The Oritolon Times/Sandbox3

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Roleplay from Antonine Octavius (9 days, 14 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)

As he marched his men homewards, still filled with the thrill of victory, Antonine began to think of how history would record their victory. The fall of Alowca had marked both a great militart battle and the end of a war generations old. Surely, mused Antonine, such an occasion should be immortalised in song.

As his troops marched along the road, Antonine began piecing together tunes and phrases in his head. By evening he felt the song he had composed was worthy of the occasion. That night as they rested in camp he taught the song to his men. In a rare display of his excellent voice Antonine song the verses himself, whilst his men enthusiastically roared the chorus.

Over the next few days the song began to spread, sung by peasants, soldiers and nobles alike, until there were few left in the land who had not heard the new song commemorating the fall of Alowca.

Fierce was the wind when Alowca fell,

Strong was Oritolon when Alowca fell,

Brave was the enemy when Alowca fell,

Great was the joy when Alowca fell.

From western desert to eastern wood,

Came Oritolon; strong, true and good.

With sword and lance, with axe and bow,

Came we to fight our foe.

Fierce was the wind when Alowca fell,

Strong was Oritolon when Alowca fell,

Brave was the enemy when Alowca fell,

Great was the joy when Alowca fell.

Against their walls our men did press,

And though our enemies were good and fresh,

Alowcan guile could not best Oritolon steel,

Commanded we the wall, afore e’en the morning meal.

Fierce was the wind when Alowca fell,

Strong was Oritolon when Alowca fell,

Brave was the enemy when Alowca fell,

Great was the joy when Alowca fell.

Under cover of dark, the Alowcans did creep,

And by morn the walls again under their forces did creak,

So once more unto the breach Oritolon did go,

And yet again Alowcan blood did flow.

Fierce was the wind when Alowca fell,

Strong was Oritolon when Alowca fell,

Brave was the enemy when Alowca fell,

Great was the joy when Alowca fell.

On the third day ‘twas all clear,

For though the price had been dear,

Alowca for once and all crushed had bean,

And the sun on Oritolon’s banners did beam.

Fierce was the wind when Alowca fell,

Strong was Oritolon when Alowca fell,

Brave was the enemy when Alowca fell,

Great was the joy when Alowca fell.

Though it did take eight more days,

The city folk upon our banners did gaze,

For Alowca now was under our command,

Our dominion stretching o’er sea and land.

Fierce was the wind when Alowca fell,

Strong was Oritolon when Alowca fell,

Brave was the enemy when Alowca fell,

Great was the joy when Alowca fell.

Antonine Octavius Count of Sovonoval

-Duchy of Alebad?-

-Duchy of Alowca?-