Lisieux Family/A New Life

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The news of the possible threat came when Amaury was still half-asleep. His captain, a young warrior named Barnabas, barged into his quarters, waving a scout report around. Within seconds, Amaury was upright and out of bed.

"My lord!", Barnabas shouted, and Amaury could not tell if he was worried or excited. "Troops from Myern have crossed the bridge into Ciarin Tut."

Instinctively, Amaury reached for his dagger. "How many?"

"Between twenty and twnety-five, my lord.", the captain answered. "Archers... longbowmen from what out scouts tell me."

"Who is their commander?"

Barnabas looked for the name on the report. "Dame Danielle Lisieux, my lord. A Dame of Shinnen."

"Ready my the men, and bring me my horse, Barnabas.", Amaury ordered. "We'll go and meet this foe... if she wants a battle, we'll give it to her. We'll lie in ambush in the hills... they will not see it until it is too late."

"But, my lord...", Barnabas objected. "We're outnumbered two-to-one... We'll be butchered. This is suicide!"

Amaury gnashed his teeth, and slapped Barnabas across the face with the back of his hand. "You coward... we would go and meet them even if we faced a thousand men.", he growled angrily. "But if you are that frightened, go and call upon the halberdier militia to protect you from the Menace from Myern.", he added cynically.

Barnabas rubbed the sore spot on his cheek. "As you wish, my lord..."

Hours later, the Capetian Longbowmen and Askileon Halberdiers lied in wait behind a hill next to the main road. Scouts and trackers peered into the distance and searched the surrounding area, waiting for the foreign troops. Amaury strung his bow a few times to loosen his muscles, when the word came that the enemy - as Amaury saw Myern - was approaching. The halberdiers lined up, ready to attack, as the archers mounted the hills on both sides of the road. When the foreigners passed between them, Amaury and his men came out of hiding. Amaury himself fired an arrow, which landed a few feet away from the hooves of Lady Danielle's horse.

"Halt, in the name of Her Majesty Queen Alanna of Pian en Luries!", he shouted. "Drop your weapons, or die at the hands of mine!"

Amaury Capet

Count of Ciarin Tut

The butterflies in her stomach wouldn't quiet. She hadn't given any reason for leaving Myern. She didn't like the idea of being considered a traitor, but she knew that her future did not lie within the borders of Myern. She glanced back at her archer unit from astride Crow, her buckskin stallion. She had told them to keep their bows ready, but lowered. She was here to start over, not start a war. She herself was fully armed. A dagger was at each hip, and her body was easily accessible. Besides, Crow knew a trick or two that had helped her on more than one occasion.

She turned back and continued riding. They hadn't met any resistance yet, but she expected that wouldn't last long. Suddenly there was a yell and a band of men jumped out from the bushes. What nonsense was this -- an ambush?! A tall man jumped toward her. There was a zing and an arrow landed a few feet in front of her. Crow reared and neighed angrily, challenging the man that had fired at them. Danielle instantly drew a dagger and threw it toward the man. He dodged it by a few inches, and it landed, stuck into the ground, a few yards away. She drew her bow and strung it, keeping it targeted at the man. He told her to drop her weapon, or else. Taking in the scene with a quick glance, Danielle saw her men held the upper hand, at least numerically. All the same, she didn't want a trouble, and she told her men to drop their weapons. Some had appeared ready to fire, and a small massacre was not what she wanted. She, on the other hand, kept her bow ready.

She watched the man attentively. She was sure she could take him easily, and her aim with her bow was quite accurate. She spoke firmly back to him. "I will lower my bow when I am sure that your next arrow will not pierce my heart - provided your aim is good enough for that. I am Lady Danielle Lisieux. I am from Myern, but I wish to change my allegiance to Pian en Luries. I hope that I am not making a mistake?" She quirked a brow and smirked. His ambush could easily turn away a feint-hearted soul. He probably hadn't thought much about that. "Who is it that I have the pleasure of being attacked by?"

