Lisieux Family/Convert or Die

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(ooc: not public knowledge)

She stood at the doors to Lord Justiciar Kayne II Himoura's wonderful home. After a knock, the door was answered, and she stepped inside. She was dressed as she had been earlier, but was a little woozy this time. She didn't remember what had happened. She remembered skulls and tea - not a typical combination. Why she was at Kayne's home now - no idea. She waited, wondering why she wanted to be inducted into, what was it... Chaos Requiem? A puzzled look was solid on her pretty feminine face. 'What on earth is going on!'

Esme Lisieux (Dame of Akanos)


Kayne II stepped out of the shadows, dressed the same as always, and answered,

"Isn't that what we're all asking?" Kayne II fiddled with the mantle of the fireplace, and it swung open.

"Come with me, and I can give you answers... And so much more. Power, like you have never known."

Sir Kayne II Himoura Lord Justiciar of Akadian League


She stared at him curiously. He didn't make any sense. ((ooc: especially since he answered her thoughts)) And yet, all the same, she walked toward the mantle, and followed his lead. Power? Interesting concept. Esme's wits returned to her bit by bit and she wondered what the fiend was up to. And this power thing? Huh - she could go for it, but it depended what kind of power it was.

"Keep talkin'." She commented bluntly with a raised brow.

((ooc: yeah, so ' ' means thoughts. andd bad post. sorry))

Esme Lisieux (Dame of Akanos)


"I can only show you the path, it is up to you to walk it. Power is not given out freely, even by the most generous... Not that Daimons are in any way, shape, or form of generous."

Kayne II looked back at her, as the entrance to the passage swung closed.

"Make your choice now. Join me... Or die."

Sir Kayne II Himoura Lord Justiciar of Akadian League


The strange door shut in her face and she stared at it, avoiding eye contact with Mr. Creepy. Conform or die? Somewhere inside her, her pride reared its head and cut the mighty Kayne to shreds. How dare he make such a bold challenge to her! A fire lit in her eyes, and she glared at the shut door. Her hands formed fists, tight at her sides.

Esme turned to face Kayne straight on, and looked up at him with passion and a hint of confusion. She wasn't sure what was going on, but threats didn't make her a happy person.

"I'll join you. But don't you dare threaten me, Lord Justiciar."

She boldly jabbed a finger at him. She hated letting him win so easily. But then, how could she defeat him? He was the Lord Justiciar for Christ's sake! And look at his accomplishments, he wore them so arrogantly on his person that it was obvious she wasn't likely to stand a chance against him.

Esme Lisieux (Dame of Akanos)


Kayne II grinned, and turned, looking down the long, dank tunnel.

"Come then Esme."

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Knight of Akanos)


She silently glared at the tall, overbearing man. Whatever this brainwashing was she didn't like it. If she could hiss at him and claw his eyes out she would have. Alas, that was not an option. Quietly she started down the dark tunnel. Esme held her hands out against the walls, trying to feel her way down as the light slowly disappeared.

"Where am I going?" She hissed through clenched teeth. This wasn't what she considered a good day.

Esme Lisieux (Dame of Akanos)


Kayne II led her deeper beneath Akanos, and into a large, well let chamber. In the center was a large stone altar with small holes in it, used for draining away god knows what... Upon the altar was placed a shrunken head, the close observer would note it appeared to be that of poor Lanfrank. In a far corner sat a table with all sorts of tools and glass containers and chemicals... And an opened corpse. Opposite from the gruesome lab area was a luxurious bed, adorned with black silks. Kayne II turned to her and grinned.

"I am a member of a chosen few. Raziel's chosen, the herald of the Grandfather, cloaked by the Deceiver. Join me my dear... And power beyond your imagining will be yours to command. You've been carefully chosen, and I think you are perfect. Cunning... Fearless.... You have a sense of ruthlessness about you... And of course..."

Kayne walked up to her and ran a hand down her face, lust in his eyes.

"And beauty. Join me, and I promise you, you will have everything you ever wanted."


Esme eyed the room with unease. Goosebumps rose up on her skin as she saw what was there. A head - someone who she did not know. She wondered what he had done to deserve to have his head chopped off and locked up in this creep's dungeon. The altar looked foreboding, and she made a note to stay far, far away from it. The open body across the room - her eyes locked on it in disgust.

Esme remained silent as Kayne approached her. With effort she tore her eyes from the disturbing scene and instead focused them on him. His description of her perfection was flattering enough if only by general standards, and she blushed a rosy pink. He ran his hand down the side of her face, and an irresistible shiver ran through her body. Her girlish blush deepened to a dark red as he spoke of her beauty. The look in his eyes suddenly reminded her that she had seen a bed in one part of the room. Oh.... Esme had to admit, Kayne was doing well at charming her. Though whatever she wanted remained undefined at this point.

All the same, it seemed whether she was hooked or not, she had no choice. Her voice came out as both scared and excited - "What do you want me to do?"

Esme Lisieux (Dame of Akanos)


Kayne grinned viciously.

"Give yourself to me... And the Chaos Requiem. Serve under me in the name of the Netherworld. I can make your wildest dreams come true."

Kayne II walked next to the bed, and undid a few buckles, and the armor came off, and he set it down. The trained eye would notice the cunning design allowing a quick doffing of the armor. He was handsomely dressed in a black tunic, bearing the crest of the Himoura family. He walked back towards her and pulled her close, looking down into her eyes.

"Give yourself to me, and all you desire... Is yours."

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Knight of Akanos)


Esme gulped subtly. She wasn't one to cave to fear or intimidation. But it seemed this was the exception to her little rule. Her hazel eyes began to mirror his lust. She made a mental note that it was not as difficult to take off that armor as it seemed. She sighed inwardly and thought to herself, 'Too bad I probably won't remember that.' His grasp on her arms brought her back to the reality of their close proximity. Esme's body warmed and her thoughts began to scramble as she realized fully what was going on.

So basically, she was joining some psycho's cult, and was going to sleep with him. In exchange for....? 'Better be some damn good sex,' she thought to herself. And if she declined, well, sucks for her. That would be the end. With a tone of bitterness she answered the first demand, "I will join this Chaos Requiem - whatever madness it may be." She did not tell him that if asked by another she would deny knowing of its existence. To his second, her voice came out barely above a whisper, and with tears of submission, "And I will give myself to you."

Well, so much for that. The game was over - Kayne had another victory.

Esme Lisieux (Dame of Akanos)