Lisieux Family/A New Branch

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Kayne II rides his horse off the ship, clad in his spiked armor. Pitted and rusted, with chains hanging off of it, chains broken and scorched. He wore his helm upon his head, and his crown, a wicked ring of gemmed spikes. A cruel longsword hung at his side, and a claymore was upon his back. He surveyed the city before him, and turned up his nose, and set off to find the one who held the last piece.

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

She watched from the darkness, the shadows of the small number of houses by the water. He was a shadowy figure himself, alright. A newcomer, like herself. She slipped from her place and followed him silently. He was obviously not going to see any person in greeting. He had a mission - a mission of some sort. Ariadne smirked - maybe she could train with him. She wondered how long it would take him to notice she was following him. She wasn't obviously, but if he was as sly and as dangerous as he looked - he'd know within a minute. Her hands brushed her hips as she followed the stranger, making sure that she had her usual knives in place there.

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)

He rounded a corner, and quickly hopped off his horse, and let it keep walking down the street. He quietly unsheathed his blade, and waited at the edge of the corner. Sure enough, she came creeping along a few seconds later, and he lunged, holding the broken blade to her throat. It was sharp, but a large shard of the blade was missing. He bore down on her, backing her against the wall, the blade pressed into the skin of her throat, but not enough to break the skin.

"What business do you have following me in the shadows? An Ohnarian assassin are we? Or one of the Paladin's lot? Speak quickly."

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

She made no sound as he lunged at her and pinned her against the wall. She'd certainly expected as much. She exhaled sharply as the wind was knocked out of her. Ariadne grinned as she felt the imperfect blade's cold metal against her skin.

"M'lord I follow you because I feel like it. Though I know of Ohnar West, I can say that I have never been to the Far East Island. However if I did go there I might ask if you knew my family."

Ariadne rambled, probably driving the stranger mad. She attempted to push him away, but failed. He was stronger and larger than herself.

"Now my lord, what good reason do you have to accost an innocent young lady such as myself?" Her eyes twinkled, and she resisted the urge to wink. He'd probably slit her throat just for for annoying and sassing him. She subtly moved her hands to her hips, and grasped the handles of her knives.

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)

Kayne backhanded her, knocking her to the ground, and put a foot on her chest, and put the blade back to her throat.

"Keep your hands where I can see them. Who are you?"

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

She yelped and grunted as his hand made contact with her cheek, and she fell to the ground. She moved to get up but found herself pressed to the ground by his foot. Her cheek stung, and she moved her hands up where he could see them, one pressed against the tingling skin. Ah - so he was in no mood for her games. His blade once again pressed into her throat and she gulped this time.

Ariadne frowned, growled and snarled out a reply, "Ariadne Lisieux, Lady of Hillmar. Regrettably at your service." Even with her life in his hands, she was not going to back down. "And who the hell are you? Kill me if it suits you, but you'll pay for it." Suddenly she wished she had siblings - not Lisieux siblings - who could back her up on this. Goddamnit.

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)

Kayne grunted. That figured. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

"I could kill you right now, and no one would be any the wiser. You're alone, in a dark back street."

Kayne took his foot off her chest, sheathed his blade and offered a her hand up.

"My apologies. Can't be too careful. Kayne II Himoura, Lord and High King of the Unliving, Conqueror of Cteduul, and scourge of Beluterra at your service."

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

She snarled at him, but accepted his hand as she got to her feet and brushed herself off. She avoided his eyes, wishing only to glare.

"Indeed... you can't be too careful, Lord Kayne, which is why killing me because I talked back to you could be an unwise decision."

Then, Ariadne met his eyes. And she sent a fiery glare his direction.

"No reason to fear a weakling of a woman anyway - why jump? But more importantly-" She paused here for effect, a smirk beginning, twitching a the corners of her lips. "Why didn't you kill me instantly? As far as you know there'd be no loss."

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)

Kayne grinned at her, running a gauntlet clad hand along her cheek.

"No loss? Killing you without reason would have been a great travesty, and an ending of sooo many possibilities. You really must forgive me, I'm a hunted man, and you failed to answer my question properly. I had you made out for one of them Paladin scum."

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

Pride insisted that she slap his hand away. No man should touch her so tenderly after threatening her life. However, if someday she wanted to win the brute over with her sex, well, rejecting him at the beginning simply wouldn't do. Ariadne let her aggressive stance go and relaxed, trying to let a calm aura radiate from her.

"So many possibilities? What possibilities are there between an innocent such as myself and a hunted man like you? What possibilities, and hunted for what - pray tell!" She thought to herself, smirking inwardly, 'Innocent my ass!' What the man didn't know wouldn't hurt him, that was for sure. Well, at least she thought it was. You never know these days....

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)

"I think you know the possibilities I speak of." Kayne II said, suggestively

"I am hunted for daring to oppose a fool of a cousin of mine, and daring to seek power. And for standing up for all of nobility against the Ohnarians who seek to taint noble bloodlines with common blood."

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

Ariadne smirked. So, the man who nearly killed her now wants sex? Men are pathetic sometimes, really they are. She took a step back, denying him. She could play dumb though, and have a bit of fun with it.

"Possibilities? Yes, I know that which you speak of. You wish for me to help you destroy those who plot to destroy all pure and noble bloodlines?"

Ariadne again resisted the urge to wink as she made a mock bow. "M'lord I'd be honored!" Honestly, she was going to get hurt eventually for how much she mocked him.

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)

"The thought of killing you where you stand is an excellent possibility girl. If I didn't have use for you. Come with me, I have an offer for you."

Kayne gestured towards his horse.

