Vanimedle Family/Haruka/The rape Of Virtue, Virtue to vice

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OOC note: Haruka's character is that of a girl who has a deep fear of emotional intimacy and especially physical intimacy. Though her attempts to run away from this and to protect herself is to deal with it directly, which is to say having her armies rape all those that they can. Another way she tries to escape herself and her deep seated emotional problems is to create a wall between herself and everyone else, part of how she did this was having her men believe that she herself took part in the rape of dozens and so they spread that rumour, the other parts of her defence mechanism is never letting anyone in, being a recluse and always cold. The only friendships she keeps are those of the battlefield.

IC: Role plays that took place between Rodiriz Azul and lady Haruka.

Act One

Rodiriz and his men trudged on toward Niel. This was the umpteenth time they had taken this route, the men were fed up of marching, being seasick, repairing roads and then seasick, marching, Niel again and again. Apasur was becoming a chore in Captain Edmund’s eyes, but Rodiriz was persisting, and he had come to learn that when Rodiriz set his mind on something he stuck to it.

‘That Isle will yield, if I have to walk this road a thousand times and kill everyone on the island, it shall bow to Arcachon authority!’ those had been his words, and Edmund didn’t doubt he’d see it through. He was determined like that.

Coming up toward a slight rise in the landscape as they followed the winding road through Tuphos the Manor house rose from over the hill. Rodiriz studied it intently, the imposing structure, with its numerous guards, seemed far too commanding for that of the residence of a lady, albeit it was of a Marshal also.

Haruka Vanimedle’

Having only met her twice, and both were merely occasions wherein she had shouted orders at the Knights of the Lyliltih’s Call during battle, he had found her rather elusive in all other aspects, not being seen on her estate the countless times he had passed nor ever anywhere else it seemed. ‘A recluse who enjoys slaughter …’ he mused

Edmund followed his master’s gaze. “Marchioness Haruka” he said casually “apparently one of the most beautiful Lady’s on, not only this continent, but maybe even all of them. The kind of woman that makes men forget their uh .. dignity.”

Rodiriz tilted his head toward his captain. “Slightly out of your way to be thinking of a noble-women in such lustful manner isn’t it?”

Edmund coughed and said no more.

Haruka's role play in reply-------------

Haruka dismounted, her hair still wild from the ride across her fields, the regular riding and the training with her men saw to keep her fit during peacetime. She called for a servant to attend to the horse and she strode over to the gate of her manor.

"Admund! about face if you will and follow me, I have a new plan for our training regime" Haruka said coolly to her captain who had just been facing away from her, talking with some of the lazier servants in Haruka's manor.

"Lady Haruka... back from your ride I see, perhaps before we make tracks you would like to seek refreshment?" Adamund responded cordially.

"I hope you are not implying anything by that Adamund, but should it be in the earnest of thoughts then I shall decline. Walk with me" Adamund quickly move to Haruka's side as she continued to talk. "I plan on using the steep hill in the eastern part of Tuhpos as the article of our next training. We shall have half of our cavalry waiting at the foot of it, loose formation, the other half at the top, the half at the top shall charge full speed down the hill, aiming to ride through the segments between troops. Each half shall do it 'til I am satisfied. Surely this shall teach our troops some gall? We are truly fearsome at full speed I dare say" Haruka said, sparing only a glance at Adamund.

"I concur, It is important that our troops now fear of the highest sort and none is so awe inspiring as our Havoc Horsemen at full speed about to break a line of infantry" Adamund responded meagrely.

A dark vein cut through the usual beautiful and bright countryside, though Haruka and Adamund where close enough to ascertain the individual movement of it. A small unit of Infantry, walking in a column, about five rows deep.

"I do not recall any Troop Leader to pass through my lands. Let us go to this collection of brigands and see to their commander. He is obviously far from acquainted to my lands or my person, perhaps we shall change that through gentle persuasion of sorts" Haruka commanded coldly.