Aquilegia/Chersonis Themata

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Chersonis Themata

Chersonis themata.jpg

Marshal: Velox Anima

Second-in-command: Yefflen de Chama

Sponsor: Vesuvis Adriddae


The Chersonis Themata traces its roots back when Flowrestown was being invaded by barbarous men from the Divide Mountains. Previously, the inhabitants had no army or militia to defend themselves with. The new army, armed with nothing but fishing spears, and fish gutting knives, pushed back the mountaineers, albeit with many losses. Afterwards, the army went on its campaign to the mountains and defeated the Mountaineers on their own territory. However, at the cost of the army being almost obliterated. The first Themata's tactics was numerical superiority. Since there were no able militant minds(save for a few leaders), the first Chersonis Themata barely survived.

The second Chersonis Themata was founded by the surviving members of the old one, who became great lords. With added experience, the army was used to raid other territories for plunder, as well as defend the territory. Although created for defense, the army was usually the aggressor. The second army stood for the longest time serving the Flowrestown people until it was finally disbanded when the ruling dynasty fell in Flowrestown and the city fell into anarchy. Without payment, the soldiers who didn't want to harm their own folk, left in ships to pillage far off lands. The remaining soldiers mentored in underground schools in case of invasion ever befell Flowrestown.

With the arrival of Morekian colonists, a new Chersonis Themata was attempted to be created to defeat the colonists, but swift talk by the colonists prevented partisans from arising. When Aquilegia was founded by the colonists, the Chersonis Themata was researched by the newly appointed Duke Vesuvis. Seeing how tradition was ingrained into the natives, he brought to life a third Chersonis Themata to build a better army than ever before.


The army is organized on the battlefield according to tactics devised by the marshal. The marshal informs the general, sponsor, and second-in-command of considerations of deployment. The marshal also is responsible for ensuring proper army movement and execution of tactics. The sponsor provides the resources required for maintenance of the army, and has oversight of authority over the army, over that of the marshal. The second-in-command communicates with the marshal, sponsor, and members of the army, acting as an assistant in army communication. In the absence of the marshal, the second-in-command takes temporary duties of the marshal.

Honours of the Themata

Recognition of exceptional service is given for extraordinary acts on the battlefield, both for deeds and for intentions and ideals. These awards can be given by the Asterion, the Earl/Chief Marshal, or the ducal sponsor. These are categorized into the Asterial, the Heroic, and the Ducal honours. These awards are not exclusive, so theoretically one individual could be decorated with different honours for the same extraordinary deed.

Asterial Honours

  • The Crimson Cross: The highest honour for a member of the Themata given by the Asterion, the Crimson Cross represents a dedication to the ideals of more than just a single region, or a single duchy, but to the overall vision of the realm akin to the vision of the Asterion. Such warriors go above and beyond the normal call of duty and make continued dedication and even some great sacrifices all in the name of Aquilegia. Even after death of warriors of the Crimson Cross, their names will forever be etched into the memorial wall of the Palace of the Stars in Flowrestown.

Recipients of the Crimson Cross:

  • The Sable Owl: Given to those nobles who show exceptional intelligence in large-scale strategy. The black opal owl, combined with the Austere Star ruby decorating its body, represents both the wisdom displayed by the great military mind who receives this honour, as well as the staunch discipline required to see that such strategies are executed properly.

Recipients of the Sable Owl:

Heroic Honours

Ducal Honours