Torres de los Reyes Family

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The Fiel Hacienda of the Familia Torres de los Reyes

The Torres de los Reyes Family is from the humble townsland of Azarons on the Far East Island. Headed by Don Angel Mauricio Torres Jimenez and Doña Laura Maria de los Reyes Hidalgo, the family enjoyed a quiet life in the townsland of Azarons where Don Angel coordinated the political and bureaucratic affairs while Doña Maria and the children tended to the families meadhall and large country estate. The family's children consist of twin brothers, Erandi Marques and Carlos Francisco (Erandi being the elder) and Diana Calista.

Being raised in the Principality of Zonasa, the family has very close ties to the Sarmiento family. Famous stories throughout the Townsland are now spreading across the Continents of Dwilight and the Far East Island where the two families have garnered influence. Geraldo Sarmiento was particularly fond of Erandi Marques and Carlos Francisco, known within the family as 'Paco'. Geraldo, nearly ten years older than the twins, is seen as the older brother figure in the relationship. Erandi admired Geraldo's nobility and leadership, Paco was known to rebel against it.

Family Members:

Erandi Marques Torres de los Reyes

Carlos Francisco Torres de los Reyes

Diana Calista Torres de los Reyes

Related Families:

The Sarmientos