Lady Danielle Lisieux

(Dame of Ciarin Tut)

Amaury eyed the woman. For someome who had just ordered her men to stand down in the face of just short of a dozen armed men, she seemed remarkably confident... but she spoke of joining Pian en Luries, and he needed a vassal badly... and didn't cousin Alexandre write about an Esme Lisieux once? Something about this woman reassured him. He turned around and ordered Barnabas to have the men stand down, but with a sly wink, motioned him to bring the Halberdiers out of hiding. The infantry came out from behind the hills, their halberds raised in the air. Now the odds were about even, and he had the higher ground...

"I am Amaury Capet, Count of Ciarin Tut.", he said, "These are my lands. My will is law, and these men will die for me should I order them to."

He lowered his own bow, but kept the string pulled back. If there was any sign of trouble, he could kill Danielle within a second, and his men would annihilate hers. Confidently, he stepped forward, towards her.

"You wish to leave Myern behind?", he asked. "How do I know you can be trusted? Perhaps King Rauffe has sent you to play a role, and spy on my beloved kingdom..."

He eyed Danielle, and she stared back at him, still confident. Something inside him told him that her answer would be to his liking...

Amaury Capet

Count of Ciarin Tut

The pikemen appeared from their hiding places, and she looked around a bit nervously. Okay so maybe she wasn't really in control of the situation anymore. She lowered her bow, and unstrung the feathered arrow that was set there.

"M'lord Amaury, I don't believe there will be any need for death on these lovely lands of yours." It was time to be diplomatic, and let the pride that sprung up settle down again. "I have indeed arrived here to start anew. In fact, I rather think that my fellows that I left behind might hate me now, especially King Rauffe."

Danielle jumped down from Crow, and walked past the man, brushing him, to retrieve her dagger. She walked back and stood in front of him. He was a fair bit taller than herself. No matter. She was not afraid of him. "As I am the one trespassing on your lands, how may I be of service to you, m'lord?" It would be the perfect time to curtsy, but she didn't feel like he had earned that yet. Besides, what was curtsying when one didn't have a skirt or dress to curtsy with!

Lady Danielle Lisieux

(Dame of Ciarin Tut)

"As it just so happens, Lady Danielle...", Amaury said, "I am in dire need of a vassal."

He eyed her up and down again, seemingly involuntarily and without realizing it. When his eyes crossed hers, he felt like a child caught with its hand in the cookies jar, and quickly averted his look, trying his best not to appear like an idiot.

"If you wish, I will accept your oath of fealty," as he continued to try and divert her attention away from his ogling. "For one fifth of Ciarin Tuts taxes. What say you, Lady Danielle?"

Amaury Capet

Count of Ciarin Tut

She chuckled softly as he eyed her. Well she knew she was pretty but oh my goodness - surely he gave her more attention that she deserved in any respect. She smiled and as he directed her attention toward the idea of an oath, she knelt before him.

"I offer my oath of fealty, and accept your offer." Danielle glanced up at him, smiling. She rose to her feet and wasn't ashamed to look him up and down appraisingly. "However, m'Lord, I require a place to stay, at least until I may set up my own home - unless you know of an empty location that I may fill."

Lady Danielle Lisieux

(Dame of Ciarin Tut)

Amaury felt his heart skip a beat, as Danielle apparently inspected him from top to bottom. He did not know what she meant with her inquiry... was she actually just looking for an estate, or was she fishing for a stay at his?

"Well...", he said cautiously, "There is an estate neighboring my own, but it is a bit... run down. I suppose I could let you occupy a wing of mine, it is rather large for one man..."

He almost blushed as he added, "If that is what you want..."

Amaury Capet

Count of Ciarin Tut

She smiled at him as she accepted his offer. "That would be great, m'lord. Shall I follow you there, then?" Her men gathered there weapons, and she beckoned Crow to come to her, which he did. With ease that was characteristic of Lisieux blood, she mounted the stallion and waited for Amaury expectantly. He was sort of a shy man, it seemed. For once, Danielle felt like she had the upper hand. One of those secret woman tricks, you know.

Lady Danielle Lisieux

(Dame of Ciarin Tut)