Lightstar Family/Xarnelf/Roleplay 02

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After overhearing from several excited passersby that the Duchess Arella's orders for a new temple had just been completed earlier this day, Xarnelf decided, as he reached his men's barracks, to take the Farsighters out to complete some civil work to help with the city's production and as a gesture of goodwill and support. He entered and then cleared his throat, and the men's chatter quickly died down.

"Alright men, I know that you have all been working very hard these past couple of days to improve your skills under the direction of Captain Urjintah. I realize that you guys really want a break and some rest, but I must insist on the importance of this training at this time. Recently, I have received orders from General Helio recalling all the knights back here to Idapur, with a stated possibility of mobilization in the near future. As we have only just arrived a few days ago, we must use well the time available to us in order to be as prepared as possible when the call comes. You wouldn't want to embarass yourselves in front of the other, more highly-trained troops with disorganization and lack of discipline, now would you?"

This last statement was met with many a headshake and grunts of acknowledgement. Xarnelf saw his captain standing with his arms crossed at the back of the room, an encouraging smile on his face.

"Now, instead of our usual afternoon heavy training, I propose that we help increase the city's production with a few hours of civil work. I'm sure the workers would be grateful with the extra hands, what with all the recent activity on the construction of a new temple taking the attention of many civil workers."

The Farsighters showed a mix reaction to this latest bit of news, with some groaning at the impending hard labor to which they were unaccustomed and others grinning gratefully for a respite from the usual training.

"I have one last thing to say. After we have completed our assigned work, I will take everyone to a local tavern called the Endless Mug. I have heard that they offer some good ale and beer. Drinks will be on the house, and I daresay all of you will be quite thirsty by the time we are done."

Cheers erupted around the barracks room, and the men moved to prepare for the work ahead, with quite a few claps on the back and happy discourse ensuing. Urjintah made his way through the now bustling men to Xarnelf, who was still standing by the door. Seeing his captain coming up to him and expecting a light reproval for not ordering another training session, Xarnelf quickly held up a hand to forestall Urjintah's words.

"I know, I know, my good friend, the men need a hell of a lot more training and we may not have that much time left with which to use, but I felt that--"

Urjintah now held up his hand to stop Xarnelf's words of explanation.

"You need not say any more, Xarne. I understand and agree with your decision. It is good to give them some time to relax; it will boost their morale, allowing them to train all the harder tomorrow. I will be getting ready now. We shall talk more later, my friend."

Xarnelf smiled and clapped his friend on the shoulder, reflecting back on his earlier decision to visit the Endless Mug another night. Oh, how plans can change in the blink of an eye, he mused wryly, and then snickered as he recalled what one can miss, also in the blink of an eye. Perhaps he would find his new acquaintance Igna the Drake tonight at the tavern.