Wolff Family/Kratos Wolff

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The D'Hara Chapter, Dwilight

Kratos Wolff started his career at the age of 20, by signing an oath of loyalty to Queen Katayanna Ogren of D'Hara, Dwilight. He also signed an oath to Lord Conrac Amcastra, and became his Knight in exchange for a fief. And so the story of Kratos Wolff begins.

The Journey to the Ravian Lands

Kratos Wolff decided to join a trip to the Ravian Empire, an ally of D'Hara, as part of the Queen's response to their call for help. The Ravian Empire was quite new, and needed a few knights to help keep the balance in their lands, and stretch their borders. With the Queen's permision, Kratos joined Mathias Ridder and Bowie Ironsides on the expedition.

During the trip, Kratos met with Bowie Ironsides, a shady character known to most as Black Bowie. He became interested in Black Bowie, who claimed to be "The Demon of Dwilight". He also met Mathias Ridder, who invited Bowie and Kratos to drink.

Working in the Ravian Empire

In the Ravian Lands Kratos signed a temporary oath of service to King Edward Ravia, and became his vassal. During his stay, Kratos tried to contact the King several times, to negotiate the building of a "Oceanic Trading Company" Guildhouse in his realm. The King seemed to ignore all of the leters sent to him by Kratos, so no more were sent. Realizing that his stay at the Ravian Empire was a waste of time, Kratos made the best out of it by helping in the Take Over of a few regions around them. Even if he was one of the very few who fought during the Take Overs, Kratos was never noticed.

Going Back Home

The Journey back to D'Hara seemed much quicker, and he was there in no time. When he arrived he found a new D'Hara, the Queen had been overthrown and the new King, Cenarious Stormrage, seemed like a hero amongst all, with the exception of Bowie. Kratos then became better acquainted with Bowie Ironsides, and learned of his goal to take over Sallow town, something which he had in mind for quite a while. Kratos would later become a friend of Black Bowie, and accompany him throughout his Campaigns.

The Sallwsian Crusade

Kratos joined Bowie Ironsides in his plans to take over Sallowtown. Training his soldiers into an elite group was Kratos' first priotirity, and as soon as he did, he headed towards Sallowtown. He went only to see how the City was, and to learn as much as he could about the people. When he arrived, he found only poverty and despair, he then realized why these people needed to be saved, and became even more enthusiastic towards the crusade. But before he left Sallowtown, he was ambushed by a group of monsters, who matched his small army of soldiers. Kratos' army was quickly defeated by the fierce, brutal monsters, and Kratos was taken prisoner. After a week of captivity, Kratos finally managed to escape. When he arrived back at D'Hara and was fully healed, he began supporting the campaign by encouraging others to join in, using the details of what he had seen there.

After recruiting another small unit of soldiers, Kratos joined with the rest of his army, under the command of Marshal Hexic Jeckyl, at Quebel Lighthouse.

A Small Rebellion

Tension in D'Hara rised as Count Bowie and Rathan Himoura planned a rebellion movement. Kratos was informed by Bowie, but not in full detail. However, their plan did not succeed. Quickly after their first move, Rathan Himoura confessed everything to the Royal Confessor (judge) Kisharianda Onyxien, wife of King Cenarious Stormrage. As soon as Kratos found out Bowie was taken prisoner, he left the island to take quick refuge in Paisly, currently territory of Madina, who are not friendly towards D'Hara. Regardless, Kratos stayed in Paisly until things cooled down in D'Hara. He knew he would be a suspect for the recent events, due to his association with Bowie.

Leaving D'Hara

After exchanging a few public letters of dispute with the King and his Confessor, Kratos decided it was time for him to leave. His last letter was one of warning towards the people of D'Hara, in which he mentioned the D'Haran Curse. The D'haran curse was not folklore, or even recognized by others. It was simply Kratos' way of portraying the repeating history of D'Hara.

(Exerts from the last letter from Kratos to the people of D'Hara) "I also do not see a way for me to have a successful life here, since doing so requires immediate submission and enthusiastic acceptance of the King's manipulation." ... "May the Dragons watch over D'hara, and may through proper change the King become immune to the D'haran curse... which haunts the island for as long as the maltreatment of power remains a tradition."