser'quea and subjugating ASI completely. It appears that peace negotiations were merely a ruse.

Given the unprecedented power of the Abington/Carelia/Redspan alliance it appears that ASI could fall within days.


Rumors that ASI will stand down in the current conflict with Abington, Redspan, and Carelia are spreading through the Kingdom. And end of hostilities at this point would leave Ash'rily in Abingtonian hands and ASI severely weakened. Rumors are that it has been determined that ASI cannot prevail against the the unprecedented might of the three powers arrayed against it and their policy of widespread looting, pillaging, and assassination.

Another Day of Looting in Brutal Takeover of Ash'rily

Nearly 50 incidents of looting have taken place in an organized two day campaign of destruction in Ash'rily. A.J. Von Krondor, Marshall of Redspan specifically ordered all occupation troops in the city to Feel free to urinate in any corner you can possibly find.. Honor is not found amongst the occupiers of Ash'rily. This is what the barbarians have in store for Atamara. One ASI noble questioned on the streets stated "Honor in Atamara? Honor is going the way of good, and dishonor is going the way of evil, ergo dishonor is consuming Atamara like a monster invasion consumes Beraterra."

Looting Continues in Fallen Ash'rily

Massive amounts of looting took place in Ash'rily today. Troops from Redspan started the orgy and were at first chastised by commanders. But the orders were ignored and before long reports were coming in from all over the city as occupying troops went wild. The fever spread to Abingtonian forces who ended up doing the majority of the damage to the city. For the most part, Carelian nobles maintained control of their troops. The pillaging was so wide-scale that it can only have been committed with the passive acceptance of the leadership. One Abingtonian noble defended the destruction as a normal part of warfare.

Mood in ASI Grim, But Resolute

The mood on the streets of Ser'quea was grim as news filtered in about the fall of Ash'rily. ASI notables were shocked and outraged at the news of widespread looting and plundering. The realization began to sink in that that the war has essentially become an invasion of barbarians. Any thoughts of a peaceful resolution have been dispersed given the actions at Ash'rily, in Tichi, and the distinct failure of any and all negotiations. Ash Sea Islanders are beginning to realize that there can be no peace made with such an enemy. Being outnumbered so greatly, Ash Sea Island notables are steeling themselves for a fight to the end, many saying that a fight to the death with honor is preferable to peace with such a foe.

Cagilan Official Seriously Wounded

Adam, the Minister of Finances of the Cagilan Empire, Marquis of Trassing was attacked and left seriously wounded during a business trip to ASI. Zadar Nargath, Prime Minister of the Cagilan Empire has vowed that the realm responsible for the dastardly sneak attack will be dealt with. Carelia, Abington, and Redspan obviously believe that Cagilan will not retaliate for the insult or believe that their position is such that it will not matter.


It is a sad day, not just for ASI but for Atamara as a whole. Today the black flag was raised over one of the fairest cities of the continent. The moment the forces of Abington, Carelia, and Redspan took military control of the city of Ash'rily they were honor bound to protect the citizens of the city they occupy. Instead they engaged in the most ruthless orgy of looting and destruction seen heretofore.

Honor is leaving this continent. When the hero Feldric died at the walls of Ash'rily during the last failed assault Duke Wallace granted Abingtonian requests to retrieve the body. Today, the same Abingtonians repaid Ash'rily by looting the city that had treated them fairly and honorably. Abingtonian troop leaders claimed that if the situation were reversed, Ash Sea Islanders would have done the same.

It makes it easier to swallow your own dishonor if you can convince yourself that your dishonorable behavior is the norm. It is not the norm amongst the troop leaders of the Ash Sea Islands. I say this with no rancor, only sadness. It has become total war. There is no glory in such a thing.

I am sad for the troop leaders of Abington, Redspan, and Carelia who have today wasted any honor their bravery might have earned them. Rather than being able to say with pride that they were at the fall of Ash'rily, there will be the stain of their actions the day after. When you raise the black flag, you become pirates, looters, and thugs....not nobles.

At the end of many wars, the combatants can salute one another and make peace. This war has turned into the other kind, the kind that leaves generations of bitterness and stirs long-lasting hatreds that make real peace impossible. Ash Sea Islands did not make it so.

King's Statement

Today is a sad day indeed. The Abbies have shown their hollowness and weaknesses by calling upon the forces of Carelia and RedSpan to do their bidding. We may have lost that battle, but we won the War...we have proven to the world that we did not give in to these oppressors willingly, and we did best Abbington in Ashrily. Battles outside of Ashrily would not have been possible without the aid of Minas Ithil, so we have them to thank as well...MI sends half of her army to us, and the other half to we do not accept nearly as much help as Abbington does, and we only have 1/3 the income they about "compensating" eh? Those poor lads...I do wonder...

Anyways. Be strong, my fierce warriors. Our General lays wounded, but Duke Wallace does not. He will do what he can...I am sure...all our forces are to rally in Yacon...our General should be back next turn to give orders, but if he isnt, I will be here to march you all foward.

Ashrily is not yet lost, everyone. It damned well looks that way, but the city is not yet lost! Numbers do not determine battles, WARRIORS do! Given that numbers help a damned lot, but now we must become more than we are...and shock the world with yet another victory against overwhelming odds...

DISCLAIMER: Ash Sea Chronicle is an independent journal. Opinions contained herein are not necessarily the opinion of the government of Ash Sea Islands and are strictly the responsibility of its editor.