Vanimedle Family/Astaroth

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Hero of 36 years.

Knight of Moramoth.

Noble of Norland. (A total of about 600-700 days in realm)

Hero of 37 years

Noble of Eston ( 58 days , 15 july, 2007)

Knight of Barad Lacirith

Rejoined Norland (15th july.)

Knight of Moramoth

Was also a Knight in Oritolon for a time.

Honour : 93

Prestige: 28


  • Drunken


  • Sword fighting
  • Jousting
  • Getting drunk?


Astaroth spent more than seven hundred days serving under Norland, he also served about twenty days in Eston and forty to fifty in Darka. His met his end in Obsidian Island where he went to argue the case of his son, Reston. but he barely lasted a few days til he was killed in a duel to the death, we came as shock due to Astaroth's well known skill with the sword (70%) But it is unsurprising when you realise he was duelling the head of the East Continent Dueling Association.

Death of Astaroth

The dawn light was cold and grey; The skies clear over the Norlandic lands. The grounds where filled with mourners from all over the continents, Sqmilo stood over by the gates with Reston II and Haruka. Xaphan had wanted to come but the duties of a war island could not spare him. They watched as the open carriage took Astaroth through the mourning crowds. The crowd waited either side, Heads bowed in prayer or thought as Sqmilo walked stiffly to the body.

He looked at the face he had known and love for the entirety of his life, Sqmilo could remember when the eyes would open and the strong hands would clasp his shoulder or ruffle his hair. Those same hands lay either side of Astaroths powerful body, No wounds where present on them but they bore scars from old conflicts but no life left to be had in them. “Goodbye, my father” Sqmilo whispered nearly faltering as grief swelled up again. The crowd watched and he did not want to shame himself in front of them or his father. Astaroth would have scorned such things. Many of the people around him had been friends or even enemies, Unknown to Sqmilo. Some would be here to judge the proceedings, Others came out of grief at his death. His mother had died during the Estonite raids on Brackhead years ago, Astaroth had thought tough and nail against those who now claim friendship. Anger spiked within him at that thought, Enemies had taken both his mothers and his fathers life caring nothing for the great life they had snuffed out. Astaroth had been a proud and great man, At one point his swordfighting had been estimated as 70% of his possible max but that was a long time and the wars with Minas Ithil and Falasan had greatly diminished it. Sqmilo breathed out slowly, Tears came to his eyes but remained ignored.

One by one the mourners would come and pay their respects to the body and some spoke to Sqmilo, praising his fathers memory. H was proud to see his father’s death had brought genuine sadness to many of the mourners. His father had been a great man and that was all that mattered. Astaroth had long wanted to die in the defence of Norland but as fate had it, He died fighting for freedom and equality in the same cruel Islands that had claimed his son Reston’s life also. Sqmilo had never really known Reston but had heard great things about him.

Reston II was his son and made Sqmilo technically his uncle but Reston II was far older and had already made a great name for himself in Beluaterra.

In the dawn silence the voices of the priests, a mournful sound in the cold grey.