O'Deaghaidh Family/Chapter 4 In Search of Hope

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These are actual roleplays

Chapter 4 In Search of Hope

Roleplay from Lucilla Bennet

After spending a few days at her estate in Sotrebar, where she handled domestic affairs, Lucilla returned to Tahgalez. She first instructed Jorn, the captain of her troops, to take her archers to the training grounds and arrange a heavy training session for them. They needed to be kept in good shape. While Jorn leaded her men towards the training grounds, Lucilla, alone, headed in another direction. She had some other things to take care of…

Lucilla was heading towards to barracks of the Knights of the Order. She had already decided to sign up a while back, but she somehow didn’t find the chance to visit the barracks. She also had something to show to the paladins, a book called the Moaning Tome, a book she had recently purchased from an adventurer. The commoner wasn’t able to give her much information about the object, he probably didn’t even know how valuable the book was (that’s what Lucilla thought). But Lucilla noticed immediately that it was a Celtic book. Even though it was written in a pretty modern language, it had not a few old Celtic decorations and drawings. She knew she had to show this to the paladins.

The first thing she did after arriving at the barracks was to sign up. After that, Lucilla looked for a servant.

“Take me to Concobhar O'Deaghaidh. I have something I wish to show him. I believe he will find it interesting”

The servant nodded and Lucilla followed him.

Lady Lucilla Bennet Countess of Sotrebar

Roleplay from Concobhar O'Deaghaidh

"Sir Countess Bennet is here to see you." McColl said walking into the back room.

Concobhar smiled "Aye, send her in." Concobhar stood up.

Lucilla walked into the room where Concobhar greeted her, they turned to a table and Concobhar pulled her chair out for her. Lucilla placed an old book on the table and slid it towards Concobhar. The book was written in standard Atamarian but a few passages were written in Celtic, it was odd, Concobhar felt a connection to this book that was like his connection to the Claymore of Kings. This book gave him the same feeling of liberation as he felt the day he awoke from a coma, this book had to be connected with everything that is Celtic.

Concobhar rubbed his chin as Lucilla sat quietly. "Countess... This book, it's.... it's special, I would like to send one of my junior scribes with you so he can take notes on the book. When he is finished he will return to me with the information, thank you for bringing this to me." Concobhar handed her the book. "Also, I know you signed up with us over a month ago and you're the first person to recover any artifacts of the Celtic Order besides me and you're an initiate. I'm promoting you, now you need to choose what field you'll be joining."

"You can join the Order of the Scribes, which soul duty is to study artifacts and archeological dig sites or you can join the Order of the Knights which soul duty is to search for artifacts and protect the roads of Heen. It's your choice and I will not pressure you on which road you take, both are needed greatly and both can be fulfilling in their own way."

Concobhar O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watto)

Roleplay from Lucilla Bennet

Lucilla was thrilled. She didn’t expect to be promoted so fast. Yes, she knew the book was important , but she thought she would be expected to do more in order to achieve a promotion. She was happy she was rewarded for her work so far, and she was planning to do more.

“Thank you for the promotion Sir Concobhar, it is indeed an honor. As for choosing which order to join, my choice is the Order of the Knights. I do find studying the artifacts interesting, but I’d prefer fighting to make Heen a safer place and travel in search of relics.“

“Regarding the study of the book, sending one of your scribes sounds a good idea. Once you decide which scribe to assign this task, send him to my quarters. I will gladly give him unlimited access to my library, where he can study the book for as long as he needs to. Also, please instruct him to let me know if he needs anything to help him with his studies.“

Lady Lucilla Bennet Countess of Sotrebar

Report from Cuchulain O'Deaghaidh

I have two tasks to hand out to anyone wishing to accept them.

I got word that Daigh's Elven Sword of the Martyr has been stolen from the docks of Heen, this was supposed to be shipped directly to the Knights of the Order barracks but the caravan was robbed right on the docks. To who ever accepts this task, check around Heen for clues, this sword belonged to Naal's brother Daigh and their father before that.

Second task is the Daimon Arrow, it's the arrow that killed Seamus, it was once kept in the guild house in Watto before it was looted by Vlaanderen. I got word a merchant in Latlan has the arrow and has been bragging about having a Celtic Relic. This item must be brought back to us and this merchant does not own the arrow legally, so obtain any way you see fit.

Any takers?

Cuchulain O'Deaghaidh (Knight of Watersdown)

Roleplay from Celeborn Rahl

Celeborn read the scroll aloud to the gathered Rahlian Rangers, "The second task is the Daimon Arrow, it's the arrow that killed Seamus, it was once kept in the guild house in Watto before it was looted by Vlaanderen. I got word a merchant in Latlan has the arrow and has been bragging about having a Celtic Relic. This item must be brought back to us and this merchant does not own the arrow legally, so obtain any way you see fit."

Even before Celeborn finished speaking the men were all speaking at once, some clamoring that they would be the first to find the relic, some imploring Celeborn to accept the task, and some arguing amongst themselves whether the Daimon Arrow existed or not.

Celeborn thumped loudly on the table, "Alright, alright, I see many of you are eager for this task. I believe things are nearly in order here in Watersdown, so we will take on this quest shortly. Tomorrow we will join our comrades to finish off the monsters and then we will head towards Latlan."

The men cheered as Celeborn continued, "See to your families and pack your supplies. Ask your friends and family if they know any merchants in Latlan, or anyone well placed that may have information. We may need to be creative to get this arrow."

As the men moved off Celeborn yelled at the mousy boy in the corner, "Page! Draft a letter to the Knights of the Order that we'll be going after the Daimon Arrow and have it to me in an hour! Go! Move yourself if you want any supper!"

Celeborn Rahl Baron of Watersdown