O'Deaghaidh Family/Knights of the Order of Celts

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Knights of the Order of Celts

Founded by Concobhar O'Deaghaidh, Evan Mac Watt and Marzo Zond. The Knights of the Order of Celts was founded because the Celtic Order had nearly fallen to enemy forces and neglect. The Celtic King Concobhar fell into an eight year coma after a failed assassination attempt on his life. For 8 years the Celts battled leaderless against Daimon and Vlaanderen forces and were unable to protect all their Celtic Order guild houses. Many of their houses were looted and burned to the ground, and because of this many of their Holy places were desecrated and their relics stolen.

The Knights of the Order of Celts is dedicated to restoring the Celtic Order to it's former glory and recovering lost artifacts and literature of the Celts.


1. To recover lost artifacts.

2. To recover lost scripts.

3. To protect pilgrims traveling to Holy places within Heen.

4. To protect Heen at all costs.

5. To bring the entire badlands under the Heenite banner, whether it be through war or diplomacy.

6. To protect the Celtic dynastic bloodline.

Senior Ranks


A Paladin in full uniform.


To be a Paladin is truly and honor, the only way to become a Paladin is to be selected by all the other Paladins and the Head Scribe. Paladins are the elite warriors of the Order of Celts, these men and women have recovered numerous artifacts and have fought many bloody battles to have been promoted to Paladin.

Paladin's Oath

I [Rank, Name] do solemnly swear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the Heen as by law established, and that I will be faithful to King Medium Steele, his heirs and successors by law in virtue of the common citizenship of the Celtic Order with Heen and her adherence to and membership of the group of nations forming the the Kingdom of Heen and to serve the Order of the Celts faithfully. To protected the Celtic Dynastic bloodline and to preserve artifacts and relics of the Celts even if it means certain death.

List of Paladins:

-Concobhar O'Deaghaidh

-Baron Marzo Zond

-Duke Evan Mac Watt

Head Scribe

The Head Scribe is the holder of all Celtic History, Artifacts and Literature. The Head Scribe sends the Scribes, Knights and lower ranks on quests to retrieve lost artifacts. The Head scribe also decides who can be promoted within the Scribes.

Cuchulain O'Deaghaidh is the Head Scribe.

Scribe of the Order of the Relics

The leader of the Scribes dedicated to finding and documenting lost artifacts of the Celts.

Scribe of the Order of the Fallen

The leader of the Scribes dedicated to finding burial sites of fallen Celts and documenting the locations as well as organizing funerals of any fallen Knights, Scribes or fallen Celts.

Scribe of the Order of Literature

The leader of the Scribes dedicated to finding and copying lost literature of the Celts. They also document current events within the Heen, the Celtic Order and the Knights of the Order of Celts.

Full Ranks


A Knight in full uniform.


Knights patrol the lands of Heen and protect Celtic pilgrims that are traveling to Holy places, they also search for artifacts and lost literature as well as serving in the Heenite army.


Scribes must pick which Scribe Order they will work for when promoted to this rank. Once they pick they assist their Order's leader with any tasks given.


A Knight-Errant in full uniform.


Knight-Errants travel the lands searching for artifacts and lost literature.

Knight-Errant's Oath before becoming a full Knight

I [Rank, Name] do solemnly swear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the Heen as by law established, and that I will be faithful to King Medium Steele, his heirs and successors by law in virtue of the common citizenship of the Celtic Order with Heen and her adherence to and membership of the group of nations forming the the Kingdom of Heen and to serve the Order of the Celts faithfully.

Junior Scribe

Junior Scribes assist all of the Scribe Orders with any tasks given.

Low Ranks


An initiate in full uniform.


Initiates must prove themselves worthy of being a full member, they must already be a full member of the Celtic Order and to advance to either the rank of Scribe or Knight-Errant they must assists Knights or Paladins in finding artifacts or lost literature.

Initiates Oath before becoming Knight-Errant

I [Rank, Name] do solemnly swear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the Heen as by law established, and that I will be faithful to King Medium Steele, his heirs and successors by law in virtue of the common citizenship of the Celtic Order with Heen and her adherence to and membership of the group of nations forming the the Kingdom of Heen.

Holy Places


In the Fields of the One, this is the place where Erin O'Deaghaidh was slain by Daimons. Pilgrims flock to this place by the hundreds to pray to the fallen King. Many pilgrims cut their stomachs with a ceremonial Dirk and bleed upon the field to reenact Erin's death.


At the Altar of the Siblings, this is the place where Seamus O'Deaghaidh died. After receiving a fatal blow from an arrow in his chest, Naal O'Hlomhair carried the dying Seamus and placed him upon the Altar of the Siblings and gave him a flask full of whiskey to help numb the pain. Pilgrims travel here yearly and puncture their skin in their chest and lay upon the Altar to reenact Seamus' death.


At the ruined Celtic Order guild house, this is the site of the very first Celtic Order guild houses, it is also the burial tomb of the Celts. Many pilgrims come here to pray and reenact the pilgrimage of the Guardian. Long ago Medium Steele completed his Pilgrimage of the Guardian, since the fountain within the tomb has run dry many pilgrims walk twenty miles from the ruins to the coast with two buckets. They fill the buckets and walk back and pour the water into fountain.

Notable Celts buried here

-Erin O'Deaghaidh

-Seamus O'Deaghaidh

-Naal O'Hlomhair


In the city's dungeon, this is the site where Liam O'Deaghaidh refused to give into the Daimons and starved himself rather than submit. When he died his body was torn to pieces and placed on stakes all around the former Kingdom of Vlaanderen. Due to security reason only guards and nobles are aloud inside the dungeon, other pilgrims make the pilgrimage to the city walls closest to the dungeon and pray, and fast for days by these walls

Tales of the Knights

O'Deaghaidh_Family/Chapter 1 He Awakes