Wolff Family/Wulford Wolff

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Norland Chapter

Wulford started his military career at the age of 17 in the realm of Norland, Atamara. He became a knight for the region of Barad Riel, his home city. And so the story of Wulford begins.


Life for Wulford in Norland was impossible. His weekly tax payment was not enough to support a good enough unit of soldiers. And the Norland General demanded 30 fit soldiers at the time of war. Wulford did all he could, but never managed to maintain 30 soldiers with such little gold. Even when he asked for extra gold from the General, Marshal, Banker, or any other possible source, he never received enough, often times he was told to ask his Lord, who had the same gold problem.

Leaving Norland

After a long time of agony, struggling to keep himself and his soldiers well fed, Wulford contacted his brother Leonardus to see what they should do. As they discussed the issue, considering leaving Norland for any of the neighboring realms, they received new of Barad Riel. Barad Rielf had been taken over by Eston, and it seemed to them as a good opportunity to start a new life. So, The brothers packed up and headed towards Eston territory, where they were gladly welcomed, and became nobles of Eston.

The Eston Chapter