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

She stood erect again and gave him a look of resentment. Obviously he was done with her insubordination. She ignored him as she walked toward his horse, and in a swift movement, swung herself up, nearly kicking Kayne in the head. Ariadne took up the horse's reins, and it shifted anxiously at the new rider. She smirked at him, never done playing her games.

"Well aren't you coming?" She patted the seat behind her. She was glad suddenly that she was as light as she was, so that the beast might not have to carry too much more weight.

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)

Kayne swung up onto the horse and snatched the reins from her hands.

"I don't think so my sweet," and he spurred the horse forward, taking them off to a building he had his servants prepare on their last visit. It was abandoned, out of the way and safe from prying eyes. He jumped off the horse and offered her a hand.


Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

She chuckled as he took control of the horse and whisked her away. Control freak. They arrived at a lonesome building, and she got goosebumps just looking at the place. It did look rather intimidating. She hopped off the horse without his assistance - she never needed help with horses. It was in her blood. She moved to stand next to him as they looked at the building.

"What is this place?"

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)

"My safe house. Come inside and I'll explain more to you."

Kayne gestured towards the foreboding building.

"The inside is adequately furnished."

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

She nodded and started toward the safe house. She wasn't really comfortable with him behind her, but what could she do? As she neared the door, a man opened it. She walked straight past him into the entry hall and looked around her. Indeed, it had nice furnishings inside. Ariadne turned back to look for Kayne, but couldn't immediately see him.

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)

(OOC: further events are not public knowledge)

Kayne walked in the door and nodded at his captain, who shut and bolted the door, before leaving the room. Kayne doffed his helmet, and his gauntlets before sitting down. He gestured for her to sit.

"You seem to possess a talent for the shadows m'lady. I can show you what I know. I was an infiltrator myself, many years ago. In exchange for that, and of course... Other more tangible rewards, I require service. Interested?"

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

She looked for a seat and as she found a comfy arm chair, sat down facing him. Her eyes lit up in interest - an infiltrator? She was right! He did have his own personal skills - of that sort at least. She wanted to be an infiltrator, an assassin. Indeed, she could definitely learn from this man.

"I am interested, actually. I greatly desire to become an assassin. I gladly accept and am grateful for whatever you might teach me." His price for the lessons was a bit interesting. "What service do you require of me? And are you trying tell me that I am to be your mistress as well?" Ariadne quirked a brow. It wasn't like she hadn't slept with a man to get her way, she had just never signed up for a routine sleepover.

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)

Kayne's eyes roved her body and he grinned.

"That is certainly excellent payment. However, I only teach select individuals, and with this training, will come responsibilities. I will require your allegiance, and at times... I will need tasks fulfilled."

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

She crossed her arms in front of her body protectively. She didn't exactly appreciate the look he was giving her. She looked at him, curious as to what he'd be like in bed as she answered him, slightly absentmindedly.

"I will swear my allegiance to you. And I will take care of whatever problems you may have. Can I trust that you will train me and teach me what you know? Oh - and not backstab me, just as I will not backstab you." Ariadne looked at him critically, making a point with her stare.

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)

"Of course not. That would be against the tenets. You will be inducted into the Chaos Requiem, and no member of the Requiem may harm another. I have need of someone like you. So long as you remain true, you will be safe."

Kayne II leaned forward and grinned, revealing his sharpened teeth.

"So, what will it be?"

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

She recoiled slightly as she saw his teeth. What pretty teeth you have, my dear. Her mind instantly jumped at "Chaos Requiem". She felt like she'd heard of it before, but surely she hadn't.

"It's a deal. I can remain true - if you just tell me what I'm supposed to remain true to. What is this Chaos Requiem?"

Ariadne leaned forward too, intent on his answer. This sounded like quite the peculiar 'organization' to be inducted to. Chaos? Heh - sounded like her sort of thing. An aphrodisiac of sorts.

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)

"The oldest of religions. We revere the real beings of power who rule this world. No gods, or fictional powers... We revere the Daimons. We are not exactly a public organization either, as you can well imagine."

Kayne handed her a book.

"This contains what you need to know."

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

She nodded and took the book, murmuring something about, "Yes, Daimons..." Ariadne opened the cover and saw tattered and torn pages, well worn, and well loved. She looked through the pages, and saw quite the interesting information. Dark, mysterious. Full of bloodshed and insane worship. She nodded appreciatively. Her life was already f*cked up by her goddamned mother, God damn her soul. Why not take it to the next level?

Without looking up at him, Ariadne replied, "Hmm, definitely not public. Thank you for this information...."

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)

Kayne hit some latches, and undid a few straps, and shed his armor, and walked towards her, running a hand along her cheek.

"Now, onto my payment."

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

His fingers brushed against her cheeks, and her breath caught as she looked up into his face. She stood and set the book down on the chair, trusting that it would be looked after in her absence. Ariadne wondered what his weaknesses were as she looked at his body without the exoskeleton. It was her job to challenge him, and she was glad to make him work a bit for his prize. It was her way.

Ariadne murmured to him, running a finger down his chest, "Oh? Is this an advanced payment? Or are you teaching me as we go...." She winked at him as she glanced again at his face, her eyes locking with his.

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)

"Lets consider this an advance payment."

He said impatiently, pulling her towards the bedroom.

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

She laughed quietly to herself as Kayne's impatience overcame him. She followed him quickly as he practically dragged her to a nearby bedroom. It seemed to be fairly close to the entrance hall, and Ariadne wondered if it was strategically placed as such. He tossed her on to the bed with ease, and Ariadne giggled as he slammed the door shut behind them, and turned to her with lustful eyes. Her eyes lit up with an inner fire as she beckoned him closer with a crooked finger. This was no time to be shy or prudent.

As Kayne approached her, she growled seductively, "This has always been my favorite kind of payment...."

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)