Serpentis Family/Erik Eyolf/Pieces of "Peace"

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My uncle was an Immortal before the peace. Nesrah Serpentis was his name. He was good in what he did, although I should admit that his feats were never compared with mine. Different times. With the peace he didn't have what to do. You allege that we needed recover our regions... he tried. Nesrah become a bureaucrat. But it was a tedious life for him. Then he caught some caravans, took advantage of the sagacity of the battles and the bureaucratic knowledge to work with food and some business. But there was not work for him in times of peace. Then he went to rob food in Fontan. He robbed and sold for the double of the price in Sirion. Nesrah become rich, but fat too... and with the time, useless.

That is what the peace does with the men.


Some subtileness:

A Judge doesn't rob gold: he confiscates.

A Judge doesn't murder (that is work of Infiltrators): he executes.

The only flaw of this system is the torture, that places the Judge in an inferior position. All the other options are polished by the law.

Happily you have a Judge that just confiscates the gold of those that rob our lands.


What I don't understand that Infiltrator of Perdan. It seems that he was Marshal. It is difficult to imagine a leader at day, leading troops and carrying the flags of the realm and at night with a mantle of shades and a poisoned dagger.

My bard is Avamarian and that people have a great sense of humor. He told a tale about a owner of a tavern that served beer at day. He dominated the place where he worked. But at night he dressed woman's clothes...and... well... this is another tale.
